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Test Coverage
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title: "Simple Things In Life"
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###### By Katie Ball

* Quiet mornings.
* Sing-a-long songs with my kids in the car.
* A bright pink sunset.
* Cuddling up on a stormy night.
* Walking outside with my son after it rains.
* My "life" talks with my daughter in the car.
* Making games and websites in my pajamas.
* Cheering my kids on in their footy games.
* Freshly brewed coffee.
* My hot veggie soup on a cold day.
* Being up to watch the sun rise.
* Fresh, cold berries.
* A long conversation with a friend.
* Succumbing to a mid-afternoon nap.
* Playing in the backyard with my kids.
* The feeling of satisfaction after a workout.
* Waking up to a clean, uncluttered living room.
* Laughing at my son's wacky sense of humor.
* Screaming my head off when the Tiges scores a goal.
* Spending time with my mum and sister on a Saturday afternoon.
* Eating rich dark chocolate.
* A long hot shower.
* Listening to the sound of waves.
* A hug when I need it.
* The way the dogs gets excited when he sees me, whether it has been 5 minutes or 5 hours.