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                    <h1 class="gamma  intro__name">Harry Roberts</h1>
                    <p class=intro__tagline>Front-end Architect</p>
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            <p>I&rsquo;m Harry; a 22 year old designer, developer, writer, and speaker from the UK. I am a Senior UI Developer for BSkyB.</p>
            <p>I <a href=>write</a>, <a href=>speak</a> and <a href=>tweet</a> about CSS architecture, maintainable and scalable front-ends, object oriented CSS and more.</p>
            <p>I created <a href=><b>inuit.css</b></a>&mdash;a small yet powerful CSS framework built on Sass&mdash;and <a href=><b></b></a>, a toolkit for building digital, mobile optimised business cards like this one.</p>
            <p><a href="" class="twitter-follow-button">Follow @csswizardry</a></p>
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            <h2 class=gamma>Contact me</h2>
            <p>I&rsquo;m all over the internet. If you want to get in touch with me I&rsquo;d recommend <a href=>tweeting at me</a> or <a>emailing me</a> You can also follow my nerdery, articles, projects and more on:</p>
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                    <a href="" class="twitter-follow-button">Follow @csswizardry</a>
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