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**CSSCV is a simple, opinionated stylesheet for formatting semantic HTML to look
like a CSS file.**

## Getting started

The simplest way to get started with CSSCV is to dive right into the HTML and
get editing! There is nothing in the Sass that isn’t used in the HTML, so the
`index.html` file acts as a comprehensive, real-world demo of what CSSCV can do.

Below is a more detailed overview of the ins-and-outs of the way CSSCV works.

## Opinionated?

CSSCV matches my own personal style of writing CSS, and uses a specific colour
scheme, [<cite>Solarized</cite>]( Some of
its other more opinionated features:

* [Only single classes are allowed as selectors](
* [It uses a BEM-style naming convention](
* [Rulesets are spaced by five carriage returns](
* [Quasi-nested rulesets are indented](
* [All indents are four spaces](

## Enabling

CSSCV comes with the option to [en|dis]able its styling. This is so that you can
quickly and easily remove CSSCV’s unconventional look, and instead expose
unstyled HTML in case you ever need to provide a more standard format of CV to
recruiters or HR teams. Boring, but often vital. Enabling CSSCV is as simple as
adding a class of `.csscv` the the `html` element; all of CSSCV’s styles are
scoped to this namespace.

## Making stuff work

There are a series of simple yet strict rules to follow in order to use CSSCV.
Rulesets are built using definition lists and comments and selectors are usually
constructed using headings. Below is a simple example that we will deconstruct:

    <div class="ruleset">

        <h3 class="selector">Me</h3>

        <dl class="declarations">

            <dt class="property">Name</dt>
            <dd class="value"><span class="string">Harry Roberts</span></dd>

            <dt class="property">Job</dt>
            <dd class="value"><span class="string">Consultant Front-end Architect</span></dd>

            <dt class="property">Location</dt>
            <dd class="value"><span class="string">Leeds, UK</span></dd>

            <dt class="property">Skills</dt>
            <dd class="value">
                <ul class="value-list">
                    <li><span class="string">Front-end Architecture</span></li>
                    <li><span class="string">Responsive Web Design</span></li>



Let’s take a look at what this does:

* We wrap each ruleset in a container with a `.ruleset` class.
* The title, or _selector_, of that ruleset is a heading which carries the
  `.selector` class.
* The declarations that make up the ruleset are marked up in a `dl` which has a
  class of `.declarations`.
* Each property/value pair are marked up with `dt`s and `dd`s respectively.
  These, respectively, carry classes of `.property` and `.value`.
* Any strings that would require quoting in CSS (e.g. `"Comic Sans MS"`) can
  be wrapped in a `span` with a class of `string`. This colours them differently
  and applies opening and closing quote marks.
* Lists of values (e.g. `font-family: "Comic Sans MS", cursive;`) are marked up
  as either ordered- or unordered-lists which carry a class of `.value-list`.

As we can see, the rulesets are formed of semantic HTML elements and heavy use
of CSS pseudo-elements are used to apply CSS-like syntax (braces, (semi-)colons,
quotes, etc).

## What the classes do

### `.csscv`

This class gets applied to the `html` element and enables CSSCV

### `.spaced`

This class forces all elements which carry it to have one carriage return’s
space between itself and the following element.

#### `.spaced--large`

This increases the spacing from one to five carriage returns.

### `.indented`

Anything carrying this class will be indented by your chosen tab size amount
(defined in `$tab-size`).

### `.ruleset`

This class is applied to an element which wraps each whole ruleset. It spaces
rulesets apart from each other, and can also carry the `.spaced--large` or
`.indented` classes.

### `.selector`

This class is applied to headings which introduce each ruleset. It adds a period
before, and an opening brace after, the title of the ruleset.

### `.selector__delimiter`

This class is applied to an empty span in order to hyphen-delimit multi-word
selectors. For example:

    <h2 class="selector">About<span class="selector__delimiter"> </span>me</h2>

### `.declarations`

This class is applied to the definition list that will form the body of the
ruleset. It adds a closing brace after the final declaration.

### `.property`

This class is applied to each `dt` element which is a declaration’s property. It
indents the declaration as per your chosen tab size and adds a trailing colon
and space.

### `.value`

This is applied to each `dd` element which becomes a declaration’s value. It
adds a trailing semi-colon.

### `.string`

CSS often has values which contain spaces which need quoting, wrap these strings
in a `span` that carries the `.string` class.

### `.number`

This class simply colours any number-like values (e.g. `34px`, `#f00`).

### `.url`

Any URL-like values can have the `.url` class applied to them to prepend `url(`
and append `)` to it.

### `.value-list`

CSS often contains comma-delimited lists of values. In CSSCV we mark these up
as `ul`s and `li`s. The `ul` take the `.value-list` class.

### `.element` and `.modifier`

These two classes allow you to use
[BEM-style naming](
without polluting your markup. To signify an element or modifier, use the
corresponding class. You need to also use the `data-namespace` attribute in
order to prepend the class with the correct block name, e.g.:

    <h3 class="selector">Job</h3>


    <h4 class="selector"><span class="modifier" data-namespace="job">Company</span></h4>

### `.comment`, `.comment-block` and `.comment-block__line`

These classes, unsurprisingly, style markup to look like comments. The `.comment`
class gives an inline comment, whilst `.comment-block` gives us a DocBlock
style comment:

    <p class="comment-block">
        <span class="comment-block__line">Foo</span>
        <span class="comment-block__line">Bar</span>
        <span class="comment-block__line">Baz</span>

### `.notice`

This is the attribution message that appears at the bottom of the CSSCV page.
Including the message is not mandatory, but is appreciated.