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Test Coverage
 * CSSCV -- -- @csswizardry
 * CSSCV is a simple, opinionated stylesheet for formatting semantic HTML to
 * look like a CSS file. Apply the class of `.csscv` to the `html` element of
 * your page to invoke the CSSCV stylesheet. Removing this class will leave you
 * with an unstyled page of pure, semantic HTML. This is useful if you wish to
 * disable CSSCV in order to style your page more suitably for recruiters and
 * more serious applications.
.csscv {

 * BEM

 * How big would you like your tabs to be?
$tab-size:  4;

 * Colour settings.
$color--blue--dark:     #002935;
$color--blue--light:    #0083ce;
$color--grey--dark:     #7f9597;
$color--grey--light:    #4f6c73;
$color--mustard:        #b58a0a;
$color--turquoise:      #00a19b;

 * Reassign colour variables to better names.
$color--background:     $color--blue--dark;
$color--text:           $color--grey--light;
$color--comment:        $color--grey--dark;
$color--selector:       $color--blue--light;
$color--braces:         $color--blue--light;
$color--property:       $color--mustard;
$color--value:          $color--mustard;
$color--colons:         $color--grey--dark;
$color--string:         $color--turquoise;
$color--number:         $color--turquoise;

 * This is a pretty poor reset, but it will suffice for a single-page, single-
 * responsibility stylesheet.
 * 1. Everything the same size (16px by default).
 * 2. Fixes an odd font-sizing issue in some browsers.
* {
    margin:  0;
    padding: 0;
    font-size: 100%; /* [1] */
    font-family: monospace, monospace; /* [2] */
    font-weight: normal;

 * Little helper classes to allow us to quickly build stuff.
 * 1. Space apart our rulesets by the same value as our line-height.
%spaced {
    margin-bottom: 24px; /* [1] */
    margin-bottom: 1.5rem; /* [1] */

.spaced--large {
    margin-bottom: 5 * 24px;
    margin-bottom: 5 * 1.5rem;

.indented {
    padding-left: ($tab-size * .625) +em;

 * 1. Comfortable line-height (equivalent to 24px).
 * 2. Pad the page by the same value as our line-height.
& {
    line-height: 1.5; /* [1] */
    padding: 24px; /* [2] */
    padding: 1.5rem; /* [2] */
    padding-bottom: 0;
    color: $color--text;
    background-color: $color--background;

a {
    color: inherit;

 * Wrap our selector and declarations in an element with a class of `.ruleset`.
.ruleset {
    @extend %spaced;

 * Each section is marked up as a heading which becomes our selector. We assume
 * all our selectors will be classes.
 * 1. Lowercase our class names.
 * 2. Prepend a period.
 * 3. Append an opening brace.
.selector {
    color: $color--selector;
    text-transform: lowercase; /* [1] */

    &:before {
        content: "."; /* [2] */

    &:after {
        content: " {"; /* [3] */


     * Insert a hyphen in place of a space in multiple word selectors.
     * 1. Force the empty element to take up its space.
    .selector__delimiter {
        position: relative;
        white-space: pre; /* [1] */

        &:before {
            content: "-";
            position: absolute;
            display: inline-block;
            width: .625em;
            text-align: center;


 * Each block of declarations is marked up as a definition list with a class of
 * `.declarations`.
 * 1. Close our declarations with a curly brace.
.declarations {

    &:after {
        content: "}"; /* [1] */
        color: $color--braces;


 * A `dt` and `dd` form a property–value pair (i.e. declaration). Each `dt` gets
 * a class of `.property`.
 * 1. Indent our declarations based on the chosen tab size.
 * 2. End each property with a colon and a space.
.property {
    text-transform: lowercase;
    float: left;
    clear: both;
    padding-left: ($tab-size * .625) +em; /* [1] */
    color: $color--property;

    &:after {
        content: ":\00A0"; /* [2] */
        color: $color--colons;


 * Each `dd` gets a class of `.value`.
 * 1. End each value with a semi-colon.
.value {
    color: $color--value;

    &:after {
        content: ";"; /* [1] */
        color: $color--colons;


 * Strings in CSS (such as font names) need to be enclosed in quotes. Wrap
 * strings in your CV with a `span` with a class of `.string`, e.g.
 * `<span class="string">Harry Roberts</span>`.
.string {
    color: $color--string;

    &:after {
        content: "\"";


 * Numbers in values need wrapping in a `.number` element.
.number {
    color: $color--number;

 * Wrap any URLs with a `span` with a class of `.url`.
.url {

        content: "url(";

    &:after {
        content: ")";


 * Lists of values should be marked up with a `ul` with a class of `.value-list`.
.value-list {
    list-style: none;
    display: inline;

    > li {
        display: inline;

        &:after {
            content: ", ";

        &:last-child:after {
            content: "";



 * Denote any relationships within your CV with BEM-style naming.
 * 1. An element of an item is prepended with the namespace you set (via
 *    `data-namespace` in your markup) and two underscores.
 * 2. A modifier of an item is prepended with the namespace you set (via
 *    `data-namespace` in your markup) and two hyphens.
.element:before {
    content: attr(data-namespace) "__"; /* [1] */

.modifier:before {
    content: attr(data-namespace) "--"; /* [2] */

 * Create inline comments.
.comment {
    color: $color--comment;

    &:before {
        content: "/* ";

    &:after {
        content: " */";


 * Create multi-line, DocBlock style comments.
.comment-block {
    color: $color--comment;

    &:after {
        display: block;

    &:before {
        content: "/**";

    &:after {
        content: "\00A0*/";


    .comment-block__line {
        display: block;

        &:before {
            content: "\00A0*\00A0";


 * The attribution notice that appears at the bottom of a CSSCV page.
 * 1. Only display the message if CSSCV is enabled; the notice carries an inline
 *    style of `display: none;` which will take effect once CSSCV is disabled.
.notice {
    @extend %spaced;
    display: block !important; /* [1] */

} //csscv