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title: Photo Tips
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##### A Collection of my personal photo tips and settings.
# Blowing Bubbles
> *don’t ever let anyone burst your bubble!*

#### What's going on in the shoot
Put your camera into manual mode and get artistic with bubbles.

|ISO |  Shutter Speed|  Aperture|
|  800|  1/500|  F/1.4|

| Setting|  Mode|
|  Exposure |  Manual|
|  White Balance|  AUTO|
|  Noise Reduction |  OFF|
|  Image Stabiliser|  MANUAL|
|  Mirror Lock|  ENABLE|
|  Brackets |  N/A|
|  Focus Stack |  N/A|

#### Shoot Set Up
-   Set up a black paper background so the bubbles will stand out, and rely on window  
    light from one side to illuminate them.
-   Pop a silver reflector on the table-top to bounce extra light under the bubbles.
-   Using a remote control to fire the shutter just after you've blown the bubbles.

##### Post Processing Tip
Combine multiple bubble shots in Photoshop using layers and Blend modes. Up the Vibrancy levels for oomph.

![Bubble Photo](
