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layout: inner
title: Repo Styleguide

This is my style guide for GitHub repos. Although it is not just suited to Github, most projects should include the following:

## Documentation

* ``    -- external description and documentation, as defined above.
  - This is the only support document in the code root. The rest go in the wiki (`notes/` folder). Don't make 'README-[subcomponent].md`, or `path/to/[subcomponent]/`.
* ``   -- we usually use the Apache 2.0 license. If the project is internal, it should state 'all rights reserved'.
* `` -- update with changes before pushing a new version
* ``      -- known issues and nitpicks.
* `notes/`       -- a `git submodule`d version of the project's wiki

* `examples/`
* `data/`
* `Guardfile`, `Procfile`

### Submodule the wiki into the `notes/` directory

The `notes/` a `git submoduled` version of the project's wiki. If the sections outlined in the [README style guide](/Readme/) become lengthy, separate them into files named as follows:
  - `notes/`
  - `notes/`
  - `notes/`
  - `notes/`
  - `notes/`
  - `notes/`
  - `notes/`
  - `notes/`
  - `notes/`