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title: SP4 Calendar

##### SP4 Program calendar 

# WEB101

Wk  | Date     | Module/Topic Assessment                        | Due 
--- | -------- | ---------------------------------------------- | ---------
1.☑️ | 1 Dec | Introduction to Module 1: 'What's in a Name?'  | 
2.☑️ | 8 Dec    | Topic 1.1: What is the Internet?               |
3.☑️ | 15 Dec   | Topic 1.2: …and what is the World Wide Web?    |
4.☑️ | 22 Dec   | Introduction to Module 2: What is Web 2.0?     |
5.☑️ | 29 Dec   | *Break Week* Assignment One Due               | ☑️ **Friday (2 Jan) 4pm WST**
6.  | 5 Jan    | Topic 2.1: Blogging                            |
7.  | 12 Jan   | Topic 2.2: Wikis                               |
8.  | 19 Jan   | Topic 2.3: Social Networking                   |
9.  | 26 Jan   | Topic 2.4: Content Sharing                     |
10. | 2 Feb    | Introduction to Module 3: Your Internet Footprint Assignment Two Due | **Monday (2 Feb) 4pm WST**
11. | 9 Feb    | Topic 3.1: Your Digital Shadow                 |
12. | 16 Feb   | Topic 3.2: Social (Me)dia Rivers               |
13. | 23 Feb   | Topic 3.3: The Future of Web Communication Assignment Three Due | **Monday (23 Feb) 4pm WST**


# Internet Studies 102 : The Internet and Everyday Life  

###### Net 102: Calendar and Activities Map

Assignment      | Topic                     | Due Date                
--------------- | ------------------------- | -----------------------------------------------------
Assignment 1: ☑️ | Questions and Answers     | Due Monday, Week 5, the 29th of December at 5:00 pm
Assignment 2:   | Essay Plan                | Due Friday, Week 7, the 16th of January  at 5:00 pm
Assignment 3:   | Learning Portfolio        | Due Monday, Week 10, the 2nd of February, at 5:00 pm
Assignment 4:   | Final Essay               | Due Monday, Week 13, the 23rd of February, at 5:00 pm


#### Activity Map

Week          | Topic        |  What to do?     
 ------------ | ------------ | --------------  
Week 1 1 -Dec ☑️| Introduction | Online communication is important at this early stage; you need to get familiar with, and start connecting to other students and begin discussion of readings. You should also write key dates, including assignment due dates, into your study calendar.   
Week 2  8-Dec ☑️| Music and Games | Work through the six topics of Module 1 over these three weeks. Complete the tasks for each topic in preparation for submitting your Questions and Answers in week 5. Ongoing: discussions that will be necessary for assignment 3.   
Week 3 15-Dec ☑️| Dating and Health |
Week 4 22-Dec ☑️| Faith and Politics |
Week 5 29-Dec ☑️| Study Break   | Finalise your first assignment, and, in week 6, identify your topic for the essay plan. This also a time to catch up on anything you may have missed in the first module.
Week 6  5-Jan ☑️| Essay Writing and Perspectives, Reflecting on Module 1 |   
Week 7 12-Jan | Power and Economy | Both these topics are closely linked and important for your last two assignments. So while the topics are broken into separate weeks try to focus on all four concepts of Power, Economy, Community and Identity across this fortnight. Week 7 continue to work on your second assignment: identifying materials, reading, thinking about and writing your essay plan. Share any other reading you find with others through the discussion boards. These four themes are an important part of your final essay, so you want to use the time to understanding how these link back to the topics in Module 1. Teaching break in Week 9, use this time to revise your work and focus on your Learning Portfolio and refresh your understanding of what to submit for Part 2 of this assessment. Assignment 2: Essay Plan Due Friday, Week 7  at 5:00 pm 
Week 8 19-Jan | Community and Identity   |
Week 9 26-Jan | Study Break   |
Week 10 2-Feb | Time and Space | Moving on from the early part of Module 2, the next two weeks grapple with some other major themes. This week we look at Time and Space and continue reading and analysing, drawing connections for your final essay. Assignment 3: Learning Portfolio | Due Monday, Week 10 at 5:00 pm 
Week 11 9-Feb | Society and Technology This is the final formal topic introduced to the unit. This week you should also be working on the final essay.   
Week 12 16-Feb | Reflecting on the Unit and Conclusion | In these two weeks we start by looking back on Module 2. In the last four weeks there have been some very broad topics covered. This reflection module gives us a chance to look back and draw links between these topics. This is also the time to put the final touches on your final essay. The final week looks back at the unit as a whole and offers a chance to speculate about the future of the Internet and everyday life. During this period you will also be invited to give feedback on the unit through eVALUate.   
Week 13 23-Feb | Assignment 4: Final Essay Due Monday, Week 13, at 5:00 pm