

Test Coverage
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title: Essay Plan Example
categories: [Extra]
description: "Assignment 2 NET102 easy play template example."

###### Name: Katie Ball
**Student ID**:


###### My topic from module one:

###### My broader topic:

###### My essay thesis:
Some Muslim youth actively engage with religious practices and discussions about faith through blogs and social media as a part of their everyday lives, which contributes forming and interacting with community. 

###### My introductory paragraph explaining my approach:
I will draw mainly on the work of NAME (year), with support by other theorists and readings from the unit, in order to tie together the Internet, everyday life and the topic of faith. I will use the example of young, nontraditional Muslims as a case study, in order to illustrate the ways young people use the Internet on an everyday basis in order to interact with religion. I will also make note that not all young Muslim individuals have the opportunity to engage with Muslim communities in this way, often due to the inability to access the Internet in certain geopolitical zones, or censorship, in order to demonstrate my understanding of the similarities and differences of how people might use the Internet around the world. 

My 3-4 main sections:
The use of social media such as Facebook or Flickr to identify as a contemporary Muslim in a community. In this section, I will draw on the work of NAME (year) and NAME (year) to explain how Facebook blurs public and private interactions with religion.
The use of blogs to disseminate new ideas throughout that community.  In this section, I will draw on the work of NAME to discuss how some young nontraditional Muslims use the Internet for very different purposes in some geopolitical zones.
The use of online discussion groups to debate and discuss nontraditional understandings and practices of religion. In this section, I will draw on the work of NAME (year) and NAME (year) to discuss something. 
… etc 

Sample Paragraph (this example uses the introductory paragraph – it might be better to choose another paragraph from another section of your essay):
In the following essay, I will describe how a portion of young, nontraditional Muslims engage in online environments such as blogs and social media, in order to argue that Internet-mediated activities can shape the everyday experience of faith in new ways, with a focus on community.  Drawing on the work of Gary Bunt, I argue that there are three online daily activities that impact and shape the experience of faith for Muslim youth: the use of social media such as Facebook or Flickr to identity as a contemporary Muslim; the use of blogs to disseminate new ideas; the use of online discussion groups to debate and discuss nontraditional understandings and practices of religion. The context of my argument is that of developed, digitised cultures, and I acknowledge that not all young Muslims have the opportunity to engage in religious community based discussions in the same way due to access difficulties. 

Works Cited (that are from the unit): 
Use APA referencing

Use APA referencing
 (5 you have found yourself which do not include the readings)