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        <h1>The Internet</h1>
        <h2><span class="step1">1969</span> <span class="step2">into the </span> <span class="step3">Future</span></h2>

        <p class="lead">Blah blah demo of a timeline, Internet history. Also view the <a href="../timeliner.html">original demo</a>.</p>

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                <h2 class="timeline-time"><span>1969</span></h2>
                <dl class="timeline-series">
                    <span class="tick tick-before"></span>
                    <dt id="robots" class="timeline-event"><a>ARPABogeys online</a></dt>
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                            <a href="" class="venobox" data-type="youtube" data-overlay="rgba(0,0,0,0.5)"><img src="img/event-robots.jpg" alt="singing robots"></a>
                            <p><a href="" class="venobox" data-type="youtube" data-overlay="rgba(0,0,0,0.5)">Listen</a></p>
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                            <p>ARPA (Advanced Research Projects Agency) goes online in December, connecting four major U.S. universities. Designed for research, education, and government organizations, it provides a communications network linking the country in the event that a military attack destroys conventional communications systems.</p>

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                <h2 class="timeline-time"><span>1972</span></h2>
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                    <dt id="cars" class="timeline-event"><a>Electronic Mail</a></dt>
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                            <a href="" class="venobox" data-type="youtube" data-overlay="rgba(0,0,0,0.5)"><img src="img/event-cars.jpg" alt="flying car"></a>
                            <p><a href="" class="venobox" data-type="youtube" data-overlay="rgba(0,0,0,0.5)">See it in Action</a></p>
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                        <p>Electronic mail is introduced by Ray Tomlinson, a Cambridge, Mass., computer scientist. He uses the @ to distinguish between the sender's name and network name in the email address.

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                    <dt id="urbanity" class="timeline-event"><a>Aged Urbanity</a></dt>
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                            <a href="" class="venobox" data-type="iframe" data-overlay="rgba(0,0,0,0.5)"><img src="img/event-urbanity.jpg" alt="jam packed city fuels tempers"></a>
                            <p><a href="" class="venobox" data-type="iframe" data-overlay="rgba(0,0,0,0.5)">read the predictions</a></p>
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                        <p>From <i>Discover</i> magazine's "<a href="" class="venobox" data-type="iframe">The State of the World: 2062</a>":</p>

                            <p>6 billion people live in cities—the population of the entire world at the turn of the century.</p>
                            <p>Earth now home to 2 billion people age 60 and over.</p>
                            <p>Coastal cities go under. Renewable energy rules the day. Cows use up precious water and drive the ongoing greenhouse effect.</p>
                            <p>Incomes skyrocket in developing nations.</p>
Ice caps melt. Industry booms at top of the world.</p>

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                <h2 class="timeline-time"><span>2265</span></h2>
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                    <dt id="teleport" class="timeline-event"><a>Teleportation</a></dt>
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                            <a href="" class="venobox" data-type="iframe" data-overlay="rgba(0,0,0,0.5)"><img src="" alt="teleporting humans"></a>
                            <p><a href="" class="venobox" data-type="iframe" data-overlay="rgba(0,0,0,0.5)">Try It Now</a></p>
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                        <p>Teleportation, or Teletransportation, is the theoretical transfer of matter or energy from one point to another without traversing the physical space between them. It is a common subject of science fiction literature, film, and television.</p>

                        <p>The original Star Trek series is <a href="" target="_blank">reported</a> to have taken place from 2265 to 2271.</p>

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                <h2 class="timeline-time"><span>2888</span></h2>
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                    <dt id="singularity" class="timeline-event"><a>Singularity</a></dt>
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                        <p>The technological singularity hypothesis is that accelerating progress in technologies will cause a runaway effect wherein artificial intelligence will exceed human intellectual capacity and control, thus radically changing or even ending civilization in an event called the singularity.</p>

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