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## Build State
This project uses continuous integration to help ensure that a quality product is delivered.
Travis CI monitors two branches (versions) of the code - Master (which is what gets released)
and Staging (which is what is currently being developed ready for moving to master).

## Ruby Versions
This gem supports the following versions of ruby, it may work on other versions but is not tested against them so don't rely on it.

  * 2.3.0
  * 2.3.1
  * 2.4.0

## SNMP Table Viewer

Easily view SNMP tables. The data in the table can be easily converted and formatted in a number of ways.

## Installation

Add to your Gemfile and run the `bundle` command to install it.

gem 'snmp_table_viewer', '~> 0.0'

## Executables

### Create table from doing an SNMP walk
Usage: table-from-snmp [options]
    -h, -?, --help                   Prints this help.
        --headings HEADINGS          Headings to use in the table (e.g. "A, Bc, D").
        --headings-for TYPE          Use headings for this table type (ifTable).
        --format FORMAT              How to format the output (table|csv|json|raw) (default table).
        --converter CONVERTER        A converter to run on the data before formatting (iftable).

SNMP common options:
    -v, --version VERSION            SNMP version to use (1|2|3|) (default 3).
        --host HOST                  The host to connect to.
        --port PORT                  p PORT
                                     SNMP port to connect to (default 161).
        --base-oid OID               The oid at the start of the table. Can by dotted numbers or ifTable

SNMP version 1 and 2 options:
    -c, --comunity COMMUNITY         SNMP comunity (default "public").

SNMP version 3 options:
    -u, --user, --username USER      SNMP user.
    -l, --security-level LEVEL       Security level to use (no_auth|auth_no_priv|auth_priv).
    -a AUTH_PROTOCOL,                Authentication protocol to use (MD5|SHA) (default MD5).
    -A AUTH_PASSWORD,                Authentication password to use.
    -x PRIV_PROTOCOL,                Privacy protocol to use (DES|AES) (default DES).
    -X PRIV_PASSWORD,                Privacy password to use.

Table formatter options:
        --[no-]transpose-table       Transpose the output table (swap rows and columns).
### Create table from piped in data
Usage: table-from-stdin [options]
    -h, -?, --help                   Prints this help.
        --headings HEADINGS          Headings to use in the table (e.g. "A, Bc, D").
        --headings-for TYPE          Use headings for this table type (ifTable).
        --format FORMAT              How to format the output (table|csv|json|raw) (default table).
        --converter CONVERTER        A converter to run on the data before formatting (iftable).

Table formatter options:
        --[no-]transpose-table       Transpose the output table (swap rows and columns).

## Documentation & Versioning

Documentation can be found on [](

We follow the [Semantic Versioning]( concept,