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Test Coverage
Installation Guide

Technologies Used

- Ubuntu 12.10
- Ruby 1.9.3
- Rails 3.2.11
- psql (PostgreSQL) 9.1.7
- postgis 1.5.3 (1.5.3-2ubuntu1)
- Git (version control)

Installation Steps

1. Install Ubuntu 12.10
2. Update your install
  sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade

3. Install Ruby1.9.3
   sudo apt-get install ruby1.9.3

4. Install Bundler (gem)
  sudo gem1.9.3 install bundler

5. Install Git
  sudo apt-get install git-core

6. Git Clone the Repository (read only git repo URL provided)
  cd ~/Documents && git clone git://

7. Install build-essential packages
  sudo apt-get install build-essential

8. Install postgresql 9.1 and postgis
  sudo apt-get install postgresql-9.1-postgis

9. Install the C postgresql adapter header files
  sudo apt-get install libpq-dev

10. Install gems
  cd ~/Documents/thesis/webapp/ && bundle install

11. Install a JavaScript runtime environment (NodeJS includes the v8 engine)
  sudo apt-get install nodejs

12. Add a role to postgresql for this app. You should change the password from _login_password_. 
    Note that the created user is a **SUPERUSER**.
    **SUPERUSER** privileges are required to execute the postgis c functions.
  sudo -u postgres psql
    >  create role robert_thesis_pg_user SUPERUSER login password 'login_password';
    >  \q

13. Update the password in the database config file accordingly.
   xdg-open ~/Documents/thesis/webapp/config/database.yml

14. Create and setup (migrate) the databases
  cd ~/Documents/thesis/webapp && rake db:create:all && rake db:migrate