const BetterEvents = require('better-events')
const { StringDecoder } = require('string_decoder')
const { spawn } = require('child_process')
const defaultConfig = {
stdio: 'pipe',
shell: true
* Class representing a command.
* @class
class Command extends BetterEvents {
* Create a new command.
* @param {string} command - The name of the command.
* @param {{string: *}} opts - Options for the command.
constructor(command, opts = {}) {
this.command = command
const parts = command.split(' ')
command = parts.shift()
const args = parts
const c = Object.assign({}, defaultConfig, opts)
const child = spawn(command, args, c)
this.collect('error', child)
// save stderr
this.err = ''
this.stderr = child.stderr
const errDecoder = new StringDecoder('utf8')
child.stderr.on('data', chunk => {
this.err += errDecoder.write(chunk)
child.stderr.on('close', () => {
this.err += errDecoder.end()
// save stdout
this.out = ''
this.stdout = child.stdout
const outDecoder = new StringDecoder('utf8')
child.stdout.on('data', chunk => {
this.out += outDecoder.write(chunk)
child.stdout.on('close', () => {
this.out += outDecoder.end()
// wait for process to exit
child.on('exit', code => {
this.code = code
module.exports = Command