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7 hrs
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const xTime = require('x-time')
const net = require('net')
const cp = require('child_process')
const path = require('path')
const promisify = require('smart-promisify')
const {
} = require('better-events')
const Connection = require('revents')
const parseTimeout = require('../parse-timeout')

 * A class representing a set of commands to control z1.
 * @class
class Remote extends BetterEvents {
   * Create a new Remote instance.
   * @param {string} socketFile - Path to the socket file of the z1 daemon.
    constructor(socketFile) {
        /** @type {string} */
        this.socketFile = socketFile

   * Sends the "ready" signal to the z1 daemon.
   * @returns {Promise.<void>}
    async ready() {
        if (typeof process.send !== 'function') {
            throw new Error('Can not send the "ready" signal to z1 because process.send() is not defined.')

        const send = promisify(process.send, process)
        await send('ready')

   * @typedef resurrectResult
   * @property {number} started - Number of started workers.

   * Start the apps that were started before exit.
   * @param {boolean} [immediate] -- Resolve the returned promise immediately after the command has been transmitted.
   * @returns {Promise.<resurrectResult>}
    async resurrect(immediate = false) {

        return this._connectAndSend({
            name: 'resurrect',

   * @typedef appOptions
   * @property {string} [name] - The name of the app.
   * @property {number[]} [ports] - The prots that yoru app listens to.
   * @property {number} [workers] - The number of workers to start for your app. (default: number of CPUs)
   * @property {string} [output] - A directory for the log files. (default: ~/.z1/<appname>)

   * @typedef startResult
   * @property {string} app - The name of the app.
   * @property {string} dir - The directory of the app.
   * @property {number} started - The number of started workers.
   * @property {number[]} ports - The ports that your app listens to.

   * Start the app in the given directory.
   * @param {string} dir - Directory of the app.
   * @param {string[]} [args] - Arguments for the app.
   * @param {appOptions} [opt] - Options that overwrite the ones from the package.json.
   * @param {{string: string}} [env] - Environment variables for the app.
   * @param {boolean} [immediate] - Resolve the returned promise immediately after the command has been transmitted.
   * @returns {Promise.<startResult>}
    async start(dir, args = [], opt = {}, env = {}, immediate = false) {
        const envi = Object.assign({}, process.env, env)
        return this._connectAndSend({
            name: 'start',
            dir: path.resolve(dir || ''),
            env: envi,

   * @typedef killOptions
   * @property {string} [signal] - The kill signal for the workers.
   * @property {number} [timeout] - The time (in ms) until the workers get force-killed.

   * @typedef stopResult
   * @property {string} app - The name of the app.
   * @property {number} killed - The number of killed workers.

   * Stop all workers of an app.
   * @param {string} app - The name of th app.
   * @param {killOptions} [opt] - Options for the command.
   * @param {boolean} [immediateResolve] - Resolve the returned promise immediately after the command has been transmitted.
   * @returns {Promise.<stopResult>}
    async stop(app, opt = {}, immediate = false) {
        opt.timeout = parseTimeout(opt.timeout)
        return this._connectAndSend({
            name: 'stop',

   * @typedef restartResult
   * @property {string} app - The name of the app.
   * @property {string} dir - The directory of the app.
   * @property {number} started - The number of started workers.
   * @property {number} killed - The number of killed workers
   * @property {number[]} ports - The ports that your app listens to.

   * Restart an app.
   * @param {string} app - The name of the app.
   * @param {killOptions} [opt] - Options for the command.
   * @param {boolean} [immediate] - Resolve the returned promise immediately after the command has been transmitted.
   * @returns {Promise.<restartResult>}
    async restart(app, opt = {}, immediate = false) {
        opt.timeout = parseTimeout(opt.timeout)
        return this._connectAndSend({
            name: 'restart',

   * @typedef restartAllResult
   * @property {number} started - The number of started workers.
   * @property {number} killed - The number of killed workers

   * Restart all apps.
   * @param {killOptions} [opt] - Options for the command.
   * @param {boolean} [immediate] - Resolve the returned promise immediately after the command has been transmitted.
   * @returns {Promise.<restartAllResult>}
    async restartAll(opt = {}, immediate = false) {
        opt.timeout = parseTimeout(opt.timeout)
        return this._connectAndSend({
            name: 'restart-all',

   * Stop the z1 daemon.
   * @returns {Promise.<void>}
    async exit() {
        await this._connectAndSend({
            name: 'exit',

        await this._waitForDisconnect()

   * Upgrade the z1 daemon to a new version. Do not call this in a child process of z1!
   * @returns {Promise.<void>}
    async upgrade() {

        await this.exit()
        await this.resurrect()

   * @typedef infoResult
   * @property {string} name - The name of the app.
   * @property {string} dir - Directory of the app.
   * @property {number[]} ports - Ports that the app uses.
   * @property {number} pending - Number of pending workers.
   * @property {number} available - Number of available workers.
   * @property {number} killed - Number of killed workers.
   * @property {number} reviveCount - Shows how often the app has been revived.

   * Get detailed information about an app.
   * @param {string} app - The name of the app.
   * @returns {Promise.<infoResult>}
    async info(app) {
        return this._connectAndSend({
            name: 'info',

   * @typedef listAppStats
   * @property {string} dir - Directory of the app.
   * @property {number[]} ports - Ports that the app uses.
   * @property {number} pending - Number of pending workers.
   * @property {number} available - Number of available workers.
   * @property {number} killed - Number of killed workers.

   * @typedef listResult
   * @property {boolean} isResurrectable - Is true if the resurrect command can be used.
   * @property {{string: listAppStats}} stats - Statistics for each app.

   * Get a list of all running apps.
   * @returns {Promise.<listResult>}
    async list() {
        return this._connectAndSend({
            name: 'list',

    async logs(app) {
        return this._connectAndSend({
            name: 'logs',

   * Throws an error if called within a subprocess/worker of z1.
   * @returns {void}
    _impossibleInZ1() {
        if (process.env.APPNAME && this.ready) {
            throw new Error('It is impossible to use this operation within apps that are managed with z1')

   * Returns a promise that resolves when the ping command was successful.
   * @returns {Promise.<void>}
    async _ping() {
        await this._send({
            name: 'ping',

   * Returns a promise that resolves when the daemon is not available anymore.
   * @returns {Promise.<void>}
    async _waitForDisconnect() {
        while (1) {
            try {
                await this._ping()
                await xTime(100)
            } catch (err) {
                if (err.code === 'ECONNREFUSED' || err.code === 'ENOENT') {
                throw err

   * Returns a promise that resolves as soon as the daemon is available.
   * @returns {Promise.<void>}
    async _waitForConnection() {
        while (1) {
            try {
                await this._ping()
            } catch (err) {
                if (err.code === 'ECONNREFUSED' || err.code === 'ENOENT') {
                    await xTime(100)
                throw err

   * Sends a command to the server.
   * @param {Object} object - An object representing the command.
   * @returns {Promise.<*>} - The result of the command.
    async _send(object) {
        return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
            const socket = net.connect(this.socketFile, () => {
                const connection = new Connection(socket)

                connection.remoteEmit('command', object)

                const SIGINTHandler = () => {

                process.once('SIGINT', SIGINTHandler)

                connection.on('result', result => {
                    process.removeListener('SIGINT', SIGINTHandler)

                connection.on('stdout', chunk => {
                    const buffer = Buffer.from(chunk)
                    this.emit('stdout', buffer)

                connection.on('stderr', chunk => {
                    const buffer = Buffer.from(chunk)
                    this.emit('stderr', buffer)

                connection.once('error', err => {

            socket.once('error', reject)

   * Sends a command to the daemon. It starts the daemon if it is not running.
   * @param {Object} object - An object representing the command.
   * @param {function} connectionHandler - Call this with the connection object.
   * @returns {Promise.<*>} - The result of the command.
    async _connectAndSend(object, connectionHandler) {
        await this._connect()
        return this._send(object, connectionHandler)

   * Returns true if the daemon is online.
   * @returns {Promise.<boolean>}
    async _isOnline() {
        try {
            await this._ping()
            return true
        } catch (err) {
            if (err.code !== 'ECONNREFUSED' && err.code !== 'ENOENT') {
                throw err

            return false

   * Tries to connect to the daemon. It starts the daemon if it is not running.
   * @returns {Promise.<void>}
    async _connect() {
        const online = await this._isOnline()

        if (!online) {
            await this._startDaemon()

   * Start the daemon.
   * @returns {Promise.<void>} - Returns a promise that resolves after the daemon is started.
    async _startDaemon(options) {
        const z1Path = path.join(__dirname, '../../..')
        const file = path.join(z1Path, 'daemon', 'main.js')
        const node = process.argv[0]

        const spawnOptions = Object.assign({
            stdio: 'ignore',
            detached: true,
        }, options)

        const p = cp.spawn(node, [file], spawnOptions)

        const error = once(p, 'error')

        const exit = once(p, 'exit').then(code => {
            if (code) {
                throw new Error(`Unable to start daemon. Exited with code "${code}".`)


        await Promise.race([error, exit, this._waitForConnection()])

module.exports = Remote