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# JSON Schema for PHP

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A PHP [json-schema]( implementation for validating JSON data agains a JSON Schema definition.

Originally forked from [justinrainbow/json-schema](

In addition to the original, I18n was added for the validation messages, with initial support for en-US and pt-BR.
Currently the branch "add-i18n" will be kept in sync with the forked repository, and the master branch will follow its own way.

## Installation

PHP-Json-Schema is available as a [`Composer`]( package, and use it also as its dependency manager.
So you will need a composer.json in your project root, requiring php-json-schema:

  "require": {
    "robotdance/php-json-schema": "latest stable version"

So after updating your composer file, simply update composer.

    $ php composer.phar update
    $ composer update

The way you update with composer will depend on how you installed composer.

## Usage


// Get the schema and data as objects
// If you use $ref or if you are unsure, resolve those references here
// This modifies the $schema object
$refResolver = new JsonSchema\RefResolver(new JsonSchema\Uri\UriRetriever(), new JsonSchema\Uri\UriResolver());
$schema = $refResolver->resolve('file://' . realpath('schema.json'));

$data = json_decode(file_get_contents('data.json'));

// Validate
$validator = new JsonSchema\Validator();
$validator->check($data, $schema);

if ($validator->isValid()) {
    echo "The supplied JSON validates against the schema.\n";
} else {
    echo "JSON does not validate. Violations:\n";
    foreach ($validator->getErrors() as $error) {
        echo sprintf("[%s] %s\n", $error['property'], $error['message']);

## Running the tests

    $ vendor/bin/phpunit