
View on GitHub


Test Coverage
## v1.4.0 (Mon Mar 13 2023)

- Drop support of Ruby 2.6 and earlier [41e871e]

## v1.3.0 (Mon Mar 13 2023)

- Fix changing HTML structure [8de4920]

## v1.2.9 (Mon Mar 13 2023)

- Upgrade gem [3f79648]

## v1.2.8 (Mon Jan 31 2022)

- Fix changing HTML structure [524bed8]

## v1.2.7 (Sun Aug 8 2021)

- Correspond to the new structure of HTML [a708fd4]

## v1.2.6 (Sun Aug 8 2021)

- Update gems

## v1.2.5 (Sat Aug 8 2020)

- Eliminate a warning of Thor [781baf4]

## v1.2.4 (Mon Mar 2 2020)

- Fix languages without linefeed [ecc63af]

## v1.2.3 (Mon Mar 2 2020)

- Fix wrong integer format of star [dbdc344]

## v1.2.2 (Sun Dec 15 2019)

- Update gem [4f11bc0]

## v1.2.1 (Mon Sep 16 2019)

- Display today's star #37 #38 [d8012fb]

## v1.2.0 (Sat Aug 10 2019)

- Fix changing HTML structure #29 [158a35c]

## v1.1.9 (Sat Mar 16 2017)

- Fix language result is zero (#24) [9bb8785]

## v1.1.8 (Sat Jul 22 2017)

- Add the format option[f0136a3]

## v1.1.7 (Tue Jul 18 2017)

- Fix NoMethodError when fork count is nothing #10 [6bdf1f6]

## v1.1.6 (Mon Jul 17 2017)

- Update gems; unicode-display_width... [8e6ca0a]

## v1.1.5 (Sat Jul 15 2017)

- Correspond to the new structure of HTML [22189f6]

## v1.1.4 (Tue Nov 22 2016)

- Fix nil could not be considered when converting to integer [6be798a]

## v1.1.3 (Tue Nov 22 2016)
- Fix comma-separated numbers for star count [5b32fa3]

## v1.1.2 (Thu Nov 10 2016)
- Change display column as `Star` from all_star_count to star_count [4b78ae3]

## v1.1.1 (Thu Nov 10 2016)
- Fix bug: Consider comma in counts [b0eab23]

## v1.1.0 (Sat Nov  5 2016)
- Adapted new github trending [49abccb]
- Update gems [4051404]

## v1.0.2 (Fri Apr  1 2016)
- Update gems [0d24fae]

## v1.0.1 (Wed Feb 12 2016)
- Rename executable file [f0f605b]

## v1.0.0 (Wed Feb 12 2016)
- Add module methods as working in ruby scripts [f93011b]

- Add variations of since option [f927ba7]
  variations: d, day, w, week, m, month

## v0.2.2 (Fri Jan 29 2016)
- Fix missing languages

## v0.2.2 (Sun Dec 26 2015)
- Update gems [29bc2a9]

## v0.2.1 (Sun Dec 6 2015)
- Fix #6 redundancy line feeds when including multi-byte characters [61fd81c]
- Update gems [ea5a018]

## v0.2.0 (Tue Dec 3 2015)
- Update gems

## v0.1.9 (Tue Dec 2 2015)
- Fix bug #4

## v0.1.8 (Tue Dec 1 2015)
- Update gems

## v0.1.7 (Fri Nov 27 2015)
  Update gems and some refactors
- Use mb_string gem. [4c72add]
- Use unicode-display_width to detect full-width unicode characters[704ea13]

## v0.1.6 (Sat Apr 4 2015)
- Add a empty line for output [a30506d]

## v0.1.5
- Fix a bug. #3

## v0.1.4
- Add number option #3 [7cff5b4]

## v0.1.3
- The `description` option of `list` command was changed into the default. [3602272]

## v0.1.2
- Fix travis ci error #24 [6752e1d]
Add a magic comment for ruby1.9 #2

## v0.1.1
- Upgrade new github trending layout #1 [9a72e2b]

## v0.1.0
- Tweak help descriptions [0d3e681]

## v0.0.9
- Change a name of option from `all_language` to `language` [114e425]

## v0.0.8
- Upgrade simplecov 0.9.0 [5fbcbab]
- Fix gemspec homepage typo [9bd6b48]

## v0.0.7
- Tweak help message.(Accent a green color in help) [9da3e5e]

## v0.0.6
- Implement terminal width is not enough, does not display description. [7754a71]

## v0.0.5
- Fix lack of addressable gem when installing [54ca275]

## v0.0.4
- Implement description option [4587e56]

## v0.0.3
- Implement since option [04f1978]
- Fix star count is incorrect [ce6e07a]

## v0.0.2
- Implement display lang field [96e4b9c]

## v0.0.1
- Implement basic feature (show daily trending)