#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (C) 2015 Dmitry Rodionov
# This software may be modified and distributed under the terms
# of the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for details.
from ..dtrace.apicalls import apicalls
import inspect
from sets import Set
from os import sys, path
def choose_package_class(file_type, file_name, suggestion=None):
if suggestion is not None:
name = suggestion
name = _guess_package_name(file_type, file_name)
if not name:
return None
full_name = "modules.packages.%s" % name
# FIXME(rodionovd):
# I couldn't figure out how to make __import__ import anything from
# the (grand)parent package, so here I just patch the PATH
sys.path.append(path.abspath(path.join(path.dirname(__file__), '..', '..')))
# Since we don't know the package class yet, we'll just import everything
# from this module and then try to figure out the required member class
module = __import__(full_name, globals(), locals(), ['*'])
except ImportError:
raise Exception("Unable to import package \"{0}\": it does not "
pkg_class = _found_target_class(module, name)
except IndexError as err:
raise Exception("Unable to select package class (package={0}): "
"{1}".format(full_name, err))
return pkg_class
def _found_target_class(module, name):
""" Searches for a class with the specific name: it should be
equal to capitalized $name.
members = inspect.getmembers(module, inspect.isclass)
return [x[1] for x in members if x[0] == name.capitalize()][0]
def _guess_package_name(file_type, file_name):
if "Bourne-Again" in file_type or "bash" in file_type:
return "bash"
elif "Mach-O" in file_type and "executable" in file_type:
return "macho"
elif "directory" in file_type and (file_name.endswith(".app") or file_name.endswith(".app/")):
return "app"
elif "Zip archive" in file_type and file_name.endswith(".zip"):
return "zip"
return None
class Package(object):
""" Base analysis package """
# Our target may touch some files; keep an eye on them
touched_files = Set()
def __init__(self, target, host, **kwargs):
if not target or not host:
raise Exception("Package(): `target` and `host` arguments are required") = host = target
# Any analysis options?
self.options = kwargs.get("options", {})
# A timeout for analysis
self.timeout = kwargs.get("timeout", None)
# Command-line arguments for the target.
self.args = self.options.get("args", [])
# Choose an analysis method (or fallback to apicalls)
self.method = self.options.get("method", "apicalls")
# Should our target be launched as root or not
self.run_as_root = _string_to_bool(self.options.get("run_as_root", "False"))
def prepare(self):
""" Preparation routine. Do anything you want here. """
def start(self):
""" Runs an analysis process.
This function is a generator.
if self.method == "apicalls":
raise Exception("Unsupported analysis method. Try `apicalls`.")
def apicalls_analysis(self):
kwargs = {
'args': self.args,
'timeout': self.timeout,
'run_as_root': self.run_as_root
for call in apicalls(, **kwargs):
# Send this API to Cuckoo host
# Handle file IO APIs
def handle_files(self, call):
""" Remember what files our target has been working with during the analysis"""
def makeabs(filepath):
# Is it a relative path? Suppose it's relative to our dtrace working directory
if not path.isfile(filepath):
filepath = path.join(path.dirname(__file__), "..", "dtrace", filepath)
return filepath
if call.api in ["fopen", "freopen", "open"]:
if call.api in ["rename"]:
self.move_file(makeabs(call.args[0]), makeabs(call.args[1]))
if call.api in ["copyfile"]:
self.copy_file(makeabs(call.args[0]), makeabs(call.args[1]))
if call.api in ["remove", "unlink"]:
def open_file(self, filepath):
def move_file(self, frompath, topath):
# Remove old reference if needed
if frompath in self.touched_files:
def copy_file(self, frompath, topath):
# Add both files to the watch list
self.touched_files.update([frompath, topath])
def remove_file(self, filepath):
# TODO(rodionovd): we're actually unable to dump this file
# because well, it was removed
def _string_to_bool(raw):
if not isinstance(raw, basestring):
raise Exception("Unexpected input: not a string :/")
return raw.lower() in ("yes", "true", "t", "1")