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# AST Nodes
Every AST node is an object with certain properties. They all share the `type` field which explicitly describes the node's type.<br>
All primitive nodes also share the `value` property which simply yields the node's value.<br>
Container nodes on the other hand have a property that contains an array of child nodes.

## Root Nodes

#### ValueList
ValueList is the **root** node of every bredon AST.<br>
It contains a list of Value nodes which are comma-separated CSS values.

For example: `opacity, transform 1s ease-in`

  type: 'ValueList',
  body: [{
    type: 'Value',
    important: false,
    body: [
      /* AST for opacity */
  }, {
    type: 'Value',
    important: false,
    body: [
      /* AST for transform 1s ease-in */

#### Value
Value contains a set of nodes that are whitespace-separated.

For example: `1px solid black`

  type: 'Value',
  important: false,
  body: [
    /* Nodes for 1px solid black */

### Node Types
* [Identifier](#identifier)
* [Operator](#operator)
* [HexColor](#hexcolor)
* [Parenthesis](#parenthesis)
* [URL](#url)
* [StringLiteral](#stringliteral)
* [Integer](#integer)
* [Float](#float)
* [Assignment](#assignment)
* [Dimension](#dimension)
* [FunctionExpression](#functionexpression)
* [Expression](#expression)

## Identifier
Identifiers are all kind of words such as `solid`.
// e.g. solid
  type: 'Identifier',
  value: 'solid'

## Operator
Operators are basic arithmetic expression symbols for addition `+`, subtraction `-`, multiplication `*`, and division `/`.

// e.g. +
  type: 'Operator',
  value: '+'

## HexColor
HexColor represents color values given in hexadecimal notation.

// e.g. #FF66FF
  type: 'HexColor',
  value: 'FF66FF'

## Parenthesis  
Parenthesis are used to wrap expressions. They may used to enforce e.g. additions to be executed before multiplications. Parenthesis surrounding [Functions](#function) will **not** be parsed into AST nodes.

// e.g. (
  type: 'Parenthesis',
  value: '('

## URL
URL is used for any URI-type string. *It is not validated by the parser!*

// e.g.
  type: 'URL',
  value: ''

## StringLiteral
Strings are all values that are wrapped in quotes, either single `'` or double `"`.

| Property | Value | Description |
| ------ | --- | ------ |
| quote | `'`, `"` | The used quote type |

// e.g. "I'm a string!!11!1"
  type: 'StringLiteral',
  value: 'I\'m a string!!11!1',
  quote: '"'

## Integer
Integers are simple numbers without a unit or fractional part.

| Property | Value | Description |
| ------ | --- | ------ |
| negative | (*boolean*) | flag indicating a negative value |

// e.g. 34
  type: 'Integer',
  negative: false,
  value: 34

## Float
Floats are floating-point numbers with a fractional part and an integer part.

| Property | Value | Description |
| ------ | --- | ------ |
| integer | (*number*) |The integer part  |
| fractional | (*number*) | The fractional part |
| negative | (*boolean*) | flag indicating a negative value |

// e.g. 587.923
  type: 'Float',
  integer: 587,
  fractional: 0.923,
  negative: false

## Assignment
Assignments are combinations of identifiers and a value, combined using an equal sign. They may only appear within [FunctionExpression](#functionexpression)s.

| Property | Value | Description |
| ------ | --- |  ------ |
| name | (*string*) | The variable name that is assigned to |
| value | (*Node*) | The value that is assigned |

// e.g. color="red"
  type: 'Assignment',
  name: 'color',
  value: {
    type: 'Identifier',
    value: 'red'

// e.g. opacity=0.9
  type: 'Assignment',
  name: 'opacity',
  value: {
    type: 'Float',
    negative: false,
    fractional: 0.9,
    integer: 0

## Dimension
Dimensions are special integers or floats that are postfixed with an extra unit. They are used *e.g. to measure font sizes*.

| Property | Value | Description |
| ------ | --- |  ------ |
| value | (*[Integer](#integer)*, *[Float](#float)*) | The pure value without a unit |
| unit | `%`, `em`, `ex`, `ch`, `rem`, `vw`, `vh`, `vmin`, `vmax`, `cm`, `mm`, `q`, `in`, `pt`, `pc`, `px`, `deg`, `grad`, `rad`, `turn`, `s`, `ms`, `Hz`, `kHz`, `dpi`, `dpcm`, `dppx`  | The concrete dimension unit |

// e.g. 12px
  type: 'Dimension',
  unit: 'px',
  value: {
    type: 'Integer',
    negative: false,
    value: 12

// e.g. 33.33%
  type: 'Dimension',
  unit: 'px',
  value: {
    type: 'Float',
    fractional: 0.33,
    integer: 33,
    negative: false

## FunctionExpression
Functions represent CSS functions wrapped in parentheses.

| Property | Value | Description |
| ------ | --- | ------ |
| callee | (*string*) | The function name |
| params | *(Array)* | An array of function parameter of any AST node type |


// e.g. rgba(10, 20, 30, 0.55)
  type: 'FunctionExpression',
  callee: 'rgba',
  params: [{
    type: 'Integer',
    negative: false,
    value: 10
  }, {
    type: 'Integer',
    negative: false, 
    value: 20
  }, {
    type: 'Integer',
    negative: false,
    value: 30
  }, {
    type: 'Float',
    negative: false,
    fractional: 0.55,
    integer: 0

## Expression
Expressions are mathematical calculations.<br>
They can only appear inside the CSS `calc`-function.

| Property | Value | Description |
| ------ | --- | ------ |
| body | (*Array*) | An array of any AST nodes |


// e.g. 100% - 30px*3
  type: 'Expression',
  body: [{
    type: 'Dimension',
    value: {
      type: 'Integer',
      negative: false,
      value: 100
    unit: '%'
  }, {
    type: 'Operator',
    value: '-'
  }, {
    type: 'Dimension',
    value: {
      type: 'Integer',
      negative: false,
      value: 30
    unit: 'px'
  }, {
    type: 'Operator',
    value: '*'
  }, {
    type: 'Integer',
    negative: false,
    value: 3