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Test Coverage
# Contributing
Want to get involved? **Awesome!**<br>
Please read the following guide on how to contribute, create issues and send pull requests.

If you have a feature request please create an issue.
Also if you're even improving Eldoin by any kind please don't be shy and send a pull request to let everyone benefit.

## Project setup

We assume that you got [node]( and [yarn]( in your environment. To get started with the repo:

git clone
cd elodin

**Fela is a collection of multiple packages**. We use the tool [lerna]( to maintain it.
The source code can be found in several subfolders:
- [/packages](packages): all core packages
- [/generators](generators): all code generators
- [/runtimes](runtimes): all runtime dependencies
- [/plugins](plugins): all plugins

Additionally one can find all examples in [/examples](examples).

## Commands

In order to run the tests:


yarn test


yarn lint


yarn format

You can also run all three of them at the same time:

yarn check

Note: If your tests use other elodin packages as depedencies, you might need to run `yarn build`. You can run it either from the root which builds every package or just inside a package which only builds a specific one (way faster).

## Tip for developing

Elodin contains many examples. It can be handy to smoke test your changes as a part of one of them.

## Code Formatting
We use [prettier](, an opinionated code formatter. If you're using [VSCode]( we recommend [prettier-vscode]( with the **format on save** option enabled. If you're using [Atom]( we recommend [prettier-atom]( with the **format on save**. If you're using [Sublime]( try [SublimeJSPrettier]( For other integrations, please check the prettier's [homepage](

## Guide-Lines
1. Fork the repo and create your feature/bug branch from `master`.
2. If you've added code that should be tested, add tests!
3. If you've changed APIs, update the documentation.
4. Ensure that all tests pass (`yarn check`).

## Creating Issues
### Known Issues
Before creating an issue please make sure it has not aleady been created/solved before. Also please search the docs for possible explanations.
Browse both open **and** closed issues. If you feel something is unclear you might also add it to the docs or FAQ's directly.

### Bugs & Feature Requests
If you found a new bug or got a feature request feel free to file a new issue. For both we got predefined templates which you should fill out as detailed as possible.

## Sending Pull Requests
If you are creating a pull request, try to use commit messages that are self-explanatory. Be sure to meet all guide-lines from above. If you're pushing a Work in Progress, please flag it and optionally add a description if something needs to be discussed.