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# fela-plugin-bidi

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Uses [bidi-css-js]( to enable direction-independent style authoring based on the CSSWG's [CSS Logical Properties and Values]( proposal.

It is important to note that, when used as a Fela renderer plugin, this package is not a true polyfill for the proposal, as all `start` and `end` properties (and so on) are converted to `left` or `right` values (etc.), and will not automatically flip when the writing direction (`dir`) changes in the document.

When used in conjunction with [fela-plugin-fallback-value](, `fela-plugin-bidi` must be passed to the `plugins` array _**after**_ `fela-plugin-fallback-value`, as it cannot handle the array used to pass fallbacks on its own.

## Installation

yarn add fela-plugin-bidi

You may alternatively use `npm i --save fela-plugin-bidi`.

## Usage

Make sure to read the documentation on [how to use plugins](

For details on what the plugin can and cannot do, please see the documentation in the [underlying library]( Please make sure to look at the
note about four-directional shorthand properties, as there was a breaking change in version `2.0.0`.

import { createRenderer } from 'fela'
import bidi from 'fela-plugin-bidi'

const renderer = createRenderer({
  plugins: [bidi('rtl')],

With `fela-plugin-fallback-value`:

import { createRenderer } from 'fela'
import fallbackValue from 'fela-plugin-fallback-value'
import bidi from 'fela-plugin-bidi'

const renderer = createRenderer({
  plugins: [fallbackValue(), bidi('rtl')], // Order matters.

### Configuration

##### Parameters

|  Parameter    | Value              | Default | Description                |
| ------------- | ------------------ | ------- | -------------------------- |
| flowDirection | _("rtl" \| "ltr")_ |  `ltr`  | The default flow direction |

## Example

#### Input

  // BackgroundImage also supports transforming linear-gradient
  backgroundImage: 'logical url(/foo/bar/ste.png)',
  cursor: 'start-resize',
  float: 'end',
  margin: 'logical 1px 2px 3px 4px',
  paddingStart: 20,

#### Output

// When `flowDirection` is set to `rtl`
  backgroundImage: 'url(/foo/bar/rtl.png)',
  cursor: 'e-resize',
  float: 'left',
  margin: '1px 4px 3px 2px',
  paddingRight: 20,

// When `flowDirection` is set to `ltr`
  backgroundImage: 'url(/foo/bar/ltr.png)',
  cursor: 'w-resize',
  float: 'right',
  margin: '1px 2px 3px 4px',
  paddingLeft: 20,

## Theme-Based Mode

Apart from enforcing either rtl or ltr all the time, one can also leverage a special `props.theme.direction` property to dynamically set the transformation mode. This is especially useful together with React to switch transformation for subtrees.

const rule = () => ({
  backgroundImage: 'logical url(/foo/bar/ste.png)',
  cursor: 'start-resize',
  float: 'end',
  margin: 'logical 1px 2px 3px 4px',
  paddingStart: 20,

// default
renderer.renderRule(rule, { theme: { direction: 'ltr' } })
renderer.renderRule(rule, { theme: { direction: 'rtl' } })

## License

Fela is licensed under the [MIT License](<br>
Documentation is licensed under [Creative Commons License](<br>
Created with ♥ by [@robinweser]( and all the great contributors.