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Test Coverage
# createSnapshot

Renders Fela components into a string snapshot including both rendered HTML and CSS to achieve predictable component tests.

It formats and optimises the output for maximum readability.

## Arguments

| Argument      | Type                                                         | Default                         | Description                                              |
| ------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------- |
| component     | [_Component_]( |                                 | A valid React component that is rendered.                |
| theme         | _Object?_                                                    | `{}`                            | A theme object that is automatically used for rendering. |
| renderer      | [_Renderer?_](api/fela/renderer)                             | `createRenderer()`              | A Fela renderer with custom configuration                |
| Provider      | [_Provider?_](api/react-fela/Provider)                       | bindings specific Provider      | A custom Provider component                              |
| ThemeProvider | [_ThemeProvider?_](api/react-fela/ThemeProvider)             | bindings specific ThemeProvider | A custom ThemeProvider component                         |

## Returns

(_string_): Formatted string including CSS and HTML.

## Imports

import { createSnapshot } from 'jest-react-fela'
import { createSnapshot } from 'jest-preact-fela'
import { createSnapshot } from 'jest-inferno-fela'

## Example

describe('Rendering a Fela component', () => {
  it('should render correctly', () => {
    const snapshot = createSnapshot(
      <FelaComponent style={{ color: 'blue', backgroundColor: 'black' }} />


```snapshot name=Snapshot
.a {
  color: blue

.b {
  background-color: black

<div className=a b />

### Passing a Theme

describe('Rendering a Fela component', () => {
  it('should render correctly', () => {
    const rule = ({ theme }) => ({
      backgroundColor: theme.primary,
      color: theme.secondary,

    const theme = {
      primary: 'blue',
      secondary: 'red',

    const snapshot = createSnapshot(<FelaComponent rule={rule} />, theme)


```snapshot name=Snapshot
.a {
  background-color: blue

.b {
  color: red

<div className=a b />