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# FelaComponent

> **Note**: If you're working with React > 16.3, we **highly recommend** using the [useFela](api/react-fela/useFela) hook instead.<br />It's more easy and safe to use and also has the best rendering performance.

FelaComponent is an alternative component to the [createComponent](api/react-fela/createComponent)-HoC leveraging the render-props pattern. It uses [FelaTheme](api/react-fela/FelaTheme) internally in order to access the theme directly.

## Props

| Property | Type                                                                                                                                                    | Default | Description                                                                                                                                                 |
| -------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| style    | [_Rule_](basics/rules)<br />[_StyleObject_](basics/rules#style-object)<br />_Array_[[_Rule_](basics/rules), [_StyleObject_](basics/rules#style-object)] |         | Either a valid style object, and [rule](basics/rules) or an array of both                                                                                   |
| children | _any_                                                                                                                                                   |         | Either a render function or a primitive child.<br />If passing a render function is receives the specified render interface.                                |
| as       | _string_                                                                                                                                                | `div`   | If children is passed a primitive child, the component will render an `as`-type DOM element with the className attached and the primitive child as content. |

### Render Interface

| Property  | Type      | Default | Description                                       |
| --------- | --------- | ------- | ------------------------------------------------- |
| className | _string_  |         | The class names for the rendered _style_ object   |
|  children | _Element_ |         | The component children                            |
| theme     | _Object_  | `{}`    | The theme object which is passed down via context |
| as        | _string_  | `div`   | The `as` property that is passed to the component |

## Imports

```javascript nocopy
import { FelaComponent } from 'react-fela'
import { FelaComponent } from 'preact-fela'
import { FelaComponent } from 'inferno-fela'

## Example

    backgroundColor: 'blue',
    color: 'red',
  {({ className, theme }) => <div className={className}>I am red on blue.</div>}

### Generic Components

In order to create dynamically styled components using props, just like [createComponent](api/react-fela/createComponent), we can create a component that itself renders a FelaComponent.

```jsx name=Button.js
const Button = ({ color, big = false, text }) => (
      backgroundColor: color,
      fontSize: big ? 18 : 15,
    {({ className }) => <button className={className}>{text}</button>}

### Using Theme

To access theme properties, we can simply pass a function of theme.

const rule = ({ theme }) => ({
  backgroundColor: theme.colors.primary,
  color: 'red',

const RedOnPrimary = (
  <FelaComponent style={rule}>
    {({ className, theme }) => (
      <div className={className}>I am red on {theme.colors.primary}.</div>

### Style Rule as a Function of Props and Theme

Sometimes it is desirable to style a component as a function of both theme and
props. The `style` prop takes a callback, and passes it an object with `theme`
and all props passed to FelaComponent except _style_ and _children_.

This provides an API that is both compatible with createComponent, and allows
using an externally defined function in such use cases. Hopefully, this can
be help performance in hot paths by not requiring a function to be created on
every render.

const rule = ({ theme, background }) => ({
  backgroundColor: background || 'red',
  color: theme.colors.primary,

const PrimaryOnBackground = (
  <FelaComponent background="blue" style={rule}>
    {({ className, theme }) => (
      <div className={className}>
        I am {theme.colors.primary} on {background || 'red'}.

### Shorthand Primitives

Instead of a render function, we can also specify a primitive element to render into.<br />
Children will automatically be passed down. If not specified at all, it will render into a `div`.

    backgroundColor: 'blue',
    color: 'red',
  I am red on blue

### Composition

In order to compose multiple FelaComponents we can't just concatenate classNames as they might overwrite each other due to the atomic CSS design and specificity.<br />
We have to use a built-in API to correctly combine those rules and styles: [combineRules](api/fela/combineRules).

With FelaComponent we can leverage that API automatically by passing an array to the _style_ prop.

const baseStyle = {
  backgroundColor: 'red',
  fontSize: 15,

const Button = ({ style, ...props }) => (
  <FelaComponent style={[baseStyle, style]} {...props} as="button" />

const ExtendedButton = ({ style, children }) => (
  <Button style={{ color: 'blue' }}>Click</Button>

The array accepts both style objects, rule functions and even nested arrays again.