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# FelaTheme

> **Note**: If you're working with React > 16.3, we **highly recommend** using the [useFela](api/react-fela/useFela) hook instead.<br />It's more easy and safe to use and also has the best rendering performance.

FelaTheme is an alternative component to the [withTheme](api/react-fela/withTheme)-HoC leveraging the render-props pattern. It is used to access the theme object that is specified and passed down via React's [context]( APIs by a [ThemeProvider](api/react-fela/ThemeProvider).

## Props

| Property | Type       | Description                                                              |
| -------- | ---------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| children | _Function_ | A render function that receives the theme object as its first parameter. |

## Imports

```javascript nocopy
import { FelaTheme } from 'react-fela'
import { FelaTheme } from 'preact-fela'
import { FelaTheme } from 'inferno-fela'

## Example

  {(theme) => <div>Primary color is ${theme.primary}.</div>}