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# Renderer

The renderer is the most important utility providing methods to render your styles. It caches every single style that is rendered at any time. Therefore it always has an up-to-date snapshot of your current CSS environment.<br />

You should only have a single renderer which handles all styles of your whole application.
To create a new renderer instance, simply use the `createRenderer` method to actually get a renderer instance.

## Methods

- [renderRule](#renderrule)
- [renderKeyframe](#renderkeyframe)
- [renderFont](#renderfont)
- [renderStatic](#renderstatic)
- [subscribe](#subscribe)
- [clear](#clear)

## renderRule

Renders a `rule` using the `props` to resolve it.

### Arguments;;renderRule-arguments

| Argument | Type       | Default | Description                                                                                                                              |
| -------- | ---------- | ------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| rule     | _Function_ |         | A function which satisfies the [rule](basics/rules) behavior.<br />It **must** return a valid [style object](basics/rules#style-object). |
| props    |  *Object?* | `{}`    | An object containing properties to resolve dynamic rule values.                                                                          |

### Returns;;renderRule-returns

(_string_): The resolving CSS class name.

### Example;;renderRule-example

import { createRenderer } from 'fela'

const renderer = createRenderer()

const rule = (props) => ({
  backgroundColor: 'red',
  fontSize: props.size,
  color: 'blue',

renderer.renderRule(rule, { size: '12px' }) // => a b c
renderer.renderRule(rule) // => a c

### Tips & Tricks;;renderRule-tips-tricks

To write more advanced and/or simpler rules there are some helpful tips & tricks you might want to know and use:

#### Optional props

Many rules define CSS declarations that semantically belong together e.g. `alignItems` and `justifyContent`. Still, you might not want to use both every time. Therefore, Fela supports optional props. If a value is not set and thus `undefined` or a string containing `undefined` it is simply removed by default.

const rule = (props) => ({
  justifyContent: props.justify,
  alignItems: props.align,

renderer.renderRule(rule, { justify: 'center' }) // => a
// .a{justify-content:center}

#### Default declarations

Sometimes you do not pass all props required to completely resolve all style declarations, but want to use a default value in order to not produce any invalid CSS markup. You can achieve this in two ways. Either with ECMA2015 [default function parameters]( or with the logical OR (`||`) operator.

// default parameters
const rule = ({ color = 'red' } = {}) => ({
  color: color,

// OR operator
const rule = (props) => ({
  color: props.color || 'red',

rule({ color: 'blue' }) // => { color: 'blue' }
rule({}) // => { color: 'red' }

#### Conditional values

Some values might only be applied, if a certain condition is fulfilled. Instead of complex and big `if` statements you can use the ternary operator.

const rule = ({ type }) => ({
  color: type === 'error' ? 'red' : 'green',

rule({ type: 'error' }) // => { color: 'red' }
rule({}) // => { color: 'green' }


## renderKeyframe

Renders a `keyframe` using the `props` to resolve it.

### Arguments;;renderKeyframe-arguments

| Argument | Type       | Default | Description                                                                                                                                                |
| -------- | ---------- | ------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| keyframe | _Function_ |         | A function which satisfies the [keyframe](basics/keyframes) behavior.<br />It **must** return a valid [keyframe object](basics/keyframes#keyframe-object). |
| props    |  *Object?* | `{}`    | An object containing properties to resolve dynamic keyframe values.                                                                                        |

### Returns;;renderKeyframe-returns

(_string_): The resolving animation name.

### Example;;renderKeyframe-example

import { createRenderer } from 'fela'

const renderer = createRenderer()

const keyframe = (props) => ({
  '0%': { color: props.initialColor },
  '33%': { color: 'red' },
  '66%': { color: 'green' },
  '100%': { color: props.initialColor },

renderer.renderKeyframe(keyframe, { initialColor: 'blue' }) // => k1
renderer.renderKeyframe(keyframe, { initialColor: 'black' }) // => k2

### Tips & Tricks;;renderKeyframe-tips-tricks

- Be sure to only use [animateable properties]( Other properties will be ignored.
- Keyframe objects **must** at least have the steps `0%` and `100%` or rather `from` and `to`. Otherwise it might not be used at all.


## renderFont

Renders a `@font-face` rule using the `family` as reference.

### Arguments;;renderFont-arguments

| Argument   | Type       | Description                                                                                                                                                                                                                     |
| ---------- | ---------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| family     | _string_   | A font family reference which is later required to use this font face.                                                                                                                                                          |
| files      | _string[]_ | An array of valid source paths. It may either be relative (within your project) or absolute (hosted on an external server).<br />It must have one of the following file extensions: `.woff`, `.woff2`, `.eof`, `.ttf` or `.svg` |
| properties | _Object?_  | Additional font properties which are `fontVariant`, `fontWeight`, `fontStretch`, `fontStyle` and `unicodeRange`.                                                                                                                |

### Returns;;renderFont-returns

(_string_) The font family reference that was passed in.

### Example;;renderFont-example

import { createRenderer } from 'fela'

const renderer = createRenderer()

const files = ['../fonts/Lato.ttf', '../fonts/Lato.woff', '../fonts/Lato.eof']

renderer.renderFont('Lato', files, { fontWeight: 300 })

### Caveats;;renderFont-caveats

- If you are using relative paths such as `../fonts/Lato.ttf`, keep in mind that it is relative to your `index.html`.


## renderStatic

Renders static styles.

### Arguments;;renderStatic-arguments

| Argument | Type                   | Description                                                                    |
| -------- | ---------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| style    | _string_<br />_Object_ | Either a pure CSS string or an object of style declarations.                   |
| selector | _string_               | If `style` is passed as an object you **must** specify a `selector` selector.  |
| props    | _Object?_              | An object of props that is passed to the plugins processing the style objects. |

### Example;;renderStatic-example

import { createRenderer } from 'fela'

const renderer = createRenderer()

// string type style
  // object type style
      boxSizing: 'border-box',
      margin: 0,

### Tips & Tricks;;renderStatic-tips-tricks

- Only use static styles for global CSS rules such as resets.
- Use string styles to include legacy and third-party CSS.

#### Pro Tip

You can even reuse existing formatted CSS using [ECMAScript 2015]( [template strings](

import { createRenderer } from 'fela'

const renderer = createRenderer()

html, body {
  box-sizing: border-box;
  margin: 0

div {
  display: -webkit-flex;
  display: -moz-flex;
  display: flex


## subscribe

Adds a change `listener` to get notified when changes happen.

### Arguments;;subscribe-arguments

| Argument | Type       | Description                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    |
| -------- | ---------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| listener | _Function_ | A callback function that is called on every change. It passes a change object containing information on what actually got rendered or changed. Every change object at least has a unique `type` and optionally some meta data. In addition it passes the `renderer` that triggered the change. |

### Returns;;subscribe-returns

(_Object_): An object containing the corresponding `unsubscribe`-method.

### Example;;subscribe-example

import { createRenderer } from 'fela'

const renderer = createRenderer()

const rule = (props) => ({
  fontSize: props.fontSize,
  color: 'blue',

const subscription = renderer.subscribe(console.log)
renderer.renderRule(rule, { fontSize: '12px ' })
// { type: 'rule', style: 'font-size:12px', selector: 'a', media: '' }
// { type: 'rule', style: 'color:blue', selector: 'b', media: '' }

// Unsubscribing removes the event listener


## clear

Clears the whole cache and updates the DOM node to remove all CSS rules.