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# createComponent

> **Note**: If you're working with React > 16.3, we **highly recommend** using the [useFela](api/react-fela/useFela) hook instead.<br />It's more easy and safe to use and also has the best rendering performance.

A HoC ([Higher-order Component]( that creates a presentational React component using the rendered `rule` as className.

It automatically composes rules and passed props for nested Fela components.

## Arguments

| Argument         | Type                                                                         | Default | Description                                                                                                                                                                          |
| ---------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| rule             | _Function_<br />_Object_                                                     |         | Either a [style object](basics/rules#style-object) or rule function which satisfies the [rule](basics/rules) behavior and returns a valid [style object](basics/rules#style-object). |
| type             | _string?_<br />_[Component]( | `div`   | Component or HTML element which is used as the render base element.<br />**Note**: If a Component is passed, then it receives a className property.                                  |
| passThroughProps | _Array?_<br />_Function?_                                                    |         | A list of props that get passed to the underlying element.<br />Alternatively a function of `props` that returns an array of prop names.                                             |

## Returns

(_Function_): Stateless functional component.

## Imports

```javascript nocopy
import { createComponent } from 'react-fela'
import { createComponent } from 'preact-fela'
import { createComponent } from 'inferno-fela'

## Example

```jsx name=Header.js
const title = ({ small, fontSize, color }) => ({
  lineHeight: small ? 1.2 : 1.5,
  fontSize: fontSize + 'px',
  color: color

const Title = createComponent(title, 'div', [ 'onClick' ])

const Usage = <Title fontSize={23} color="red" onClick={...}>Hello World</Title>
// <div className="a b c" onclick="...">Hello World</div>

## Passing Props

Using the `passThroughProps` parameter allows us to pass props to the underlying DOM element. This is helpful if you want to pass e.g. events such as `onClick`. There are some props that are automatically passed and thus do not need to be specified explicitly:

- `className`
- `style`
- `id`

If passing a className, it will automatically be concatenated with the Fela generated className. This allows composing multiple Fela Components.

### Functional passThroughProps

You may also pass a function of `props` as `passThroughProps`. It must return an array of prop names. e.g. to pass all props you can do:

```javascript name=Title.js
const Title = createComponent(title, 'div', (props) => Object.keys(props))

// shorthand
const Title = createComponent(title, 'div', Object.keys)

> **Note**: The same can be achieved via [createComponentWithProxy](api/react-fela/createComponentWithProxy).

### Dynamically passing Props

This use case is especially important for library owners. Instead of passing the `passThroughProps` to the `createComponent` call directly, one can also use the `passThrough` prop on the created component to achieve the same effect.

```jsx name=Title.js
const title = () => ({
  color: 'red'

const Title = createComponent(title)

const Usage = <Title onClick={...} passThrough={[ 'onClick' ]}>Hello World</Title>
// => <div className="a" onclick="...">Hello World</div>

## Extending Styles

It's possible to extend component styles with an `extend` prop that can be either an object or a function.

```jsx name=Title.js
const title = () => ({
  color: 'red'

const Title = createComponent(title)

const Usage = <Title extend={{ color: 'blue' }}>Hello World</Title>,
// => <div className="a">Hello World</div>
// => .a { color: blue }

const extendTitle = props => ({
  color: props.color

const ExtendedTitle = <Title extend={extendTitle} color="green">Hello World</Title>
// => <div className="a">Hello World</div>
// => .a { color: green }

## Custom Type on Runtime

To change the `type` on runtime and/or for each component, you may use the `as` prop.

```jsx name=Title.js
const title = (props) => ({
  color: 'red',

const Title = createComponent(title)

const Usage = <Title as="h1">Hello World</Title>
// => <h1 className="a">Hello World</h1>

## Static Style Object

Instead of rendering a props-depending rule, we can also use plain objects to render static style objects.

```jsx name=Title.js
const style = {
  fontSize: '15px',
  color: 'red',

const Title = createComponent(style, 'h1')

const Usage = <Title>Hello World</Title>
// => <h1 className="a b">Hello World</h1>


## Related

- [Guide - Usage with React](guides/usage-with-react)
- [API Reference - `createComponentWithProxy`](api/react-fela/createComponentWithProxy)