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# withTheme

> **Note**: If you're working with React > 16.3, we **highly recommend** using the [useFela](api/react-fela/useFela) hook instead.<br />It's more easy and safe to use and also has the best rendering performance.

Injects the theme object, that is passed down using a [ThemeProvider](api/react-fela/ThemeProvider), into a component's props.
It will automatically rerender the component if the theme changes. This even works if any parent component implements `shouldComponentUpdate`.

## Arguments

| Argument  | Type                                                         | Default | Description                                         |
| --------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------- | --------------------------------------------------- |
| component | _[Component]( |         | A valid React component that gets enhanced.         |
| propName  | _string?_                                                    | `theme` | An alternative name that is used to pass the theme. |

## Imports

```javascript nocopy
import { withTheme } from 'react-fela'
import { withTheme } from 'preact-fela'
import { withTheme } from 'inferno-fela'

## Example

const Component = ({ theme }) => <div>The primary color is {theme.primary}</div>

const ComponentWithTheme = withTheme(Component)

## Tips & Tricks

- If components were accessing theme object directly via context before, this would not be possible since 6.0 release. You would have to wrap the component with the `withTheme`-HoC and access the theme via props.
- Another way to access theme inside a custom component would be to pass in the component to createComponent and access theme object via props.