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# Fonts

Another useful feature of CSS are [`@font-faces`](, which allow you to provide your own fonts.<br />
There are only seven different properties a `@font-face` rule accepts.

## Font Family & Source Files

The font family specifies a name which is later used to reference the font within other rules. The source files are basically relative or absolute paths pointing to a valid font file. Both are required to get a valid font face rendered.
Base64 font files are also supported. Just make sure you supply the correct mime type for those.

## Font Properties

In addition to the required parameters, each font face accepts five other properties to customize the font. They all are standard CSS properties:

- `fontVariant`
- `fontStretch`
- `fontWeight`
- `fontStyle`
- `unicodeRange`


## Related

- [Rendering Fonts](basics/renderer#renderfont)
- [Plugin - fela-plugin-embedded](
- [API Reference - `Renderer.renderFont` ](api/fela/renderer#renderfont)