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# Getting Started

This page is an overview of the Fela documentation and related resources.<br />
It aims to help you get started as quickly as possible, by guiding you to the most relevant pages.<br />

Fela is a small, high-performant and framework-agnostic toolbelt to handle state-driven styling in JavaScript. It generates atomic CSS and supports all common CSS features such as media queries, pseudo classes, keyframes and font-faces.<br />

## Preparation

Before we jump right into the code, we recommend reading a bit about the [motivation](intro/motivation) behind Fela. <br />
Also make sure to read about its [principles](intro/principles), [benefits](intro/benefits) and [caveats](intro/caveats) which might help if you're still unsure about it.

We also recommend reading about the basics. Most important, what [rules](basics/rules) are and how the [renderer](basics/renderer) works at its core. Thos two concepts are the core of Fela and we talk about them everywhere.

## Installation

To get started, the first thing we need to do is to install Fela and all revelant packages. <br />
Fela is split into many separate packages, so we have to choose which ones we actually need.<br />

The [ecosystem](intro/ecosystem) is a great place to get an overview of all available packages. <br />
In general, you most likely need a [renderer](intro/ecosystem#renderers), [library bindings](intro/ecosystem#bindings) and a couple of [plugins](intro/ecosystem#plugins) and [enhancers](intro/ecosystem#enhancers).<br/>
You will learn more about each of those different packages as you go on, so don't feel bad if you're overwhelmed already.

## Setup

No matter which set of packages we choose, we need to have some kind of root setup for our Fela renderer.
Let use with the most common web setup as an example.<br/>
All we need are the DOM-specific fela renderers and the [plugin preset for web](

yarn add fela fela-dom fela-preset-web

We can now create our own fela renderer which is the single source of truth for our configuration.<br />

> The renderer accepts a variety of configuration options to adapt to all kind of use cases.<br/>Check out the [renderer configuration](advanced/renderer-configuration) page for all available options.

```js name=felaRenderer.js
import { createRenderer } from 'fela'
import plugins from 'fela-preset-web'

export default createRenderer({ plugins })

Using the renderer, we can already render styles to the DOM.

import { render } from 'fela-dom'

import renderer from './felaRenderer'

const rule = (props) => ({
  fontSize: props.fontSize,
  color: 'red',

const className = renderer.renderRule(rule, { fontSize: 16 })
// => a b

// This call connects the renderer with the DOM
// rendering all styles to respective <style> elements in the head
// it also automatically updates those whenever we render more styles

> Check out the documentation for [static styles](advanced/static-style), [keyframes](basics/keyframes) and [fonts](basics/fonts) to learn more about how to render those as well.

## Bindings

Chances are high, that we don't use plain JavaScript, but one of the established UI frameworks such as [React]( or [Vue]( That's why we can choose from a couple of [library bindings](intro/ecosystem#bindings) to seamlessly integrate with them.

Not only do they provide useful helpers, but they also implement best practices. Most of them also take care of the [DOM rendering](advanced/dom-rendering) completely.

We provide a couple of guides for the most common ones. If we're missing a guide but provide (third-party) bindings, make sure to check the binding repository directly for more information.

- [Usage with React](guides/usage-with-react)
- [Usage with React Native](guides/usage-with-react-native)
- [Usage with Preact](guides/usage-with-preact)
- [Usage with Inferno](guides/usage-with-inferno)
- [Usage with ReasonML](guides/usage-with-reasonml)
- [Usage with Cycle](guides/usage-with-cycle)

## Examples & API Reference

Once we're done with the initial setup, it might be helpful to check the [examples](extra/examples).<br />
They demonstrate all the aspects and functionality of Fela and are a great starting point for our own applications.<br />
Next to the examples, we can always come back to the API reference to lookup all revelant functions, options and parameters.

## Recipes

Now that we know the all the essentials, it's time to get into detail. <br/>
The recipes sections provides a couple of advanced guides and best practices. Make sure to check them out as soon as you start building your components and applications.
They can help to keep your code clean and performant as it grows more complex.

Apart from that, they might include some nice tricks and techniques which you weren't aware of or haven't been mentioned in the documentation yet.

## Questions

Last but not least, if there's any open question, we're more than happy to help!

First, checkout the [FAQ](extra/faq) - chances are that you're question has already been answered before.<br />
Otherwise feel free to go ahead to our [support]( page and ask whatever you like.

If you think you found a bug or miss an important feature, go ahead and [create an issue]( on GitHub.

## Additional Resources

Next to the offical documentation, there're a couple of excellent external resources from other members of the community.
Make sure to check them out to get more insights on how others use Fela and what they think about it!

- [Workshop](
- [Talks](
- [Articles](