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> **Deprecated: Please do not use this package anymore**. There will be no more updates to this package. It has been merged into [inline-style-prefixer]( directly to improve issue tracking and maintenance. You can still use the small prefix-all subset via `inline-style-prefixer/static`.

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**inline-style-prefix-all** is a **tiny** *(3.3kb gzipped)* static javascript **Autoprefixer** for inline style objects. It uses data from []( to get all properties that require a prefix up to a given browser version.<br>
It was extracted from [inline-style-prefixer]( Check that repository for detailed information on which properties are supported, which special plugins are used and other stuff.
> You could also use [inline-style-prefixer]( completely as it uses **prefix-all** as a fallback, but this repository has reduced file size.

# Browser Scope
It will **only** add prefixes if a property still needs them in one of the following browser versions.<br>
This means *e.g. `border-radius`* will not be prefixed at all.<br>
For legacy support check [custom build](#custom-build--legacy-support).
* Chrome: 30+
* Safari: 6+
* Firefox: 25+
* Opera: 13+
* IE: 9+
* Edge 12+
* iOS: 6+
* Android: 4+
* IE mobile: 9+
* Opera mini: 5+
* Android UC: 9+
* Android Chrome: 30+

# Usage
npm install inline-style-prefix-all --save
import prefixAll from 'inline-style-prefix-all'

const styles = {
  transition: '200ms all linear',
  boxSizing: 'border-box',
  display: 'flex',
  color: 'blue'

const prefixedStyles = prefixAll(styles)

// prefixedStyles === output
const output = {
  WebkitTransition: '200ms all linear',
  // Firefox dropped prefixed transition with version 16
  // IE never supported prefixed transitions
  transition: '200ms all linear',
  MozBoxSizing: 'border-box',
  // Firefox up to version 28 needs a prefix
  // Others dropped prefixes out of scope
  boxSizing: 'border-box',
  // Fallback/prefixed values get grouped in arrays
  display: ['-webkit-box', '-moz-box', '-ms-flexbox', '-webkit-flex', 'flex']
  color: 'blue'

# Custom Build & Legacy Support
You may have to create a custom build if you need older browser versions. Just modify the [config.js](config.js) file which includes all the browser version specifications.
npm install
npm run build

# License
**inline-style-prefix-all** is licensed under the [MIT License](<br>
Documentation is licensed under [Creative Common License](<br>
Created with ♥ by [@rofrischmann](

# Contributing
I would love to see people getting involved.<br>
If you have a feature request please create an issue. Also if you're even improving inline-style-prefix-all by any kind please don't be shy and send a pull request to let everyone benefit.

### Issues
If you're having any issue please let me know as fast as possible to find a solution a hopefully fix the issue. Try to add as much information as possible such as your environment, exact case, the line of actions to reproduce the issue.

### Pull Requests
If you are creating a pull request, try to use commit messages that are self-explanatory. Also always add some **tests** unless it's totally senseless (add a reason why it's senseless) and test your code before you commit so Travis won't throw errors.