<h1 align="center">react-look-native</h1>
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<a href="./docs/">Docs</a> • <a href="./docs/">Getting Started</a>
Also available for <a href="../react-look/">React</a>
# Features
- ES2015 Classes & `React.createClass`
- stateless Components
- [plugin-based](docs/
- [developer tools](docs/
- Sass-like nesting
- [conditioned styles](docs/
- [stateful values](docs/plugins/ & [selectors](docs/plugins/
- [extending](docs/
# [Documentation](docs/
The documentation contains information on every part of Look including usage guides and API reference.
**New to Look?**<br>
Make sure to check out the the Getting Started guide which provides a full guide on how to use Look. From installation, over configuration and up to even developer tooling.
1. [Getting Started](docs/
* 1.1. [Installation](docs/
* 1.2. [First Component](docs/
* 1.3. [Stateless Components](docs/
* 1.4. [Mixins & Plugins](docs/
* 1.5. [DevTools](docs/
2. [API Reference](docs/api/)
* **2.1. [look](docs/api/**
* **2.2. [StyleSheet](docs/api/**
* [create](docs/api/
* [combineStyles](docs/api/
* **2.3. [LookRoot](docs/api/**
3. Registry
* **3.1. [Plugins](**
* [Mixin](docs/plugins/
* [Stateful Value](docs/plugins/
* [Stateful Selector](docs/plugins/
* **3.1.1 [DevTools](docs/**
* [Style Logger](docs/plugins/
* **3.2 [Mixins](docs/**
* [Before / After](docs/
* [Blank](docs/
* [Contains](docs/
* [Empty](docs/
* [Extend](docs/
* [First Letter](docs/
* [Stateful Conditions](docs/
* [Substr](docs/
4. [Guides](docs/guides/)
* 4.1. [Upgrading Look](docs/guides/
* 4.2. [Configuring Look](docs/guides/
* 4.3. [Build your own: Mixin](docs/guides/
* 4.4. [Build your own: Plugin](docs/guides/
5. [FAQ](docs/
# Example
The syntax is quite similar to [Sass]( and other React styling libraries.
npm install react-look-native --save
import React, { Component, PropTypes } from 'react'
import { View, Text } from 'react-native'
import look, { StyleSheet } from 'react-look-native'
class Header extends Component {
static defaultProps = { size: 24 };
static propTypes = { size: PropTypes.number.isRequired };
state = { status: 'active' };
render() {
return (
// Styles are basically applied using the `style` property
// Same way as React Native does by default
<View style={styles.header}>
<Text style={styles.title}>
// generates objects for each selector
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
header: {
color: 'red',
// You can also use mixins with the same selector.
// They'll get split intelligently and evaluated on render
'status=active': {
backgroundColor: 'green',
'size>=20': {
backgroundColor: 'pink'
title: {
fontWeight: 800,
// use functions to inject props, state or context values
fontSize: (props, state, context) => props.size * state.zoom
export default look(Header)
Finally you only need to wrap your application with LookRoot.
import { Presets, LookRoot } from 'react-look-native'
import React, { Component } from 'react'
import { AppRegistry } from 'react-native'
import Header from './Header'
// A simple basic app just showing the Header with "Hello World"
const App = () => <Header title="Hello World" />
// We ust create another container to wrap our App
const Container = () => (
<LookRoot config={Presets['react-native']}>
<App />
AppRegistry.registerComponent('native', () => Container)
# Demo
Right now I am working to get a running React Native example ready. Stay tuned.
# License
**Look** is licensed under the [MIT License](<br>
Documentation is licensed under [Creative Common License](<br>
Created with ♥ by [@rofrischmann](