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# Mixins

Every mixin gets resolved by the [mixin](plugins/ plugin which therefore must be included in the configuration.

* [Contains](#contains)
* [Extend](#extend)
* [Extract CSS](#extract-css)
* [Platform Queries](#platform-queries)
* [Stateful Conditions](#stateful-conditions)
* [Substr](#substr)

## Contains
    box: {
        fontSize: 20,
        // only resolves if element is a string
        // and contains at least one number
        'contains([0-9])': {
            color: 'blue'
Contains let's you check wether a primitive element *(string or number)* contains a given regex.

## Extend
const extendStyles = {
    backgroundColor: 'red'

    box: {
        color: 'blue',
        // single
        extend: extendStyles

        // multiple (array)
        extend: [extendStyles, {fontSize: 20}]
Lets you extend your styles with other styles. The idea was taken from Sass' `@extend` and works basically all the same.

### Advanced

Extending also supports conditioned extend which is achieved by passing both a `condition` as well a `styles` object.
    box: {
        color: 'blue',
        extend: {
            // any condition
            condition: true === true,

            // either a single style object or multiple (array)
            styles: extendStyles
##### ECMAScript 2015 (ES6): Spread operator
If you are already using ECMAScript 2015 which I highly recommend, you do not need the extend-plugin except if you need the conditioned one.
Just use the new spread operator `...`.
    // preceding to be used as a base
    box: {
        color: 'blue'

    // or subsequent which perhaps overwrites other styles
    container: {
        color: 'blue',

## Extract CSS
    box: {
        color: 'blue',
        // e.g. if you still want to use bootstrap
        css: 'row col-xs-4'
Define CSS classes that get additionally added to the Component without having to add those as `className=''` in addition to the look styles.

## Platform Queries

    box: {
        fontSize: 20,
        '@platform ios': {
            color: 'blue'
        // You may also use multiple
        '@platform android chrome': {
            color: 'red'
Platform queries are only supported if a valid userAgent is provided. By default the platform query plugin uses the `navigator.userAgent`. You may pass a custom userAgent within the `config` object.

### Validation
Platform queries are based on the browser information provided by every instance of [inline-style-prefixer]( as `prefixer._browserInfo` which is actually detected by [bowser]( You can query any `flag` bowser sets, but there's no guarantee that they get set properly.

#### Bowser flags

##### Engine
* webkit
* gecko

##### Browser
* chrome
* firefox
* msie
* msedge
* opera
* phantom
* safari
* seamonkey
* silk

##### OS
* android
* ios
* mac
* windows
* linux
* chromeos
* bada
* tizen
* sailfish
* webos
* firefoxos

##### Device
* blackberry
* windowsphone
* iphone
* ipad
* ipod
* touchpad

##### Device-Type
* mobile
* tablet

## Stateful Conditions
    box: {
        color: 'blue',
        'status=active': {
            color: 'red'
        'clicks>=20': {
            color: 'yellow'

A shortcut to specify state-specific styles.<br>It supports 6 different operators: `>=`, `<=`, `!=`, `=`, `>` and `<`.<br>
This improves readability since you won't need to use expressions like this: `style={[, &&]}`. <br>
It also helps to keep some kind of separation of concerns since you have all your styles compact in one place.

#### Idea
There are several states which are quite common to style a component state-specific. We call such states **style-state** since its only purpose is to validate component styling which is UI-only.
> **Note**: Avoid using stateful conditions with other than style-states since this would destroy semantics.

### Validation
It takes `Component.props`, `Component.state` and `Component.context` to check if there is a key that matches the condition. <br>
e.g. `status=active` gets validated with `Component.props['status'] === 'active'`.

### Advanced
You can even use dot-notation to adress deeper nested props and state. e.g. ``.

## Substr
    box: {
        fontSize: 20,
        // colors every number blue
        'substr([0-9])': {
            color: 'blue'
Substr it similar to contains as it only works on primitive elements *(string and number)* and takes a regex as parameter.<br>
It let's you style substrings without splitting the element yourself at all.