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# StyleSheet
A helper to create scoped styles and global CSS styles.
## Methods
- [create](#createstyles)
- [combineStyles](#combinestylesstyles)
- [toCSS](#tocssstyles--scope) <img src="../../../../res/deprecated-badge.png" height=15>
- [addCSS](#addcssstyles--scope)
- [renderToString](#rendertostringprefixer)
- [keyframes](#keyframesframes--name)
- [font](#fontfontfamily-files--properties)

## `create(styles)`
Splits the `styles` into static and dynamic styles, renders the static styles to CSS classes and returns the `className`. Optionally add the Component or alternatively a `string` that's used as the class scope *(makes debugging ways easier)*.

### Pseudo classes
Pseudo classes are considered to start with either `:` or `::`. They will automatically get transformed to pure CSS pseudo class selectors.
import { StyleSheet } from 'react-look'

const styles = StyleSheet.create({
    box: {
        color: 'red',
        ':hover': {
            color: 'blue',
            // They can also be nested multiple times
            ':active': {
                color: 'gray'
This will generate the following CSS *(`.c1` is just an example)*
.c1:hover:active { color: gray }
.c1:hover { color: blue }
.c1 { color: red }
#### LVH(F)A
It adheres to the LVHA rule which means it orders `:link`, `:visited`, `:hover`, (`:focus`) and `:active` correctly.

### Media queries
Media queries are considered to start with `@media`. They will also get transformed to pure CSS immediately.

import { StyleSheet } from 'react-look'

const styles = StyleSheet.create({
    box: {
        color: 'red',
        '@media (min-height: 300px)': {
            color: 'blue',
            // They can also be nested multiple times
            '@media (min-width: 500px)': {
                color: 'gray'
This will generate the following CSS *(`.c1` is just an example)*
.c1 { color: red }
@media (min-height: 300px) {
    .c1 { color: blue }
@media (min-height: 300px) and (min-width: 500px) {
    .c1 { color: gray }

## `combineStyles(...styles)`
Styles can be combined using the `combineStyles` helper.

It simply joins `className`s separated with a space.
import { StyleSheet } from 'react-look'
// You will most likely use a shortcut
const c = StyleSheet.combineStyles

const styles = StyleSheet.create({
    box: { color: 'red' },
    container: { fontSize: 14 }

c(, styles.container) // => c1 c2
## `toCSS(styles [, scope])` <img src="../../../../res/deprecated-badge.png" height=20>
Please use [addCSS](#addcssstyles--scope). This function has been renamed.
## `addCSS(styles [, scope])`
Adds all `styles` as a valid CSS string and directly applies those to the global CSSStyleSheet. `scope` will also add a scope selector to add more specificity.

    '*': {
        padding: 0,
        margin: 0,
        boxSizing: 'border-box'
    '#special li.selected': {
        /* ... */

This also accepts a css `string`. When using it with a `string`, the scope will be ignored!
> Note: This should only be used for third-party or legacy CSS and used on your own risk.

StyleSheet.addCSS("#myId { color: red } .myClass { color: green }")
## `renderToString([prefixer])`
Similar to `react-dom/server`'s `renderToString` it returns a static string containing all static styles in form of a CSS string.
Optionally pass `prefixer` (which must inherit [Prefixer](./ to prefix your styles and `@keyframes`.
// add some static css
  '.box': {
    color: 'red',
    backgroundColor: 'blue'

// generate some other styles
  foo: {color: 'blue'}

// Will output a minified static CSS string
const css = StyleSheet.renderToString()
// => .box{color:red;background-color:blue}.c0{color:blue}

## `keyframes(frames [, name])`
Adds the `frames` as a new keyframe animation to the global CSSStyleSheet and returns the animation name.
`frames` should be an object containing a set of percentage-based styles. or both `from` and `to` values.<br> You may also pass a custom animation `name`.

    '0%': {
        transform: 'rotate(0deg)'
    '50%': {
        transform: 'rotate(45deg)'
    '100%': {
        transform: 'rotate(90deg)'

## `font(fontFamily, files [, properties])`
Adds the `fontFamily` to the global CSSStyleSheet and uses `files` as source for fonts. `files` may either be a string (single) or an array (multiple).<br>
`properties` may contain additional font properties which are:
* `fontWeight`
* `fontStretch`
* `fontStyle`
* `unicodeRange`

const fontStyles = {fontWeight: 400, fontStretch: 'condensed'}
const files = ['../fonts/Arial.ttf', '../fonts/Arial.svg', '../fonts/Arial.woff']

StyleSheet.font('Arial', files, fontStyles)