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The pidiff command

.. argparse::
    :module: pidiff._impl.command
    :func: argparser
    :prog: pidiff

    The ``pidiff`` command compares two versions of a Python package
    and produces a report on API differences.

        The most common forms of specifying a pip-installable package are supported,

        - latest version: ``mypkg``
        - a specific version or range: ``mypkg==1.0.0``, ``mypkg<2``
        - a local directory containing a ````: ``~/src/mypkg``

Output format

The ``pidiff`` command produces output as in the following example:


    $ pidiff more-executors==1.15.0 more-executors==1.16.0
    more_executors/ N230 method added: flat_bind
    more_executors/ N450 ExceptionRetryPolicy now accepts unlimited keyword arguments
    more_executors/ B330 argument in ExceptionRetryPolicy can no longer be passed positionally: max_attempts (was position 0)
    more_executors/ N450 RetryExecutor now accepts unlimited keyword arguments
    more_executors/ B130 method removed: new_default
    more_executors/ N220 function added: flat_bind

    Major API changes were found; inappropriate for 1.15.0 => 1.16.0
    New version should be equal or greater than 2.0.0

For each change found, a message is produced with:

        Approximate location of the added/removed/changed object.

        Note that this is the location where the related object is defined,
        which may not be in the same file where the object is exported as
        public API.

    **error code**
        Each type of error is associated with an error code.
        Error codes are one of:

            *New* backwards-compatible functionality. New classes,
            objects, functions or arguments are available to clients.
            The package minor version must be increased.

            *Breaking* changes. Classes, objects, functions or arguments
            were removed or changed in such a way that clients written against
            the old package version may be broken when used against the new
            version. The package major version must be increased.

        A summary explaining why the diff passed or failed.

        If the diff fails, a new version number will be suggested for the
        package, where possible.

Exit codes

The ``pidiff`` command uses the following exit codes:

        Either no differences were found, or all differences
        are appropriate for old and new package versions,
        or ``--gen-version`` is in use and no errors occurred.

        ``--gen-version`` is in use and errors occurred.

        Breaking API changes were found, and this is
        inappropriate for the old and new package versions;
        the major version should be bumped.

        New functionality was found, and this is inappropriate
        for the old and new package versions; the minor version
        should be bumped.

    *other non-zero*
        An error occurred.

Configuring checks

By default, ``pidiff`` enables all checks.

Individual checks may be explicitly disabled or enabled either using
the ``--disable``, ``--enable`` command-line options, or using a settings

``pidiff`` will look for settings in these files, in the current directory
and any parent directories:

- ``pidiff.ini``
- ``tox.ini``
- ``setup.cfg``

Settings should be placed under a ``[pidiff]`` section. Checks may be enabled
or disabled as in the following example:


    # list of checks to enable

    # list of checks to disable

The ``enable`` setting and command-line argument takes precedence over

Checks may be listed using either an error code or a check name.
To find the name associated with each error code, see the
:ref:`error-reference` or the :ref:`genindex`.

What is "public API"?

Roughly, the tool's concept of "public API" is: any object reachable from
any modules underneath your package's entry point, with a name not
beginning with ``_``.

A more complete description of the method used to enumerate public API follows.

- First, the ``module_name`` given to the ``pidiff`` command is imported (or,
  if omitted, the module to import is detected from the package's top_level.txt

- All submodules of that module are also imported, recursively, ignoring any
  modules whose name begins with ``_``.

- All modules imported by the above process are enumerated with :meth:`dir()`
  to find available objects; those objects themselves are enumerated with
  :meth:`dir()` to find child objects; and so on, recursively.  Processing
  stops for any objects whose name begins with ``_`` or whose location is
  not underneath the directory containing the API entry point.

Caveats and limitations

- Python 2.x is not supported.

- It must be possible to import the API to be checked from within the same
  Python interpreter used for the ``pidiff`` command.

- ``pidiff`` doesn't check the return values of functions and methods.

- ``pidiff`` is designed for pure Python modules only and is not expected to
  work for native extensions.