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# sparkhpc: Spark on HPC clusters made easy

This package tries to greatly simplify deploying and managing [Apache Spark]( clusters on HPC resources. 

## Installation

### From [pypi](

$ pip install sparkhpc

### From source

$ python install

This will install the python package to your default package directory as well as the `sparkcluster` and `hpcnotebook` command-line scripts. 

## Usage

There are two options for using this library: from the command line or directly from python code. 

### Command line

#### Get usage info

Usage: sparkcluster [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  --scheduler [lsf|slurm]  Which scheduler to use
  --help                   Show this message and exit.

  info    Get info about currently running clusters
  launch  Launch the Spark master and workers within a...
  start   Start the spark cluster as a batch job
  stop    Kill a currently running cluster ('all' to...

$ sparkcluster start --help
Usage: sparkcluster start [OPTIONS] NCORES

  Start the spark cluster as a batch job

  --walltime TEXT                Walltime in HH:MM format
  --jobname TEXT                 Name to use for the job
  --template TEXT                Job template path
  --memory-per-executor INTEGER  Memory to reserve for each executor (i.e. the
                                 JVM) in MB
  --memory-per-core INTEGER      Memory per core to request from scheduler in
  --cores-per-executor INTEGER   Cores per executor
  --spark-home TEXT              Location of the Spark distribution
  --wait                         Wait until the job starts
  --help                         Show this message and exit.

#### Start a cluster
$ sparkcluster start 10

#### Get information about currently running clusters
$ sparkcluster info
----- Cluster 0 -----
Job 31454252 not yet started

$ sparkcluster info
----- Cluster 0 -----
Number of cores: 10
master URL: spark://
Spark UI:

#### Stop running clusters
$ sparkcluster stop 0
Job <31463649> is being terminated

### Python code

from sparkhpc import sparkjob
import findspark 
findspark.init() # this sets up the paths required to find spark libraries
import pyspark

sj = sparkjob.sparkjob(ncores=10)


sc = sj.start_spark()


### Jupyter notebook

`sparkhpc` gives you nicely formatted info about your jobs and clusters in the jupyter notebook - see the [example notebook](./example.ipynb).

## Dependencies

### Python
* [click](
* [findspark]( 

These are installable via `pip install`.

### System configuration
* Spark installation in `~/spark` OR wherever `SPARK_HOME` points to
* java distribution (set `JAVA_HOME`)
* `mpirun` in your path

### Job templates

Simple job templates for the currently supported schedulers are included in the distribution. If you want to use your own template, you can specify the path using the `--template` flag to `start`. See the [included templates](sparkhpc/templates) for an example. Note that the variable names in curly braces, e.g. `{jobname}` will be used to inject runtime parameters. Currently you must specify `walltime`, `ncores`, `memory`, `jobname`, and `spark_home`. If you want to significantly alter the job submission, the best would be to subclass the relevant scheduler class (e.g. `LSFSparkCluster`) and override the `submit` method. 

## Using other schedulers

The LSF and SLURM schedulers are currently supported. However, adding support for other schedulers is rather straightforward (see the `LSFSparkJob` and `SLURMSparkJob` implementations as examples). Please submit a pull request if you implement a new scheduler or get in touch if you need help!

To implement support for a new scheduler you should subclass `SparkCluster`. You must define the following *class* variables: 

* `_peek()` (function to get stdout of the current job)
* `_submit_command` (command to submit a job to the scheduler)
* `_job_regex` (regex to get the job ID from return string of submit command)
* `_kill_command` (scheduler command to kill a job)
* `_get_current_jobs` (scheduler command to return jobid, status, jobname one job per line)

Note that `_get_current_jobs` should return a custom formatted string where the output looks like this: 

sparkcluster PEND 31610738
sparkcluster PEND 31610739
sparkcluster PEND 31610740

Depending on the scheduler's behavior, you may need to override some of the other methods as well. 

## Jupyter notebook

Running Spark applications, especially with python, is really nice from the comforts of a [Jupyter notebook](
This package includes the  `hpcnotebook` script, which  will setup and launch a secure, password-protected notebook for you.  

$ hpcnotebook
Usage: hpcnotebook [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  --port INTEGER  Port for the notebook server
  --help          Show this message and exit.

  launch  Launch the notebook
  setup   Setup the notebook

### Setup
Before launching the notebook, it needs to be configured. The script will first ask for a password for the notebook and generate a self-signed ssh
certificate - this is done to prevent other users of your cluster to stumble into your notebook by chance. 

### Launching
On a computer cluster, you would normally either obtain an interactive job and issue the command below, or use this as a part of a batch submission script. 

$ hpcnotebook launch
To access the notebook, inspect the output below for the port number, then point your browser to<port_number>
[TerminalIPythonApp] WARNING | Subcommand `ipython notebook` is deprecated and will be removed in future versions.
[TerminalIPythonApp] WARNING | You likely want to use `jupyter notebook` in the future
[I 15:43:12.022 NotebookApp] Serving notebooks from local directory: /cluster/home/roskarr
[I 15:43:12.022 NotebookApp] 0 active kernels
[I 15:43:12.022 NotebookApp] The Jupyter Notebook is running at: https://[all ip addresses on your system]:8889/
[I 15:43:12.022 NotebookApp] Use Control-C to stop this server and shut down all kernels (twice to skip confirmation).

In this case, you could set up a port forward to host `` and instruct your browser to connect to ``.

Inside the notebook, it is straightforward to set up the `SparkContext` using the `sparkhpc` package (see above). 

## Contributing

Please submit an issue if you discover a bug or have a feature request! Pull requests also very welcome.

## API


.. automodule:: sparkhpc.lsfsparkjob

.. automodule:: sparkhpc.slurmsparkjob

.. automodule:: sparkhpc.sparkjob
    :special-members: __init__
.. automodule:: sparkhpc