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`rollbar_project_access_token` Data Source

Use this data source to retrieve information about a project access token
belonging to a Rollbar project.

Example Usage

To retrieve info about a token:

resource "rollbar_project" "test" {
  name = "foobar"

data "rollbar_project_access_token" "test" {
  project_id =
  name = "post_item_client"
  depends_on = [rollbar_project.test]

output "token" {
  value = data.rollbar_project_access_tokens.test

Argument Reference

* `project_id` - (Required) ID of a Rollbar project
* `name` - (Required) Name of the token

Attribute Reference

In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:

* `access_token` - API token
* `cur_rate_limit_window_count` - Number of API hits that occurred in the
  current rate limit window
* `cur_rate_limit_window_start` - Time when the current rate limit window began
* `date_created` - Date the token was created
* `date_modified` - Date the token was last modified
* `rate_limit_window_count` - Maximum allowed API hits during a rate limit
* `rate_limit_window_size` - Duration of a rate limit window
* `scopes` - Project access scopes for the token.  Possible values are `read`,
  `write`, `post_server_item`, or `post_client_item`.
* `status` - Status of the token