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package ffxivapi

import (

const (
    FeatureClassJob     = 1 << 1
    FeatureAchievements = 1 << 2

// Character models FFXIV character data
type Character struct {
    ParsedAt time.Time

    ID    int
    World string

    Avatar   string
    Portrait string

    Name    string
    Nameday string
    City    string

    GC struct {
        Name string
        Rank string

    FC struct {
        ID   string
        Name string

    ClassJobs    []ClassJob
    Achievements []Achievement

// ClassJob stores the progress of a character in a given class or job
type ClassJob struct {
    Name  string
    Level int

    Exp     int64
    ExpNext int64

// Achievement contains name, ID and unlocking time for a achievements
type Achievement struct {
    ID       int
    Name     string
    Obtained time.Time

// urlIdRegex is used to extract IDs from lodestone urls, such as 31688528 in
var urlIdRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`/(\d+)/?$`)

// Character returns character data given its ID
// Achievements and non-active classes and jobs will be returned if features bitmask contains the respective bits
func (api *FFXIVAPI) Character(id int, features uint) (*Character, error) {
    doc, err := api.lodestone(fmt.Sprintf("/lodestone/character/%d/", id), nil)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    wg := &sync.WaitGroup{}

    character := &Character{ID: id, ParsedAt: time.Now()}

    // Features (achievements and secondary classes and jobs) are queried in parallel
    if features&FeatureClassJob != 0 {
        go api.parseClassJob(character, wg)
    if features&FeatureAchievements != 0 {
        go api.parseAchievements(character, wg)

    character.Name = doc.Find(".frame__chara__name").First().Text()
    character.World = doc.Find(".frame__chara__world").First().Text()

    character.ClassJobs = append(character.ClassJobs, ClassJob{
        Name:  classImgMap[doc.Find(".character__class_icon > img").First().AttrOr("src", "")],
        Level: silentAtoi(strings.ReplaceAll(strings.TrimSpace(doc.Find(".character__class__data > p").Text()), "LEVEL ", "")),

    character.Avatar = doc.Find(".frame__chara__face > img").First().AttrOr("src", "")
    character.Portrait = doc.Find(".character__detail__image > a > img").First().AttrOr("src", "")

    character.Nameday = doc.Find(".character-block__birth").First().Text()

    details := doc.Find(".character__profile__data__detail").Children()
    character.City = details.Eq(2).Find(".character-block__name").Text()

    gc := strings.Split(details.Eq(3).Find(".character-block__name").Text(), " / ")
    if len(gc) >= 2 {
        character.GC.Name = gc[0]
        character.GC.Rank = gc[1]

    fc := doc.Find(".character__freecompany__name").Find("a").First()
    matches := urlIdRegex.FindStringSubmatch(fc.AttrOr("href", ""))
    if len(matches) >= 2 {
        character.FC.Name = fc.Text()
        character.FC.ID = matches[1]

    return character, nil

func (api *FFXIVAPI) parseClassJob(c *Character, wg *sync.WaitGroup) error {
    defer wg.Done()
    return nil

var achPageRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`\?page=(\d+)`)

func (api *FFXIVAPI) parseAchievements(c *Character, wg *sync.WaitGroup) error {
    defer wg.Done()

    // Query first page of achievements
    doc, err := api.lodestone(fmt.Sprintf("/lodestone/character/%d/achievement/", c.ID), nil)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    // Find index of last page
    lastPageUrl, public := doc.Find(".btn__pager__next--all").First().Attr("href")
    if !public {
        return errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("could not find achievements for %d", c.ID))

    lastPage := 0
    matches := achPageRegex.FindStringSubmatch(lastPageUrl)
    if len(matches) >= 2 {
        lastPage = silentAtoi(matches[1])

    achvChan := make(chan []Achievement, 8)
    errChan := make(chan error, 8)

    // Parse first page asynchronously
    go func() {
        achvChan <- parseAchievementPage(doc)

    // For next pages, if any, parse asyncrhonously as well
    for p := 2; p <= lastPage; p++ {
        page := p
        go func() {
            doc, err := api.lodestone(fmt.Sprintf("/lodestone/character/%d/achievement", c.ID), map[string]string{
                "page": fmt.Sprint(page),
            if err != nil {
                errChan <- err
            achvChan <- parseAchievementPage(doc)

    // Collect updates from each page and append them to the character's achievement list
    for p := 1; p <= lastPage; p++ {
        select {
        case advs := <-achvChan:
            c.Achievements = append(c.Achievements, advs...)
        case err := <-errChan:

    return nil

// achNameRegex obtains the achievement name from the flavour text
var achNameRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`achievement "(.+)" earned`)

// achDatetimeRegex obtains the unix timestamp from the js code used by the lodestone to display dates
var achDatetimeRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`ldst_strftime\((\d+), 'YMD'\)`)

// parseAchievementPage pushes to a channel the list of achievements found in a goquery.Document
func parseAchievementPage(doc *goquery.Document) []Achievement {
    // Preallocate list for 50 achievements (50 per page)
    achievements := make([]Achievement, 0, 50)
    doc.Find(".entry__achievement").Each(func(i int, sel *goquery.Selection) {
        // Find the achievement details link and extract ID from it
        aurl, found := sel.Attr("href")
        if !found {

        matches := urlIdRegex.FindStringSubmatch(aurl)
        if len(matches) <= 1 {

        id, err := strconv.Atoi(matches[1])
        if err != nil {

        a := Achievement{ID: id}

        // Obtain name from flavour text
        name := sel.Find(".entry__activity__txt").Text()
        matches = achNameRegex.FindStringSubmatch(name)
        if len(matches) >= 2 {
            a.Name = matches[1]

        // Decode unlock time from js snippet
        datescript := sel.Find("script").First().Text()
        matches = achDatetimeRegex.FindStringSubmatch(datescript)
        if len(matches) >= 2 {
            ts := silentAtoi(matches[1])
            a.Obtained = time.Unix(int64(ts), 0)

        achievements = append(achievements, a)

    return achievements

// classImgMap holds the class name for each class icon used in the Lodestone
// This is hacky and might stop working at any moment, but I have not found any better way to obtain it
var classImgMap = map[string]string{
    "": "Gladiator",
    "": "Paladin",
    "": "Warrior",
    "": "Marauder",
    "": "Dark Knight",
    "": "Gunbreaker",
    "": "Pugilist",
    "": "Monk",
    "": "Lancer",
    "": "Dragoon",
    "": "Rogue",
    "": "Ninja",
    "": "Samurai",
    "": "Conjurer",
    "": "White Mage",
    "": "Scholar",
    "": "Astrologian",
    "": "Archer",
    "": "Bard",
    "": "Machinist",
    "": "Dancer",
    "": "Thaumaturge",
    "": "Black Mage",
    "": "Arcanist",
    "": "Summoner",
    "": "Red Mage",
    "": "Blue Mage",
    "": "Carpenter",
    "": "Blacksmith",
    "": "Armorer",
    "": "Goldsmith",
    "": "Leatherworker",
    "": "Weaver",
    "": "Alchemist",
    "": "Culinarian",
    "": "Miner",
    "": "Botanist",
    "": "Fisher",