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package ffxivapi // import ""

import (
    log ""

// FFXIVAPI is the main object, containing the region to be targeted and the HTTP client to use
type FFXIVAPI struct {
    Lodestone lodestone.Client

// New returns a new FFXIVAPI object with http.DefaultClient and the region set to Europe ("eu")
func New() *FFXIVAPI {
    return &FFXIVAPI{
        Lodestone: &lodestone.HTTPClient{
            Server:     lodestone.CanonServerFromRegion("eu"),
            HTTPClient: http.DefaultClient,

// lodestone queries the given lodestone URL and params (url-encoding them) and returns a goquery document
func (api *FFXIVAPI) lodestone(query string, params map[string]string) (*goquery.Document, error) {
    if len(params) > 0 {
        query += "?"
        urlValues := url.Values{}
        for k, v := range params {
            urlValues.Add(k, v)
        query += urlValues.Encode()

    log.Debugf("lodestone: requesting %s", query)
    response, err := api.Lodestone.Request(query)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    return goquery.NewDocumentFromReader(response)

// silentAtoi discards error from atoi, used to assign numbers assumed to be correctly-formatted into inline initializers
func silentAtoi(s string) int {
    i, _ := strconv.Atoi(s)
    return i