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 * Jroff 0.0.1 <>
 * Copyright (c)2015 Roberto Dip <>
 * @license Distributed under MIT license
 * @module Jroff

(function (root, factory) {
  if(typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
    define([], factory);
  } else if(typeof module === 'object' && module.exports) {
    module.exports = factory();
  } else {
    root.Jroff = factory();
}(this, function () { //eslint-disable-line max-statements

  var COMMENT = 1,
    MACRO = 2,
    IMACRO = 3,
    BREAK = 4,
    TEXT = 5,
    EMPTY = 6,
    ESCAPE = 7;

  var callableMacros = [
  'Ac', 'Ao', 'Bc', 'Bo', 'Brc', 'Bro', 'Dc', 'Do', 'Ec', 'Eo', 'Fc',
  'Oc', 'Oo', 'Pc', 'Po', 'Qc', 'Qo', 'Sc', 'So', 'Xc', 'Xo', 'Aq',
  'Bq', 'Brq', 'Dq', 'Op', 'Pq', 'Ql', 'Qq', 'Sq', 'Vt', 'Ta', 'Ad',
  'An', 'Ap', 'Ar', 'At', 'Bsx', 'Bx', 'Cd', 'Cm', 'Dv', 'Dx', 'Em',
  'Er', 'Ev', 'Fa', 'Fl', 'Fn', 'Ft', 'Fx', 'Ic', 'Li', 'Lk', 'Ms',
  'Mt', 'Nm', 'Ns', 'Nx', 'Ox', 'Pa', 'Pf', 'Sx', 'Sy', 'Tn', 'Ux',
  'Va', 'Vt', 'Xr'

   * Wrap all common regexp patterns
   * @namespace
   * @alias patterns
   * @since 0.0.1
  var patterns = {
    macro: /^\./,
    macroStart: /^.\s*/,
    lexeme: /(\n|\s+|^\.\s+\S+)/g,
    comment: /(\.\\)?\\\"/,
    arguments: /"(.*?)"|\S+/g,
    number: /[\d]/,
    realNumber: /(^[\-|\+]?\d)/,
    escape: /(\\[^\"])/g,
    wrappingQuotes: /^\s*?\"([^\"]*)\"\s*?$/g,
    noWhiteSpace: /\S/,
    newLine: /[ \t]*\n/

   * Create a new object with all the properties present in an array of n
   * objects.
   * @argument {array} objects to be combined
   * @returns {object}
   * @since 0.0.1
  var mergeObjects = function (objects) {
    return objects.reduce(function (memo, object) {
      for(var key in object) {
        if(object.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
          memo[key] = object[key];

      return memo;
    }, {});

   * Returns a boolean describing if the token can have nodes
   * @argument {token} token
   * @returns {boolean}
   * @since 0.0.1
  var canHaveNodes = function (token) {
    return [MACRO, IMACRO, ESCAPE].indexOf(token.kind) !== -1

  var macros = {},
    macroLib = null;

   * Represents a single token, encapsulates common behavior useful
   * to parse and manipulate tokens
   * @constructor
   * @alias Token
   * @property {string} value
   * @property {number} kind of the token, used to know if the token
   * represents a macro, break, inline macro, etc.
   * @property {array} nodes is a collection of sub tokens, useful while
   * parsing ( for example a macro with inline macros ).
   * @since 0.0.1
  var Token = function (value, kind) {
    this.value = value || '';
    this.kind = kind || EMPTY;
    this.nodes = [];

   * Class method used to know wheter a string represents a comment
   * @param {string} str
   * @returns {boolean}
   * @since 0.0.1
  Token.isComment = function (str) {
    return patterns.comment.test(str);

   * Class method used to know wheter a string represents an empty line
   * @param {string} str
   * @returns {boolean}
   * @since 0.0.1
  Token.isEmptyLine = function (str) {
    return patterns.newLine.test(str);

   * Class method used to know wheter a string represents an inline
   * macro
   * @param {string} str
   * @returns {boolean}
   * @since 0.0.1
  Token.isInlineMacro = function (str) {
    return callableMacros.indexOf(str) !== -1 && macroLib === 'doc';

   * Class method used to know wheter a string represents a macro
   * @param {string} str
   * @returns {boolean}
   * @since 0.0.1
  Token.isMacro = function (str) {
    return patterns.macro.test(str);

   * Class method used to know wheter a string represents a escape sequence
   * @param {string} str
   * @returns {boolean}
   * @since 0.0.1
  Token.isEscape = function (str) {
    return str.charAt(0) === '\\';

   * Add a given token into the nodes array
   * @param {Token} token
   * @returns {Token} the token instance itself, useful for method
   * chaining
   * @since 0.0.1
  Token.prototype.addNode = function (token) {

    return this;

   * Return the last node in the nodes array, if the array is empty,
   * safely return a new token of kind EMPTY
   * @returns {Token}
   * @since 0.0.1
  Token.prototype.lastNode = function () {
    return this.nodes[this.nodes.length - 1] || new Token();

   * Mix the given token with the current token instance.
   * Mixing two tokens means to concatenate their values
   * @param {Token} token
   * @returns {Token} the token instance itself, useful for method
   * chaining
   * @todo clarify the documentation and add examples
   * @since 0.0.1
  Token.prototype.mix = function (token) {
    this.value = this.value + token.value;

    if(this.kind === EMPTY) {
      this.kind = token.kind;

    return this;

   * Supplies an interface to create new Token instances based on a
   * string representation of the token, and returns a Token instance
   * with the correct `kind` attribute.
   * This constructor is meant to be instantiated.
   * @constructor
   * @alias TokenFactory
   * @since 0.0.1
  var TokenFactory = function () {};

   * Creates a new Token with the correct kind based on a raw
   * representation of the token
   * @param {string} [rawToken]
   * @returns {Token} a new instance of the Token class
   * @example
   * var factory = new TokenFactory();
   * var token = factory.create('.SH TITLE');
   * token.kind === MACRO; //=> true
   * token.value; //=> 'TITLE'
   * @since 0.0.1
  TokenFactory.prototype.create = function (rawToken) {
    var kind = TEXT;

    if(typeof rawToken === 'undefined') {
      kind = EMPTY;
    } else if(Token.isComment(rawToken)) {
      kind = COMMENT;
    } else if(Token.isMacro(rawToken)) {
      kind = MACRO;
    } else if(Token.isInlineMacro(rawToken)) {
      kind = IMACRO;
    } else if(Token.isEmptyLine(rawToken)) {
      kind = BREAK;
    } else if(Token.isEscape(rawToken)) {
      kind = ESCAPE;

    return new Token(rawToken, kind);

   * Takes charge of the process of converting a sequence of characters
   * (string) into a sequence of tokens. Also keeps track of useful
   * information like current column and line number during the process
   * @constructor
   * @property {array} source the source string, splitted by withespaces
   * @property {array} tokens buffer to store the parsed tokens
   * @property {integer} sourceIdx current token index
   * @property {col} current column being parsed
   * @property {line} current line being parsed
   * @property {TokenFactory} factory used to create tokens
  var Lexer = function (source) {
    this.source = this.cleanSource(source)
    this.tokens = [];
    this.sourceIdx = 0;
    this.col = 0;
    this.line = 1;
    this.factory = new TokenFactory();

   * Performs the following tasks to the source string:
   * - Replaces < and > symbols with their HTML escape equivalents
   * - Adds whitespaces between escape sequences
   * @argument {string} source
   * @returns {string}
   * @since 0.0.1
  Lexer.prototype.cleanSource = function (source) {
    return source
      .replace(patterns.escape, ' $1 ')
      .replace(/</g, '&lt;')
      .replace(/>/g, '&gt;');

   * Does the tokenization of the source given in the constructor,
   * and returns an array of tokens.
   * @returns {array} array of tokens
   * @example
   * var lexer = new Lexer(string);
   * lexer.lex() //=> [...]
  Lexer.prototype.lex = function () {
    var lexeme;

    /* This check is here because empty strings can break the loop */
    while(typeof (lexeme = !== 'undefined') {

    return this.tokens;

   * Manages the current token being parsed,
   * and the state of this.col and this.line.
   * @returns {string} the next lexeme in the source, if there is no
   * more lexemes returns `undefined`
   */ = function () {
    var lexeme = this.source[this.sourceIdx++];

    if(lexeme === '\n') {
      this.col = 0;
      this.line += 1;
    } else if(lexeme) {
      this.col += lexeme.length;

    return lexeme;

   * Works out the grammatical structure of the token array provided
   * by the Lexer and generates an AST ready to be transformed, this
   * AST could be consumed by the HTML generator but it's not limited
   * to that.
   * @constructor
   * @alias Parser
   * @property {string} input raw contents of the man page
   * @since 0.0.1
  var Parser = function (input) {
    this.ast = [];
    this.scope = this.ast;
    this.lexer = new Lexer(input);
    this.tokens = this.lexer.lex();
    this.lastTok = new Token('', BREAK);
    this.escapeWithArguments = ['\\f', '\\s', '\\m', '\\('];

    this.mappings = {};
    this.mappings[MACRO] = 'handleMacro';
    this.mappings[IMACRO] = 'setNewScope';
    this.mappings[TEXT] = 'handleText';
    this.mappings[ESCAPE] = 'handleEscape';
    this.mappings[BREAK] = 'handleBreak';
    this.mappings[COMMENT] = 'ignore';
    this.mappings[EMPTY] = 'ignore';

   * Return the next token in the lexer queue
   * @returns {Token}
   * @since 0.0.1
   */ = function () {
    return this.tokens.shift();

   * Add the last token into the scope, and set it as the last parsed
   * token
   * @returns {Token}
   * @since 0.0.1
  Parser.prototype.addToScope = function (token) {
    this.lastTok = token;

   * Go through all tokens in the lexer queue and return an AST
   * describing the relationship between them.
   * @returns {array}
   * @since 0.0.1
  Parser.prototype.buildAST = function () {
    var token;

    while((token = {

    return this.ast;

   * Handle macro tokens, if the last parsed token is a line break,
   * the token is a macro and it should call 'setNewScope', otherwise
   * it's a false positive (example: a period in a sentence) and it
   * should call 'handleText'
   * @since 0.0.1
  Parser.prototype.handleMacro = function (token) {
    if(this.lastTok.kind === BREAK) {
      /* Remove the starting dot and any whitespace */
      token.value = token.value.replace(patterns.macroStart, '');
    } else {

   * Used by macros and inline macros; this function changes the current
   * scope to the 'nodes' property of the current token
   * @since 0.0.1
  Parser.prototype.setNewScope = function (token) {
    this.scope = token.nodes;

   * Handles line breaks:
   * - If the last parsed token is another line break, we should add a
   * 'br' token in order to emulate the groff behavior
   * - Otherwise the line break resets the scope to the default scope
   * (this.ast)
   * @since 0.0.1
  Parser.prototype.handleBreak = function (token) {
    this.scope = this.ast;

    if(this.lastTok.kind === BREAK) {
      this.scope.push(new Token('br', MACRO));
    } else {
      this.scope.push(new Token(' ', TEXT));

    this.lastTok = token;

   * Handles escape sequences, since any scape sequence will be in the
   * form: ESCAPE + SPACING + ARGUMENT ( check Lexer.js ) we are just
   * pushing the next two following tokens into the 'nodes' array of
   * the current token
   * @since 0.0.1
  Parser.prototype.handleEscape = function (token) {
    if(this.escapeWithArguments.indexOf(token.value) !== -1) {
      var escapeParam;;
      escapeParam =;
      escapeParam.kind = TEXT;


   * Handles text:
   * - if the value of the token is an empty string, just return.
   * - if the last parsed token is another text token, mix both
   * - if the last parsed token isn't another text token, this is the
   * first text token in the chain, so just add it to the current scope
   * @since 0.0.1
  Parser.prototype.handleText = function (token) {
    if(!token.value) {

    token.kind = TEXT;

    if(this.lastTok.kind === TEXT) {
    } else {
      if(canHaveNodes(this.lastTok)) {
        token.value = token.value.trim();


   * Create a ghost scope, so all the content pushed in it will be
   * ignored, useful for comments
   * @since 0.0.1
  Parser.prototype.ignore = function (token) {
    this.scope = [];
    this.lastTok = token;

   * Group all `an` macros
   * @namespace
   * @alias
   * @since 0.0.1
   */ = {

     * This should be the first command in a man page, not only
     * creates the title of the page but also stores in the buffer
     * useful variables: `title`, `section`, `date`, `source`
     * and `manual`
     * @param {string} args raw representation of the arguments
     * described below, in this version the TH function is in charge
     * to parse and store this arguments in the buffer
     * @param {object} buffer
     * @returns {string}
     * @example
     * var args = 'FOO 1 "MARCH 1995" Linux "User Manuals"';
     * var buffer = {};
     * TH(args, buffer);
     * buffer.title   //=> FOO
     * buffer.section //=> 1
     *    //=> "MARCH 1995"
     * @since 0.0.1
    TH: function (args) {
      var title;

      args = this.parseArguments(args);

      this.buffer.title = args[0] || '';
      this.buffer.section = args[1] || ''; = args[2] || '';
      this.buffer.source = args[3] || '';
      this.buffer.manual = args[4] || '';

      title = this.buffer.title + '(' + this.buffer.section + ')';

        '<p><span>' + title + '</span>' +
        '<span>' + this.buffer.manual + '</span>' +
        '<span>' + title + '</span></p>'

     * Represent a section in the manual, creates a title tag
     * with the contents of the `arg` variable
     * @param {string} args section title, from 1 to n words.
     * @returns {string} a semantic representation of a section title.
     * @since 0.0.1
    SH: function (args) {
      var openingTag = '<section style="margin-left:' + + '%;">',
        preamble = '';

      this.buffer.section = args;

      preamble += this.closeAllTags(this.buffer.fontModes);
      preamble += this.closeAllTags(this.buffer.openTags);
      preamble += this.closeAllTags(this.buffer.sectionTags);


      return preamble + this.generateTag('h2', args) + openingTag;

     * Represent a subsection inside a section, creates a subtitle tag
     * with the contents of the `arg` variable
     * @param {string} args subtitle, from 1 to n words.
     * @returns {string} a semantic representation of a section title.
     * @since 0.0.1
    SS: function (args) {
      return this.generateTag('h3', args);

     * Generate bold text
     * @param {string} args the text to be presented as bold
     * @returns {string}
     * @since 0.0.1
    B: function (args) {
      return this.generateTag('strong', args);

     * Generate bold text alternated with italic text
     * @param {string} args
     * @returns {string}
     * @since 0.0.1
    BI: function (args) {
      return this.generateAlternTag('strong', 'i', args);

     * Generate bold text alternated with regular text
     * @param {string} args
     * @returns {string}
     * @since 0.0.1
    BR: function (args) {
      return this.generateAlternTag('strong', 'span', args);

     * Generate italic text
     * @param {string} args
     * @returns {string}
     * @since 0.0.1
    I: function (args) {
      return this.generateTag('i', args);

     * Generate italic text alternated with bold
     * @param {string} args
     * @returns {string}
     * @since 0.0.1
    IB: function (args) {
      return this.generateAlternTag('i', 'strong', args);

     * Generate italic text alternated with regular text
     * @param {string} args
     * @returns {string}
     * @since 0.0.1
    IR: function (args) {
      return this.generateAlternTag('i', 'span', args);

     * Generate regular text alternated with bold text
     * @param {string} args
     * @returns {string}
     * @since 0.0.1
    RB: function (args) {
      return this.generateAlternTag('span', 'strong', args);

     * Generate regular text alternated with italic text
     * @param {string} args
     * @returns {string}
     * @since 0.0.1
    RI: function (args) {
      return this.generateAlternTag('span', 'i', args);

     * Generate small text alternated with bold text
     * @param {string} args
     * @returns {string}
     * @since 0.0.1
    SB: function (args) {
      return this.generateAlternTag('small', 'strong', args);

     * Generate small text
     * @param {string} args
     * @returns {string}
     * @since 0.0.1
    SM: function (args) {
      return this.generateTag('small', args);

     * Generate a paragraph
     * @param {string} args
     * @returns {string}
     * @since 0.0.1
    P: function () {
      var result = '';

      result += this.closeAllTags(this.buffer.fontModes);
      result += this.closeTagsUntil('div', this.buffer.openTags);


      return result + '<div style="margin-bottom: 2%;">';

     * Start relative margin indent: moves the left margin `indent` to
     * the right (if is omitted, the prevailing indent value is used).
     * @param {string} indent
     * @since 0.0.1
    RS: function (indent) {
      var result = '';

      indent = indent ||;

      result += this.closeAllTags(this.buffer.fontModes);
      result += '<section style="margin-left:' + indent + '%">';


      return result;

     * End relative margin indent and restores the previous value
     * of the prevailing indent.
     * @since 0.0.1
    RE: function () {
      return this.closeTagsUntil('section', this.buffer.openTags);
  }; =; =;

  var fontMappings = {
    B: 'strong',
    R: 'span',
    I: 'i',
    S: 'small'

   * Group all defautl groff macros
   * @namespace
   * @alias macros.defaults
   * @since 0.0.1
  macros.defaults = {
     * Adds a line break
     * @returns {string}
     * @since 0.0.1
    br: function () {
      return '<br>';

     * Sets the space-character size to N/36 em.
     * @argument {integer} number
     * @since 0.0.1
    ss: function (number) {

      return '<span style="word-spacing:' + (number / 36) + 'em;">';

     * Change to font defined by fontType, possible values are R,I,B,S.
     * Behaves in the same way as \fx, \f(xx, \fN
     * @argument {string} fontType
     * @since 0.0.1
    ft: function (fontType) {
      var result = '',

      /* the font type can be a string with multiple arguments */
      fontType = this.parseArguments(fontType)[0];
      type = fontMappings[fontType.trim()];

      result += this.closeAllTags(this.buffer.fontModes);

      if(type !== fontMappings.R) {
        result += '<' + type + '> ';

      return result;

     * Set the vertical spacing of the following paragraphs
     * @argument {string} spacing
     * @since 0.0.1
    vs: function (spacing) {
      spacing = spacing || 12;


      return '<section style="line-height:' + (spacing / 12) + 'em;">';

     * No filling or adjusting of output lines.
     * This macro is useless in the context of the current
     * implementation, it only produces a line break (similar to the
     * default groff output)
     * @since 0.0.1
    nf: function () {
      return '<br>';

     * Set the indent of the following paragraphs
     * @argument {string} indent
     * @since 0.0.1
    in : function (indent) {
      indent = indent || 3;


      return '<section style="margin-left:' + (indent / 3) + 'em;">';

     * Italize the next `n` input lines
     * In this implementation, the macro starts the italic mode, without
     * taking in consideration the number of lines provided.
     * @since 0.0.1
    ul: function () {
      return, 'I');

     * Italize the next `n` input lines
     * In this implementation, the macro starts the italic mode, without
     * taking in consideration the number of lines provided.
     * @since 0.0.1
    cu: function () {
      return, 'I');

     * Space vertically in either direction.
     * If `spacing` is negative, the motion is backward (upward) and is
     * limited to the distance to the top of the page
     * If the no-space mode is on, no spacing occurs (see ns and rs)
     * @argument {string} spacing
     * @since 0.0.1
    sp: function (spacing) {
      spacing = spacing || '2';

      return '<hr style="margin-top:' + spacing + 'em;visibility:hidden;">';

     * Used to manage conditionals, not supported in the current version
     * @since 0.0.1
    'if': function () {
      return '';

     * Used to manage conditionals, not supported in the current version
     * @since 0.0.1
    ie: function () {
      return '';

     * Used to manage conditionals, not supported in the current version
     * @since 0.0.1
    el: function () {
      return '';

     * Used to manage conditionals, not supported in the current version
     * @since 0.0.1
    '\\}': function () {
      return '';

     * Used to define new macros, not supported in the current version
     * @since 0.0.1
    de: function () {
      return '';

     * Need `number` vertical space, not supported in the current version
     * @since 0.0.1
    ne: function () {
      return '';

     * Custom pattern present in some man pages, does not produce any
     * output
     * @since 0.0.1
    '.': function () {
      return '';

     * Fill output lines, does not apply for the current implementation
     * @since 0.0.1
    fi: function () {
      return '';

     * Disable hyphenation
     * @since 0.0.1
    nh: function () {
      /* TODO: apply this property somewhere */ = 'none';

     * Adjust output lines with mode c; where c = l, r, c, b,none
     * @since 0.0.1
    ad: function (align) {
      /* TODO: apply this property somewhere */ = align;

     * Prevents or delays the interpretation of \, in this implementation
     * behaves exactly like `\e`
     * @returns {string}
     * @since 0.0.1
    '\\\\': function () {
      return macros.defaults['\\e'].call(this);

     * Print the escape character
     * @returns {string}
     * @since 0.0.1
    '\\e': function () {
      return '\\ ';

     * Print the minus sign (-) in the current font
     * @returns {string}
     * @since 0.0.1
    '\\-': function () {
      return '&minus;';

     * \fx Change to font named x, works as a shorthand of .ft
     * @argument {string} args the word next to the escape sequence, due to the
     * current parser structure we must split the font type argument of the
     * escape secuence here.
     * @returns {string}
     * @since 0.0.1
    '\\f': function (args) {
      var fontType;

      args = args.trim();
      fontType = args.charAt(0);

      return, fontType) + ' ' + args.slice(1);

     * According to the roff spec, this sequence is used as a
     * "non-printing, zero width character", but for the purposes of this
     * implementation we can just ignore this behavior.
     * @returns {string}
     * @since 0.0.1
    '\\&': function () {
      return '';

     * Increase or decrease the font size by `n` units, negative values are
     * accepted.
     * @argument {string} args the word next to the escape sequence, due to the
     * current parser structure we need to do extra work here to parse the
     * arguments
     * @returns {string}
     * @since 0.0.1
    '\\s': function (args) {
      var txt;

      args = args.split(patterns.realNumber);
      txt = args[2] || ''; += parseInt(args[1], 10);

        '<span style="font-size:' + + 'px;">' + txt

     * For the purposes of this implementation we can just ignore this sequence.
     * @returns {string}
     * @since 0.0.1
    '\\m': function () {
      return '';

     * For the purposes of this implementation we can just ignore this sequence.
     * @returns {string}
     * @since 0.0.1
    '\\(': function () {
      return '';

     * For the purposes of this implementation we can just ignore this sequence.
     * @returns {string}
     * @since 0.0.1
    '\\d': function () {
      return '';

     * For the purposes of this implementation we can just ignore this sequence.
     * @returns {string}
     * @since 0.0.1
    '\\u': function () {
      return '';

    '\\+': function () {
      return '&plus;';

  var docSections = {
    1: 'General Commands Manual',
    2: 'System Calls Manual',
    3: 'Library Functions Manual',
    4: 'Kernel Interfaces Manual',
    5: 'File Formats Manual',
    6: 'Games Manual',
    7: 'Miscellaneous Information Manual',
    8: 'System Manager\'s Manual',
    9: 'Kernel Developer\'s Manual'

  var volumes = {
    'USD': 'User\'s Supplementary Documents',
    'PS1': 'Programmer\'s Supplementary Documents',
    'AMD': 'Ancestral Manual Documents',
    'SMM': 'System Manager\'s Manual',
    'URM': 'User\'s Reference Manual',
    'PRM': 'Programmer\'s Manual',
    'KM': 'Kernel Manual',
    'IND': 'Manual Master Index',
    'LOCAL': 'Local Manual',
    'CON': 'Contributed Software Manual'

  var architectures = [
  'alpha', 'acorn26', 'acorn32', 'algor', 'amd64', 'amiga', 'arc', 'arm26',
  'arm32', 'atari', 'bebox', 'cats', 'cesfic', 'cobalt', 'dreamcast',
  'evbarm', 'evbmips', 'evbppc', 'evbsh3', 'hp300', 'hp700', 'hpcmips',
  'i386', 'luna68k', 'm68k', 'mac68k', 'macppc', 'mips', 'mmeye', 'mvme68k',
  'mvmeppc', 'netwinder', 'news68k', 'newsmips', 'next68k', 'ofppc',
  'pc532', 'pmax', 'pmppc', 'powerpc', 'prep', 'sandpoint', 'sgimips', 'sh3',
  'shark', 'sparc', 'sparc64', 'sun3', 'tahoe', 'vax', 'x68k', 'x86_64'

  var fontModes = {
    '-emphasis': 'i',
    '-literal': 'span',
    '-symbolic': 'strong'

  var abbreviations = {
    '-ansiC': 'ANSI X3.159-1989 (``ANSI C89\'\')',
    '-ansiC-89': 'ANSI X3.159-1989 (``ANSI C89\'\')',
    '-isoC': 'ISO/IEC 9899:1990 (``ISO C90\'\')',
    '-isoC-90': 'ISO/IEC 9899:1990 (``ISO C90\'\')',
    '-isoC-99': 'ISO/IEC 9899:1999 (``ISO C99\'\')',
    '-iso9945-1-90': 'ISO/IEC 9945-1:1990 (``POSIX.1\'\')',
    '-iso9945-1-96': 'ISO/IEC 9945-1:1996 (``POSIX.1\'\')',
    '-p1003.1': 'IEEE Std 1003.1 (``POSIX.1\'\')',
    '-p1003.1-88': 'IEEE Std 1003.1-1988 (``POSIX.1\'\')',
    '-p1003.1-90': 'ISO/IEC 9945-1:1990 (``POSIX.1\'\')',
    '-p1003.1-96': 'ISO/IEC 9945-1:1996 (``POSIX.1\'\')',
    '-p1003.1b-93': 'IEEE Std 1003.1b-1993 (``POSIX.1\'\')',
    '-p1003.1c-95': 'IEEE Std 1003.1c-1995 (``POSIX.1\'\')',
    '-p1003.1g-2000': 'IEEE Std 1003.1g-2000 (``POSIX.1\'\')',
    '-p1003.1i-95': 'IEEE Std 1003.1i-1995 (``POSIX.1\'\')',
    '-p1003.1-2001': 'IEEE Std 1003.1-2001 (``POSIX.1\'\')',
    '-p1003.1-2004': 'IEEE Std 1003.1-2004 (``POSIX.1\'\')',
    '-iso9945-2-93': 'ISO/IEC 9945-2:1993 (``POSIX.2\'\')',
    '-p1003.2': 'IEEE Std 1003.2 (``POSIX.2\'\')',
    '-p1003.2-92': 'IEEE Std 1003.2-1992 (``POSIX.2\'\')',
    '-p1003.2a-92': 'IEEE Std 1003.2a-1992 (``POSIX.2\'\')',
    '-susv2': 'Version 2 of the Single UNIX Specification (``SUSv2\'\')',
    '-susv3': 'Version 3 of the Single UNIX Specification (``SUSv3\'\')',
    '-svid4': 'System V Interface Definition, Fourth Edition (``SVID4\'\')',
    '-xbd5': 'X/Open System Interface Definitions Issue 5 (``XBD5\'\')',
    '-xcu5': 'X/Open Commands and Utilities Issue 5 (``XCU5\'\')',
    '-xcurses4.2': 'X/Open Curses Issue 4, Version 2 (``XCURSES4.2\'\')',
    '-xns5': 'X/Open Networking Services Issue 5 (``XNS5\'\')',
    '-xns5.2': 'X/Open Networking Services Issue 5.2 (``XNS5.2\'\')',
    '-xpg3': 'X/Open Portability Guide Issue 3 (``XPG3\'\')',
    '-xpg4': 'X/Open Portability Guide Issue 4 (``XPG4\'\')',
    '-xpg4.2': 'X/Open Portability Guide Issue 4, Version 2 (``XPG4.2\'\')',
    '-xsh5': 'X/Open System Interfaces and Headers Issue 5 (``XSH5\'\')',
    '-ieee754': 'IEEE Std 754-1985',
    '-iso8802-3': 'ISO/IEC 8802-3:1989'

   * Group all `doc` macros
   * @namespace
   * @alias macros.doc
   * @since 0.0.1
  macros.doc = {

     * This should be the first command in a man page, not only
     * creates the title of the page but also stores in the buffer
     * useful variables: `title`, `section`, `date`, `source`
     * and `manual`
     * @argument {string} args.title is the subject of the page,
     * traditionally in capitals due to troff limitations, but
     * capitals are not required in this implementation.
     * If ommited, 'UNTITLED' is used.
     * @argument {string} args.section number, may be a number in the
     * range 1..9, mappings between numbers and section names are
     * defined in the 'docSections' namespace. The default value is
     * empty.
     * @argument {string} args.volume name may be arbitrary or one of
     * the keys defined in the volumes namespace, defaults to LOCAL.
     * If the section number is neither a numeric expression in the
     * range 1 to 9 nor one of the above described keywords, the third
     * parameter is used verbatim as the volume name.
     * @returns {string} a representation of the header displayed by
     * groff
     * @since 0.0.1
    Dt: function (args) {
      var sideText,

      /* Parse the arguments string */
      args = this.parseArguments(args);
      title = args[0];
      section = args[1];
      volume = args[2];

      /* Store arguments with default values in the buffer */
      this.buffer.title = title || 'UNTITLED';
      this.buffer.section = section || '';
      this.buffer.volume = volume || 'LOCAL';

      sideText = this.buffer.title;
      midText = this.buffer.volume;

      if(section) {
        sideText = this.buffer.title + '(' + this.buffer.section + ')';

        if(volumes[volume]) {
          midText = volumes[volume];
        } else if(architectures.indexOf(volume) !== -1) {
          midText = 'BSD/' + volume + docSections[this.buffer.section];
        } else if(docSections[this.buffer.section]) {
          midText = 'BSD' + docSections[this.buffer.section];

        '<p><span>' + sideText + '</span>' +
        '<span>' + midText + '</span>' +
        '<span>' + sideText + '</span></p><section>'

     * Store the document date in the buffer,
     * since this macro is neither callable nor parsed
     * we just store the verbatim value
     * @param {string} date
     * @since 0.0.1
    Dd: function (date) { = date;

     * Store a value for the operating system in the buffer,
     * this value is used in the bottom left corner of the
     * parsed manpage.
     * This macro is neither callable nor parsed.
     * @param {string} os
     * @since 0.0.1
    Os: function (os) {
      this.buffer.os = os;

     * The address macro identifies an address construct,
     * it's generally printed as a italic text.
     * @param {string} address
     * @returns {string}
     * @since 0.0.1
    Ad: function (args) {
      return this.generateTag('i', args);

     * The `.An' macro is used to specify the name of the author
     * of the item being documented, or the name of the author of
     * the actual manual page.
     * Generally prints text in regular format
     * @param {string} author
     * @returns {string}
     * @since 0.0.1
    An: function (author) {
      return this.generateTag('span', author);

     * The .Ar argument macro may be used whenever an argument
     * is referenced. If called without arguments,
     * the `file ...' string is output.
     * Generally prints text in italic format
     * @param {string} argument
     * @returns {string}
     * @since 0.0.1
    Ar: function (args) {
      args = args || 'file...';

      return this.generateTag('i', args);

     * The `.Cd' macro is used to demonstrate a config
     * declaration for a device interface in a section four manual.
     * In the SYNOPSIS section a `.Cd' command causes a line break
     * before and after its arguments are printed.
     * Generally prints text in bold format
     * @param {string} args
     * @returns {string}
     * @since 0.0.1
    Cd: function (args) {
      var tag = this.isInsideOfSection('SYNOPSIS') ? 'p>strong' : 'strong';

      return this.generateTag(tag, args);

     * Defines a variable, in practical terms, it only returns the text
     * in normal format
     * @param {string} args
     * @returns {string}
     * @since 0.0.1
    Dv: function (args) {
      return this.generateTag('span', args);

     * Especifies an environment variable,
     * in practical terms, it only returns the text in normal format
     * @param {string} args
     * @returns {string}
     * @since 0.0.1
    Ev: function (args) {
      return this.generateTag('span', args);

     * The `.Fl' macro handles command line flags, it prepends
     * a dash, `-', to the flag and makes it bold.
     * A call without any arguments results in a dash representing
     * stdin/stdout
     * @param {string} args
     * @returns {string}
     * @since 0.0.1
    Fl: function (args) {
      return this.generateTag('strong', '-' + args);

     * The command modifier is identical to the `.Fl' (flag) command
     * with the exception that the `.Cm' macro does not assert a dash
     * in front of every argument.
     * @param {string} args
     * @returns {string}
     * @since 0.0.1
    Cm: function (args) {
      return this.generateTag('strong', args);

     * The `.Nm' macro is used for the document title or subject name.
     * It has the peculiarity of remembering the first argument it
     * was called with, which should always be the subject name of
     * the page.  When called without arguments, `.Nm' regurgitates
     * this initial name for the sole purpose of making less work
     * for the author.
     * @param {string} args name
     * @returns {string}
     * @since 0.0.1
    Nm: function (args) {
      var result; = || args;
      result = args ||;

      return this.generateTag('strong', result);

     * `.Nd' first prints `--', then all its arguments.
     * @argument {string} args
     * @returns {string}
     * @since 0.0.1
    Nd: function (args) {
      return this.generateTag('span', '-- ' + args);

     * Defines a section header and a wrapper for the content that
     * comes next ( section tag ) indented with the default indent.
     * Also stores in the buffer the current section name.
     * @argument {string} args
     * @returns {string}
     * @since 0.0.1
    Sh: function (args) {
      var openingTag = '<section style="margin-left:' + + '%;">';

      this.buffer.section = args;

      return '</section>' + this.generateTag('h2', args) + openingTag;

     * The `.Op' macro places option brackets around any remaining
     * arguments on the command line
     * @argument {string} args
     * @returns {string}
     * @since 0.0.1
    Op: function (args) {
      return this.generateTag('span', '[' + args + ']');

     * The `.Xr' macro expects the first argument to be a manual page
     * name. The optional second argument, if a string
     * (defining the manual section), is put into parentheses.
     * @argument {string} name of the manual page
     * @argument {string} args.number
     * @argument {string} text the remaining text in the line
     * @returns {string}
     * @since 0.0.1
    Xr: function (args) {
      var name,

      args = this.parseArguments(args);

      name = args.shift() || '';
      number = args[0] ? '(' + args.shift() + ')' : '';
      text = args.join(' ') || '';

      return this.generateTag('span', name + number + text);

     * Initiates several types of lists, they may be
     * nested within themselves and within displays.
     * The list type is specified with the first argument provided
     * In addition, several list attributes may be specified
     * such as the width of a tag, the list offset, and compactness.
     * In this implementation, the macro stores in the buffer the
     * list type for later use within the It tag
     * @param {string} args.type the type of the list,
     * for example -enum
     * @returns {string}
     * @since 0.0.1
    Bl: function (args) {
      var indent;

      args = this.parseArguments(args);

        flags: args,
        prevTag: '',
        isOpen: false

      indent = ( / 4) * (this.buffer.lists.length - 1);

        '<ul style="list-style:none;padding:0 0 0 ' + indent + '%;">'

     * Items within the list are specified with the `.It'
     * item macro.
     * Depending on the list type the macro could receive extra args
     * @argument {string} args exact meaning depends on list type
     * @returns {string}
     * @todo complete this documentation explain how the text and the
     * styles work.
     * @since 0.0.1
    It: function (args) {
      var list = this.buffer.lists[0],
        pre = list.isOpen ? '</span></li>' : '',
        tagStyles = '',
        tag = '',
        contentStyles = 'margin-bottom:2%;';

      list.isOpen = true;

      for(var i = list.flags.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        switch(list.flags[i]) {
        case '-bullet':
          tag = '&compfn;';
          contentStyles += 'margin-left:2%;';

        case '-dash':
          tag = '&minus;';
          contentStyles += 'margin-left:2%;';

        case '-enum':
          list.prevTag = list.prevTag || 1;
          tag = (list.prevTag++) + '.';
          contentStyles += 'margin-left:2%;';

        case '-item':
          tag = '';
          contentStyles += 'margin-left:2%;';

        case '-tag':
          tag = args;
          tagStyles += 'display:inline-block;';
          contentStyles += 'margin-left:2%;';

        case '-hang':
          tag = this.generateTag('i', args);
          tagStyles += 'width:8%;display:inline-block;';
          contentStyles += 'margin-left:2%;';

        case '-ohang':
          tag = this.generateTag('strong', args);
          tagStyles += 'display:block;';
          contentStyles += 'display:inline-block';

        case '-inset':
          tag = this.generateTag('i', args);
          contentStyles += 'display:inline-block;';

        case '-compact':
          tagStyles += 'margin-bottom: 0;';
          contentStyles += 'margin-bottom:0;';

        pre + '<li><span style="' + tagStyles + '">' +
        tag + '</span><span style="' + contentStyles + '">'

     * Defines the end of a list
     * @returns {string}
     * @since 0.0.1
    El: function () {

      return '</span></li></ul>';

     * The `.Pp' paragraph command may be used to specify a line space
     * where necessary.
     * Since raw text is just added to the stream, this function
     * only opens the paragraph, the closing is handled in the
     * generator
     * @returns {string}
     * @since 0.0.1
    Pp: function () {

      return '<p>';

     * Prints an opening bracket
     * @retuns {string}
     * @since 0.0.1
    Oo: function () {
      return '[';

     * Prints a closing bracket
     * @retuns {string}
     * @since 0.0.1
    Oc: function () {
      return ']';

     * Encloses in angle brackets the given text
     * @argument {string} args text to be enclosed
     * @retuns {string}
     * @since 0.0.1
    Aq: function (args) {
      return this.generateTag('span', '&lt;' + args + '&gt;');

     * Prints an opening angle bracket
     * @retuns {string}
     * @since 0.0.1
    Ao: function () {
      return this.generateTag('span', '&lt;');

     * Prints a closing angle bracket
     * @retuns {string}
     * @since 0.0.1
    Ac: function () {
      return this.generateTag('span', '&gt;');

     * Encloses in brackets the given text
     * @argument {string} args text to be enclosed
     * @retuns {string}
     * @since 0.0.1
    Bq: function (args) {
      return this.generateTag('span', '[' + args + ']');

     * Prints an opening bracket
     * @retuns {string}
     * @since 0.0.1
    Bo: function () {
      return this.generateTag('span', '[');

     * Prints a closing bracket
     * @retuns {string}
     * @since 0.0.1
    Bc: function () {
      return this.generateTag('span', ']');

     * Encloses in braces the given text
     * @argument {string} args text to be enclosed
     * @retuns {string}
     * @since 0.0.1
    Brq: function (args) {
      return this.generateTag('span', '{' + args + '}');

     * Prints an opening brace
     * @retuns {string}
     * @since 0.0.1
    Bro: function () {
      return this.generateTag('span', '{');

     * Prints a closing brace
     * @retuns {string}
     * @since 0.0.1
    Brc: function () {
      return this.generateTag('span', '}');

     * Encloses in double quotes a given text
     * @retuns {string}
     * @since 0.0.1
    Dq: function (args) {
      return this.generateTag('span', '``' + args + '\'\'');

     * Prints an opening double quote
     * @retuns {string}
     * @since 0.0.1
    Do: function () {
      return this.generateTag('span', '``');

     * Prints a closing double quote
     * @retuns {string}
     * @since 0.0.1
    Dc: function () {
      return this.generateTag('span', '\'\'');

     * Encloses a given text in XX
     * @retuns {string}
     * @since 0.0.1
    Eq: function (args) {
      return this.generateTag('span', 'XX' + args + 'XX');

     * Prints XX
     * @retuns {string}
     * @since 0.0.1
    Eo: function () {
      return this.generateTag('span', 'XX');

     * Prints XX
     * @retuns {string}
     * @since 0.0.1
    Ec: function () {
      return this.generateTag('span', 'XX');

     * Encloses the given text in parenthesis
     * @retuns {string}
     * @since 0.0.1
    Pq: function (args) {
      return this.generateTag('span', '(' + args + ')');

     * Prints an open parenthesis
     * @retuns {string}
     * @since 0.0.1
    Po: function () {
      return this.generateTag('span', '(');

     * Prints a closing parenthesis
     * @retuns {string}
     * @since 0.0.1
    Pc: function () {
      return this.generateTag('span', ')');

     * Encloses a text in straight double quotes
     * @retuns {string}
     * @since 0.0.1
    Qq: function (args) {
      return this.generateTag('span', '"' + args + '"');

     * Prints a straight double quote
     * @retuns {string}
     * @since 0.0.1
    Qo: function () {
      return this.generateTag('span', '"');

     * Prints a straight double quote
     * @retuns {string}
     * @since 0.0.1
    Qc: function () {
      return this.generateTag('span', '"');

     * Encloses text in straight single quotes
     * @retuns {string}
     * @since 0.0.1
    Sq: function (args) {
      return this.generateTag('span', '`' + args + '\'');

     * Prints a straight single qoute
     * @retuns {string}
     * @since 0.0.1
    So: function () {
      return this.generateTag('span', '`');

     * Prints a straight single quote
     * @retuns {string}
     * @since 0.0.1
    Sc: function () {
      return this.generateTag('span', '\'');

     * Replaces standard abbreviations with their formal names.
     * Mappings between abbreviations and formal names can be found in
     * the 'abbreviations' object
     * If the abbreviation is invalid, nothing is printed.
     * @arguments {string} args abbreviation
     * @returns {string}
     * @since 0.0.1
    St: function (args) {
      var cont = '';

      args = args;

      if(abbreviations[args]) {
        cont = this.generateTag('abbr', abbreviations[args]);

      return cont;

     * Prints 'AT&T UNIX' and prepends the version number if provided
     * @argument {string} version the version number
     * @returns {string}
     * @since 0.0.1
    At: function (version) {
      var base = ' AT&amp;T UNIX',

      version = version.match(patterns.number);
      preamble = version ? 'Version ' + version[0] : '';

      return this.generateTag('span', preamble + base);

     * Prints 'BSD' and prepends the version number if provided, also
     * if the -devel flag is provided, print a default text
     * @argument {string} version the version number
     * @returns {string}
     * @since 0.0.1
    Bx: function (version) {
      var base,

      base = 'BSD';
      version = version;

      if(version === '-devel') {
        out = base + '(currently under development)';
      } else {
        out = version + base;

      return this.generateTag('span', out);

     * Prints NetBSD and appends the version number if provided
     * @argument {string} version
     * @since 0.0.1
    Nx: function (version) {
      return this.generateTag('span', 'NetBSD ' + version);

     * Prints FreeBSD and appends the version number if provided
     * @argument {string} version
     * @since 0.0.1
    Fx: function (version) {
      return this.generateTag('span', 'FreeBSD ' + version);

     * Prints DragonFly and appends the version number if provided
     * @argument {string} version
     * @since 0.0.1
    Dx: function (version) {
      return this.generateTag('span', 'DragonFly ' + version);

     * Prints OpenBSD and appends the version number if provided
     * @argument {string} version
     * @since 0.0.1
    Ox: function (version) {
      return this.generateTag('span', 'OpenBSD ' + version);

     * Prints BSD/OS and appends the version number if provided
     * @argument {string} version
     * @since 0.0.1
    Osx: function (version) {
      return this.generateTag('span', 'BSD/OS ' + version);

     * Prints UNIX
     * @since 0.0.1
    Ux: function () {
      return this.generateTag('span', 'UNIX');

     * Suppresses the whitespace between its first and second argument
     * @argument {string} args
     * @since 0.0.1
    Pf: function (args) {
      args = this.parseArguments(args);

      return args.shift() + args.shift() + args.join(' ');

     * Formats path or file names.  If called without arguments,
     * the `~' string is output, which represents the current user's
     * home directory.
     * @arguments {string} args
     * @returns {string}
     * @since 0.0.1
    Pa: function (args) {
      args = args || '~';

      return this.generateTag('i', args);

     * Quotes the argument literally
     * @arguments {string} args
     * @returns {string}
     * @since 0.0.1
    Ql: function (args) {
      return this.generateTag('span', '`' + args + '\'');

     * Reference start. Causes a line break in the SEE ALSO section
     * and begins collection of reference information until
     * the reference end macro is read.
     * In practice, defines the references namespace in the buffer
     * @since 0.0.1
    Rs: function () {
      this.buffer.references = {
        authors: [],
        bookTitle: '',
        date: '',
        publisherName: '',
        journalName: '',
        issueNumber: '',
        optionalInformation: '',
        pageNumber: '',
        corporate: '',
        reportName: '',
        articleTitle: '',
        volume: ''

     * Reference author name; one name per invocation.
     * @arguments {string} name
     * @since 0.0.1
    '%A': function (name) {

     * Reference book title
     * @arguments {string} title
     * @since 0.0.1
    '%B': function (title) {
      this.buffer.references.bookTitle += ' ' + title;

     * Reference date asa raw string
     * @arguments {string} date
     * @since 0.0.1
    '%D': function (date) { += ' ' + date;

     * Reference issue/publisher name
     * @arguments {string} name
     * @since 0.0.1
    '%I': function (name) {
      this.buffer.references.publisherName += ' ' + name;

     * Reference journal name
     * @arguments {string} name
     * @since 0.0.1
    '%J': function (name) {
      this.buffer.references.journalName += ' ' + name;

     * Reference issue number
     * @arguments {string} issue
     * @since 0.0.1
    '%N': function (issue) {
      this.buffer.references.issueNumber += ' ' + issue;

     * Reference optional information
     * @arguments {string} args
     * @since 0.0.1
    '%O': function (args) {
      this.buffer.references.optionalInformation += ' ' + args;

     * Reference page number
     * @arguments {string} page
     * @since 0.0.1
    '%P': function (page) {
      this.buffer.references.pageNumber += ' ' + page;

     * Reference corporate author
     * @arguments {string} name
     * @since 0.0.1
    '%Q': function (name) {
      this.buffer.references.corporate += ' ' + name;

     * Reference report name
     * @arguments {string} name
     * @since 0.0.1
    '%R': function (name) {
      this.buffer.references.reportName += ' ' + name;

     * Reference title of article
     * @arguments {string} title
     * @since 0.0.1
    '%T': function (title) {
      this.buffer.references.articleTitle += ' ' + title;

     * Reference volume
     * @arguments {string} volume
     * @since 0.0.1
    '%V': function (volume) {
      this.buffer.references.volume += ' ' + volume;

     * Reference end, prints all the references. Uses special
     * treatement with author names, joining them with '&'
     * @return {string}
     * @since 0.0.1
    Re: function () {
      var references = [];

      this.buffer.references.authors =
        this.buffer.references.authors.join(' and ');

      for(var key in this.buffer.references) {
        if(this.buffer.references[key]) {

      return this.generateTag('p', references.join(', '));

     * Prints its arguments in a smaller font.
     * @argument {string} args
     * @returns {string}
     * @since 0.0.1
    Tn: function (args) {
      return this.generateTag('small', args);

     * Represents symbolic emphasis, prints the provided arguments
     * in boldface
     * @argument {string} args
     * @returns {string}
     * @since 0.0.1
    Sy: function (args) {
      return this.generateTag('strong', args);

     * References variables, print the provided arguments in italics
     * @argument {string} args
     * @returns {string}
     * @since 0.0.1
    Va: function (args) {
      return this.generateTag('i', args);

     * May be used for special characters, variable con-
     * stants, etc. - anything which should be displayed
     * as it would be typed.
     * @argument {string} args
     * @returns {string}
     * @todo check this implementation once we handle escaped chars
     * @since 0.0.1
    Li: function (args) {
      return this.generateTag('span', args);

     * Start the font mode until .Ef is reached, receives a font mode
     * flag as a parameter; valid font modes are:
     * - `-emphasis` Same as .Em macro
     * - `-literal`  Same as .Li macro
     * - `-symbolic` Same as .Sy macro
     * Font modes and their tags are listed in the `fontModes` object.
     * @argument {string} mode mode to be used
     * @returns {string}
     * @since 0.0.1
    Bf: function (mode) {
      var tag;

      mode = this.parseArguments(mode)[0];
      tag = fontModes[mode] || 'span';


      return '<' + tag + '>';

     * Stop the font mode started with .Bf
     * @since 0.0.1
    Ef: function () {
      var tag = this.buffer.activeFontModes.pop();

      return '</' + tag + '>';

     * Represent a subsection inside a section, creates a subtitle tag
     * with the contents of the `arg` variable
     * @param {string} subtitle, from 1 to n words.
     * @returns {string}
     * @since 0.0.1
    Ss: function (subtitle) {
      return this.generateTag('h3', subtitle);

     * Prints a function signature, with the function name in bold
     * if no arguments are provided, returns an empty string
     * @argument {string} function name
     * @argument {string} args.params function params
     * @returns {string}
     * @since 0.0.1
    Fn: function (args) {
      var type,

      args = this.parseArguments(args);

      if(!args[0]) {
        return '';

      storedType = this.buffer.functionType;
      type = storedType ? this.generateTag('i', storedType) : '';
      name = this.generateTag('strong', args[0]);
      params = args[1] || '';

      this.buffer.functionType = '';

      return this.generateTag('span', type + name + '(' + params + ')');

     * Stores in the buffer a function type to be used later on for
     * others macros (for example Fn)
     * @since 0.0.1
    Ft: function (type) {
      this.buffer.functionType = type;

     * Opens a multi parameter function definition
     * In practice initializes the functionArgs array and stores in the
     * buffer the function name provided as argument
     * @argument {string} name of the function
     * @since 0.0.1
    Fo: function (name) {
      this.buffer.functionArgs = [];
      this.buffer.functionName = name;

     * Stores in the buffer a function argument
     * @since 0.0.1
    Fa: function (arg) {

     * Closes the multi parameter funcion definition and prints the
     * result
     * Behind the covers this function only formats the params and then
     * calls .Ft
     * @return {string}
     * @since 0.0.1
    Fc: function () {
      var args = this.buffer.functionArgs.join(', '),
        callParams = this.buffer.functionName + ' "' + args + '"';

      return, callParams);

     * Prints the provided text in italics, if its called inside of the
     * SYNOPSIS section it also adds a line break
     * @argument {string}
     * @returns {string}
     * @since 0.0.1
    Vt: function (args) {
      var base = this.generateTag('i', args),
        postamble = this.isInsideOfSection('SYNOPSIS') ? '<br>' : '';

      return base + postamble;

     * Text may be stressed or emphasized with this macro, in practice,
     * the macro prints italic text
     * @argument {string} text to be italized
     * @returns {string}
     * @since 0.0.1
    Em: function (text) {
      return this.generateTag('i', text);

  var HTMLGenerator = function () {};

  HTMLGenerator.prototype.generate = function (source, lib) {
    var parser,

    if(!source) {
      return '';

    parser = new Parser(source);
    ast = parser.buildAST();
    lib = lib || 'doc';

    this.macros = mergeObjects([macros.defaults, macros[lib]]);

    /* Global variable, used to define if a token is imacro */
    macroLib = lib;

    this.buffer = {
      style: {
        indent: 8,
        fontSize: 16
      references: [],
      lists: [],
      openTags: [],
      fontModes: [],
      sectionTags: [],
      activeFontModes: [],
      section: ''

    return this.recurse(ast);

   * Fires the recursive generation of the HTML based on the
   * AST hierarchy, uses the native reduce function
   * @param {array} arr of tokens
   * @since 0.0.1
  HTMLGenerator.prototype.recurse = function (arr) {
    return arr.reduce(this.reduceRecursive.bind(this), '');

   * Meant to be used as an auxiliar function for the reduce call
   * in 'this.recurse'
   * @param {string} result
   * @param {token} node
   * @since 0.0.1
  HTMLGenerator.prototype.reduceRecursive = function (result, node) {
    var func,

    if(canHaveNodes(node)) {
      if(node.value === 'Sh' || node.value === 'SH') {
        result += this.closeAllTags(this.buffer.fontModes);
        result += this.closeAllTags(this.buffer.openTags);

      func = this.macros[node.value] || this.undefMacro;
      args = node.nodes.length ? this.recurse(node.nodes) : '';
      result +=, args, node) || '';
    } else {
      result += this.cleanQuotes(node.value);

    return result;

   * Fallback function for undefined macros
   * @param {string} args
   * @param {token} node
   * @since 0.0.1
  HTMLGenerator.prototype.undefMacro = function (args, node) {
    console.warn('Unsupported macro:', node.value);
    return args;

   * Remove wrapping double quotes from a string
   * @param {string} str
   * @returns {string} the given argument without wrapping quotes
   * @example
   * cleanQuotes('"Lorem Ipsum"'); //-> 'Lorem Ipsum'
   * @since 0.0.1
  HTMLGenerator.prototype.cleanQuotes = function (str) {
    return str.replace(patterns.wrappingQuotes, '$1');

   * Generate valid HTML tags
   * @param {string} name tag name, this can also be a nested tag
   * definition, so 'p>a' is a valid name and denotes a `p` tag
   * wrapping an `a` tag.
   * @param {string} content the content inside the tag
   * @param {object} properties valid HTML properties
   * @returns {string}
   * @alias generateTag
   * @since 0.0.1
  HTMLGenerator.prototype.generateTag = function (name, content) {
    var tags = name.split('>'),
      i = -1,
      openingTags = '',
      closingTags = '';

    while(tags[++i]) {
      openingTags += '<' + tags[i] + '>';

    while(tags[--i]) {
      closingTags += '</' + tags[i] + '>';

    return openingTags + content + closingTags;

   * Given two tags names, this function generates a chunk of HTML
   * with the content splitted between the two tags.
   * This is specially useful for macros like BI, BR, etc.
   * @param {string} tag1
   * @param {string} tag2
   * @param {string} c
   * @returns {string}
   * @alias generateAlternTag
   * @since 0.0.1
  HTMLGenerator.prototype.generateAlternTag = function (tag1, tag2, c) {
    var i = -1,
      result = '',
      currentTag = tag2;

    c = this.parseArguments(c);

    while(c[++i]) {
      currentTag = currentTag === tag1 ? tag2 : tag1;
      result += this.generateTag(currentTag, c[i]);

    return result;

   * Create HTML markup to close a specific tag
   * @argument {string} tag name of the tag
   * @returns {string}
   * @since 0.0.1
  HTMLGenerator.prototype.closeTag = function (tag) {
    return '</' + tag + '>';

   * Create HTML markup to close a list of tags
   * @argument {array} tags
   * @returns {string}
   * @since 0.0.1
  HTMLGenerator.prototype.closeAllTags = function (tags) {
    return this.closeTagsUntil(tags[0], tags);

   * Create HTML markup to close a list of tags until a given tag is
   * reached
   * @argument {string} limitTag to be reached, if empty it closes all
   * @argument {array} tags
   * @returns {string}
   * @since 0.0.1
  HTMLGenerator.prototype.closeTagsUntil = function (limitTag, tags) {
    var result = '',

    if(tags.indexOf(limitTag) !== -1) {
      while((tag = tags.pop())) {
        result += this.closeTag(tag);

        if(tag === limitTag) {

    return result;

   * Transform a raw string in an array of arguments, in groff
   * arguments are delimited by spaces and double quotes can
   * be used to specify an argument which contains spaces.
   * @argument {string} args
   * @returns {array}
   * @since 0.0.1
  HTMLGenerator.prototype.parseArguments = function (args) {
    args = args.match(patterns.arguments) || [];

    return (arg) {
      return this.cleanQuotes(arg)

   * Useful for macros that require specific behavior inside of a section
   * @argument {string} section name
   * @returns {boolean} wether the value of this.buffer.section is equal to
   * the argument
   * @since 0.0.1
  HTMLGenerator.prototype.isInsideOfSection = function (section) {
    return this.buffer.section.toLowerCase() === section.toLowerCase();

  return {
    HTMLGenerator: HTMLGenerator,
    Lexer: Lexer,
    Token: Token,
    TokenFactory: TokenFactory,
    macros: macros,
    patterns: patterns,
    Parser: Parser,
