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.. Wouso API documentation master file, created by
   sphinx-quickstart on Sat Feb 11 20:35:09 2012.
   You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least
   contain the root `toctree` directive.

Wouso API's documentation

The wouso API is a REST web service using OAuth v1.0 authentication, allowing your application to interact with a
wouso instance.

A demo python library interfacing with the api is available here: .

Wouso API-enabled instances
The updated list of wouso instances is available at: . You need an user account
on the instance in order to use its api.

Basic information:

.. http:get:: /api/

    Api information.

    **Example response**:
     .. sourcecode:: http

            "api_version": "1",
            "title": "World of USO",
            "authenticated": false

.. http:get:: /api/info/online/

    Fetch information about players seen online in the last 10 minutes.

    **Example response**:
     .. sourcecode:: http

        HTTP/1.1 200 OK
        Vary: Accept
        Content-Type: text/javascript

                "first_name": "Alex",
                "last_name": "Eftimie2",
                "nickname": "admin",
                "id": 1,
                "last_seen": "2013-02-17T18:45:56.643"

    Variation: `/api/info/online/list/`, with response: `[ "admin", ...]`

.. http:get:: /api/info/nickname/

    Return the current player's nickname.

.. http:post:: /api/info/nickname/

    Attempt to change the nickname of the authenticated player. The nickname is sent as the payload to the POST request. Possible errors: "no nickname", "nickname already in use".

    **Example request**
     .. sourcecode:: http

        POST /api/info/nickname/ HTTP/1.1


    **Example response**:
     .. sourcecode:: http

        { "success": True }
        { "success": False, "error": "Nickname in use" }


.. http:post:: /api/notifications/register/

    Register a new Android device for push notifications. POST data must contain `registration_id`.

.. http:post:: /api/notifications/devices/

    List registered Android devices which will receive push notifications.

.. http:get:: /api/notifications/all/

    Return the notification count for the requesting user.

    **Example request**:
     .. sourcecode:: http

        GET /api/notifications/all/ HTTP/1.1
        Accept: application/json, text/javascript
        Authorization: OAuth oauth_version="1.0",oauth_nonce="a1df9b758e16eaebe8a2208d1e210bfb",oauth_timestamp="1312861474",oauth_consumer_key="xxxxxx",oauth_token="xxxxx",oauth_signature_method="PLAINTEXT",oauth_signature="xxxxxx"

    **Example response**:
     .. sourcecode:: http

        HTTP/1.1 200 OK
        Vary: Accept
        Content-Type: text/javascript

            "count":    0

    :statuscode 200: no error
    :statuscode 401: not authorized

Player information

.. http:get:: /api/player/(player_id)/info/

    Returns information about current (authenticated) user.

    **Example request**:
     .. sourcecode:: http

        GET /api/player/1/info/ HTTP/1.1
        Accept: application/json, text/javascript
        Authorization: OAuth oauth_version="1.0",oauth_nonce="a1df9b758e16eaebe8a2208d1e210bfb",oauth_timestamp="1312861474",oauth_consumer_key="xxxxxx",oauth_token="xxxxx",oauth_signature_method="PLAINTEXT",oauth_signature="xxxxxx"

    **Example response**:
     .. sourcecode:: http

        HTTP/1.1 200 OK
        Vary: Accept
        Content-Type: text/javascript

            username: "alex.eftimie",
            first_name: "Alex",
            last_name: "Eftimie",
            avatar:  "",
            level: {
                name: "level-1",
                title: "Level 1",
                image: "",
                percents: 100,
                id: 2
            level_no: 1,
            level_progress: {
                percent: 50,
                next_level: 2,
                points_gained: 55,
                points_left: 45,
            race: "Oxynia",
            race_id: "1",
            race_slug: "ca",
            group: "CA311",
            email: "",
            points: 0,
            gold: 0,

    :statuscode 200: no error
    :statuscode 401: not authorized
    :statuscode 404: current user doesn't have a profile

.. http:get:: /api/player/info/

    Returns information about current (authenticated) user. Same response as `/api/player/(player_id)/info/`.

.. http:get:: /api/search/<query string>/

    Search for players matching query string.

    **Example request**:
     .. sourcecode:: http

        GET /api/search/alex/ HTTP/1.1
        Accept: application/json, text/javascript
        Authorization: OAuth oauth_version="1.0",oauth_nonce="a1df9b758e16eaebe8a2208d1e210bfb",oauth_timestamp="1312861474",oauth_consumer_key="xxxxxx",oauth_token="xxxxx",oauth_signature_method="PLAINTEXT",oauth_signature="xxxxxx"

    **Example response**:
     .. sourcecode:: http

        HTTP/1.1 200 OK
        Vary: Accept
        Content-Type: text/javascript

                "id":    1,
                "first_name": "Alex",
                "last_name": "Eftimie",

    :statuscode 200: no error
    :statuscode 401: not authorized

Magic and Bazaar

.. http:get:: /api/bazaar/

    Returns a list of all available spells for buying.

    **Example request**:
     .. sourcecode:: http

        GET /api/bazaar/ HTTP/1.1
        Accept: application/json, text/javascript
        Authorization: OAuth oauth_version="1.0",oauth_nonce="a1df9b758e16eaebe8a2208d1e210bfb",oauth_timestamp="1312861474",oauth_consumer_key="xxxxxx",oauth_token="xxxxx",oauth_signature_method="PLAINTEXT",oauth_signature="xxxxxx"

    **Example response**:
     .. sourcecode:: http

        HTTP/1.1 200 OK
        Vary: Accept
        Content-Type: text/javascript

                     id: 30,
                     name: "challenge-cannot-be-challenged",
                     title: "Nu poate fi provocat",
                     type: "n",
                     due_days: 3,
                     image_url: "/static/upload/challenge.png",
                     price: 10,
                     percents: 100,
                     description: "Nu permite provocarea jucătorului pe care este aplicată."

    :statuscode 200: no error
    :statuscode 401: not authorized

.. http:get:: /api/bazaar/inventory/

    Returns a list of spells in current authenticated user's inventory, also active and cast lists.

    **Example request**:
     .. sourcecode:: http

        GET /api/bazaar/ HTTP/1.1
        Accept: application/json, text/javascript
        Authorization: OAuth oauth_version="1.0",oauth_nonce="a1df9b758e16eaebe8a2208d1e210bfb",oauth_timestamp="1312861474",oauth_consumer_key="xxxxxx",oauth_token="xxxxx",oauth_signature_method="PLAINTEXT",oauth_signature="xxxxxx"

    **Example response**:
     .. sourcecode:: http

        HTTP/1.1 200 OK
        Vary: Accept
        Content-Type: text/javascript

            spells_cast: [
                    due: "2013-04-04T15:50:03.643",
                    spell_id: 1,
                    spell_title: "Disguise -25%",
                    spell_name: "top-disguise",
                    image_url: "/static/image.png",
                    player_id: 1,
                    player: "admin"
            spells_available: [
                    spell_id: 2,
                    spell_name: "top-disguise",
                    spell_title: "Disguise -15%",
                    image_url: "/static/image.png",
                    amount: 1
            spells_onme: [
                    due: "2013-04-04T15:50:03.643",
                    spell_id: 1,
                    spell_title: "Disguise -25%",
                    spell_name: "top-disguise",
                    image_url: "/static/image.png",
                    source_id: 1,
                    source: "admin"

    :statuscode 200: no error
    :statuscode 401: not authorized
    :statuscode 404: current user does not have a profile

.. http:post:: /api/bazaar/buy/

    Attempts to buy a spell sent as POST parameter. Returns success or error.

    Posible errors:
     * Spell not provided
     * No such spell
     * Insufficient gold

    **Example request**:
     .. sourcecode:: http

        POST /api/bazaar/buy/ HTTP/1.1
        Accept: application/json, text/javascript
        Authorization: OAuth oauth_version="1.0",oauth_nonce="a1df9b758e16eaebe8a2208d1e210bfb",oauth_timestamp="1312861474",oauth_consumer_key="xxxxxx",oauth_token="xxxxx",oauth_signature_method="PLAINTEXT",oauth_signature="xxxxxx"
        Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
        Content-Length: 7


    **Example response**:
     .. sourcecode:: http

        HTTP/1.1 200 OK
        Vary: Accept
        Content-Type: text/javascript

            success: true

    :statuscode 200: no error
    :statuscode 401: not authorized

.. http:post:: /api/bazaar/exchange/gold/points/

    Attempts to exchange an amount sent as POST parameter. Returns success or error.

    Posible errors:
     * Invalid Amount
     * Insufficient Amount

.. http:post:: /api/bazaar/exchange/points/gold/

    The same as gold to points.

.. http:post:: /api/player/<player_id>/cast/

    Cast a *spell* given as POST parameter to player_id. Accepts an optional *days* parameter.

    **Example request**:
     .. sourcecode:: http

        POST /api/player/2/cast/ HTTP/1.1
        Accept: application/json, text/javascript
        Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
        Content-Length: 7


    **Example response**:
     .. sourcecode:: javascript

            success: true

.. http:get:: /api/top/race/

    Returns top races in the game, ordered by points.

    **Example response**:
     .. sourcecode:: javascript

                 title: "Others",
                 points: 2008,
                 id: 1,
                 name: "Others"
                 title: "Zota",
                 points: 315,
                 id: 4,
                 name: "CB"

.. http:get:: /api/top/race/(race_id)/group/

    Returns top groups in selected race, ordered by points.

.. http:get:: /api/top/race/(race_id)/player/

    Returns top players in selected race.

.. http:get:: /api/top/group/

    Returns top groups in the game, ordered by points.

.. http:get:: /api/top/group/(group_id)/player/

    Returns top players in selected group.

.. http:get:: /api/top/player/

    Returns top players in the game.

Races and Groups
.. http:get:: /api/race/

    List all races defined in wouso.

.. http:get:: /api/race/(race_id)/members/

    All players in selected race.

.. http:get:: /api/race/(race_id)/groups/

    All groups in selected race.

.. http:get:: /api/group/

    List all groups defined in wouso.

.. http:get:: /api/group/(group_id)/

    Returns information about the group: name, member count, rank.

.. http:get:: /api/group/(group_id)/members/

    All players in selected group.

.. http:get:: /api/group/(group_id)/activity/

    Returns latest activity for group members.

.. http:get:: /api/group/(group_id)/evolution/

    Returns group points evolution.

.. http:get:: /api/messages/(type)

    Returns all messages by type:
     * all
     * sent
     * recv
    Each message contains the subject, text, date, sender and receiver (both names and ids) and reply_to id.

    The `reply_to` parameter refers to another message (not an user), for conversations. If it's null, then the message
    is the first in a conversation.

    **Example response**:
     .. sourcecode:: javascript

                "from": "Gică Popescu",
                "from_id": 2,
                "to": "admin",
                "to_id": 1,
                "id": 4,
                "subject": "Re: Ce faci măi?",
                "date": "2013-09-27T18:02:47.364",
                "text": "bine facem",
                "read": false,
                "reply_to": 3

.. http:post:: /api/messages/send/

    Sends a message, using POST parameters:
     * receiver (*mandatory, id or username)
     * text (*mandatory)
     * subject
     * reply_to (id of the message to reply_to, not of the sender)

.. http:post:: /api/messages/(action)/(msg_id)/

    Apply an action on a message, if it is received by user. Available actions are:
     * setread
     * setunread
     * archive
     * unarchive


Question of the Day

.. http:get:: /api/qotd/today/

    Get Question of The Day for current date.

    **Example request**:
     .. sourcecode:: http

        GET /api/qotd/today/ HTTP/1.1
        Accept: application/json, text/javascript
        Authorization: OAuth oauth_version="1.0",oauth_nonce="a1df9b758e16eaebe8a2208d1e210bfb",oauth_timestamp="1312861474",oauth_consumer_key="xxxxxx",oauth_token="xxxxx",oauth_signature_method="PLAINTEXT",oauth_signature="xxxxxx"

    **Example response**:
     .. sourcecode:: http

        HTTP/1.1 200 OK
        Vary: Accept
        Content-Type: text/javascript

            text:    "What is this?"
            answers: {
                10: "yes",
                11: "no",
                12: "other"
            had_answered: false

    :statuscode 200: no error
    :statuscode 401: not authorized
    :statuscode 404: user doesn't have a profile

.. http:post:: /api/qotd/today/

    Attempt to response QotD, by sending the answer id as POST data. In case of error, success is set to false, and an error message is provided.

    Error messages:
     * No question for today
     * User already answered
     * Answer not provided
     * Invalid answer

    **Example request**:
     .. sourcecode:: http

        POST /api/qotd/today/ HTTP/1.1
        Accept: application/json, text/javascript
        Authorization: OAuth oauth_version="1.0",oauth_nonce="a1df9b758e16eaebe8a2208d1e210bfb",oauth_timestamp="1312861474",oauth_consumer_key="xxxxxx",oauth_token="xxxxx",oauth_signature_method="PLAINTEXT",oauth_signature="xxxxxx"
        Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
        Content-Length: 9


    **Example response**:
     .. sourcecode:: http

        HTTP/1.1 200 OK
        Vary: Accept
        Content-Type: text/javascript

            success:    true
            correct:    true

    **Second example response**:
     .. sourcecode:: http

        HTTP/1.1 200 OK
        Vary: Accept
        Content-Type: text/javascript

            success:    false
            error: "User already answered"

    :statuscode 200: no error
    :statuscode 401: not authorized
    :statuscode 404: user doesn't have a profile

.. http:get:: /api/challenge/list/

    Return a list of all active challenges.

.. http:get:: /api/challenge/launch/(player_id)/

    Launch a new challenge against given player.

.. http:get:: /api/challenge/(challenge_id)/accept/

    Accept specific challenge.

.. http:get:: /api/challenge/(challenge_id)/refuse/

    Refuse specific challenge.

.. http:get:: /api/challenge/(challenge_id)/cancel/

    Cancel specific challenge.

.. http:get:: /api/challenge/(challenge_id)/

    Return information and questions (content) for given challenge. Also set it as started for user requesting.

    **Example response**:

     .. sourcecode:: json

            success: true,
            status: "A",
            date: "2012-06-19 19:59:32"
            from: "test",
            to: "admin",
            seconds: 61,
            questions: {
                21: {
                    text: "S Which is the codename of current WoUSO devel version?",
                    answers: {
                        81: "Piranha",
                        82: "4",
                        83: "no codename",
                        84: "nom nom nom"
                26: {
                    text: "S In lumea UNIX un proces poate avea un singur proces parinte. In momentul in care parintele este omorat printr-ul semnal SIGKILL, procesul copil",
                    answers: {
                        101: "este automat omorat si el",
                        102: "devine orfan, isi termina executia, fara a fi adoptat de nimeni",
                        103: "devine orfan si este automat adoptat de parintele parintelui (bunicul procesului)",
                        104: "devine orfan si este automat adoptat de procesul "init""

.. http:post:: /api/challenge/(challenge_id)/

    Post answers to a challenge. These must be mapped as a list of POST parameters, using the question id as key, and answers ids comma separated.

    **Example request**:
     .. sourcecode:: http

        POST /api/challenge/1/ HTTP/1.1
        Accept: application/json, text/javascript
        Authorization: OAuth oauth_version="1.0",oauth_nonce="a1df9b758e16eaebe8a2208d1e210bfb",oauth_timestamp="1312861474",oauth_consumer_key="xxxxxx",oauth_token="xxxxx",oauth_signature_method="PLAINTEXT",oauth_signature="xxxxxx"
        Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
        Content-Length: 25


    This request sends the following answers:

    .. sourcecode:: json

            12: [ 1 ],
            13: [ 4 ],
            14: [ 5, 6 ],
            16: [ 9 ],
            17: [ ]


The calls in the `/admin/` namespace must be made by users having `quest.change_quest` permission set.

.. http:get:: /api/quest/admin/

    Return a list of quests.

    **Example response**:
     .. sourcecode:: json

                 id: 1,
                 title: "Gioconda",
                 start: "2012-11-08T14:11:42",
                 end: "2013-11-08T16:00:00"

.. http:get:: /api/quest/admin/quest=(quest_id)/username=(username)/

    Fetch user information regarding specific quest.

    **Example response**:
     .. sourcecode:: json

            status: "Available",
            current_level: 4,
            user: {
                    id: 1

.. http:post:: /api/quest/admin/quest=(quest_id)/username=(username)/

    Increment current level for specific user and quest.

    **Example response**
     .. sourcecode:: json

            current_level: 5,
            user: {
                id: 3,
                username: "toma"

Indices and tables

* :ref:`genindex`
* :ref:`modindex`
* :ref:`search`