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<% if @friend %>
  <% if !current_user.all_friends.include?(@friend) %>
  <h1>Add <%= link_to, user_path(@friend) %> to your network of friends on Lacquer Love&Lend!</h1>

    <%= form_for @friendship, method: :post do |f| %>
        <div class="form form-actions">
            <%= f.hidden_field :friend_id, value: %>
            <%= submit_tag "Yes, Add Friend", class: 'btn btn-success' %>
            <%= link_to "Cancel", user_path(@friend), class: 'btn btn-info' %>
    <% end %>
  <% elsif current_user.requested_friends_awaiting_approval.include?(@friend) %>
    <% friendship = Friendship.where(user_id:, friend_id:, state: 'pending').first %>
    <h1>Your friendship with <%= link_to, user_path(@friend) %> is pending.</h1>
    <div class="form form-actions">
      <%= link_to 'Cancel Pending Request', friendship_path(friendship), method: 'DELETE', :class =>"btn btn-danger btn-xs" %>
  <% elsif current_user.friends_for_your_approval.include?(@friend) %>
    <h1><%= link_to, user_path(@friend) %> has requested a friendship with you.</h1>
    <% friendship = Friendship.find_by(friend_id:, user_id:, state: 'pending') %>
    <%= link_to "Accept Friendship", friendship_path(friendship, :state => 'accepted'), {:method => "PATCH", :class => "btn btn-success"} %>
    <%= link_to "Not Now", friendship_path(friendship, :state => 'rejected'), {:method => "PATCH", :class =>"btn btn-danger", :data => {:confirm => "This action will reject #{}'s request to be friends on Lacquer Love&Lend. Are you sure?"} } %>
  <% elsif current_user.accepted_friends.include?(@friend) %>
    <h1>You are already friends with <%= link_to, user_path(@friend) %>.</h1>

    <h4><%= link_to "See #{}'s collection", user_path(@friend) %> and start exchanging lacquers!</h4>
  <% end %>
<% else %>
  <h2>Sorry, friend could not be found. Try using the search box in the navigation bar above to find the Lacquer Lover you are looking for!</h2>
<% end %>