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@namespace EmberCouchDBKit 
@class RevSerializer
@extends DS.RESTSerializer
EmberCouchDBKit.RevSerializer = DS.RESTSerializer.extend

  primaryKey: 'id'

  normalize: (type, hash, prop) ->
    @normalizeRelationships(type, hash)
    @_super(type, hash, prop)

  extractId: (type, hash) ->
    hash._id ||

  normalizeRelationships: (type, hash) ->
    type.eachRelationship ((key, relationship) ->

      if relationship.kind == "belongsTo"
        hash[key] = EmberCouchDBKit.sharedStore.mapRevIds('revs', @extractId(type, hash))[1]

      if relationship.kind == "hasMany"
        hash[key] = EmberCouchDBKit.sharedStore.mapRevIds('revs', @extractId(type, hash))

    ), this

  `RevAdapter` is an adapter which gets revisions info by distinct document and used
  as a main adapter for history enabled models.

  Let's consider `belongsTo` relation which returns previous version of document:
    App.Task = DS.Model.extend
      title: DS.attr('string')
      history: DS.belongsTo('history')

    App.History = DS.Model.extend
      # previous version of task entry
      task: DS.belongsTo('task', {inverse: null})
      # list of all available versions of task entry
      tasks: DS.hasMany('task', {inverse: null, async: true})

  For getting more details check `spec/coffeescripts/` file.

@namespace EmberCouchDBKit
@class RevAdapter
@extends DS.Adapter
EmberCouchDBKit.RevAdapter = DS.Adapter.extend

  find: (store, type, id) ->
    @ajax("%@?revs_info=true".fmt(id.split("/")[0]), 'GET', {context: this}, id)

  updateRecord: (store, type, record) ->
    # just for stubbing purpose which should be defined by default

  deleteRecord: (store, type, record) ->
    # just for stubbing purpose which should be defined by default

  ajax: (url, type, hash, id) ->
    @_ajax('%@/%@'.fmt(@buildURL(), url || ''), type, hash, id)

  _ajax: (url, type, hash, id) ->

    hash.url = url
    hash.type = type
    hash.dataType = 'json'
    hash.contentType = 'application/json; charset=utf-8'
    hash.context = this = JSON.stringify( if ( && type != 'GET')

    return new Ember.RSVP.Promise((resolve, reject) ->
      hash.success = (data) ->
        EmberCouchDBKit.sharedStore.add('revs', id, data), resolve, {history: {id: id} })


  buildURL: ->
    host = Ember.get(this, "host")
    namespace = Ember.get(this, "namespace")
    url = []
    url.push host  if host
    url.push namespace  if namespace
    url.push @get('db')
    url = url.join("/")
    url = "/" + url  unless host