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Contributing to Enlighten

Enlighten is an open-source, MIT licensed framework for PHP development. It is open and free for anyone to use and modify.
We welcome all contributions to the framework. This document has a few pointers to help you get started and to ease collaboration.

The project is hosted on GitHub, which is where all the collaboration magic happens: **<>**

Bug reports and suggestions
Have a bug report? [Open an issue on GitHub]( and add the `bug` label to it. Add as much detail as possible.

We particularly appreciate it if you can provide a code sample or - even better - a failing unit test to demonstrate the problem you have encountered. This both proves the issue exists and allows for easy reproduction.
If you have found a **security issue or vulnerability**, please [message me]( privately first and allow adequate time before publishing your findings.

If you have a suggestion for an enhancement, new feature, etc. please create an issue as well and label it appropriately. :)

Contributing code

**In general:**

It is highly recommended to keep your eye on the GitHub issues before starting work. If you have an idea, it's best if you discuss it first. When you begin working on an issue

When you contribute code, please fork the Framework repository on GitHub and submit a pull request back to the main repository when you're ready. One of the collaborators on the main repository will then verify your pull request and merge if it's appropriate.

We may reject merge requests if they do not comply with standards or do not fit in to the project's philosophy. We may ask for changes or reject your change altogether. Keep in mind that the code is open; you can always run your own fork if you don't quite agree.
**Code guidelines:**

- Please follow PSR-0 and PSR-1 code style standards
- Ensure adequate test coverage (the target is 100%)
- Use a new, separate and independent branch for each issue you take on
- Keep your code consistent and well organized
- Avoid external dependencies and keep your code low on fat and complexity

That's about it. When in doubt, just get started, submit your pull request and we'll discuss it if anything needs changing.