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namespace Enlighten;

use Enlighten\Http\Request;
use Enlighten\Http\RequestMethod;
use Enlighten\Http\Response;
use Enlighten\Http\ResponseCode;
use Enlighten\Routing\Filters;
use Enlighten\Routing\Route;
use Enlighten\Routing\Router;

 * Represents an Enlighten application instance.
 * Responsible for manging the flow of an application.
class Enlighten
     * The incoming HTTP request being handled by the application.
     * Can be set manually via setRequest(), or will be built automatically when Enlighten::start() is called.
     * @var Request
    protected $request;

     * The outgoing HTTP Response being sent by the application, as response to the Request.
     * This variable is assigned when Enlighten::start() is called, and sent to the client when execution completes.
     * Should not, and cannot, be accessed externally: only the core code and the invoked controller should ever do.
     * @var Response
    protected $response;

     * Represents the router used to match incoming requests, and resolve them to a controller.
     * @var Router
    protected $router;

     * Represents a collection of global filters that have been registered on this application instance.
     * @var Filters
    protected $filters;

     * The current application context.
     * @var Context
    protected $context;

     * Indicates whether output buffering is currently active.
     * @var boolean
    private $isBuffering;

     * The absolute path to the framework installation directory root on disk.
     * This is typically the "enlighten/framework" directory in the "vendor" folder.
     * @var string
    private $installDirectory;

     * Initializes a new Enlighten application instance.
    public function __construct()
        $this->request = null;
        $this->response = null;
        $this->filters = new Filters();
        $this->context = new Context();
        $this->isBuffering = false;
        $this->installDirectory = realpath(__DIR__ . '/../');

     * Sets a custom HTTP request to be processed by the application.
     * Must be called before Enlighten::start(), which is when it will be evaluated.
     * @param Request $request
    public function setRequest(Request $request)
        $this->request = $request;

     * Sets a new HTTP response object on the application, clearing and overriding any previous response data.
     * @param Response $response
    public function setResponse(Response $response)
        $this->response = $response;

     * Sets the router that should be used to handle routing and request resolution duties.
     * @param Router $router
    public function setRouter(Router $router)
        $this->router = $router;

     * Bootstraps the application state as necessary.
    protected function beforeStart()
        // If no explicit request was given (via Enlighten::setRequest), create one based on the current PHP globals
        if (empty($this->request)) {


     * Bootstraps a default router, if no router is configured.
    private function bootstrapRouter()
        // If no user-defined router was supplied (via Enlighten::setRouter()), initialize the default implementation
        if (empty($this->router)) {
            $this->setRouter(new Router());

     * Based on the current configuration, begins handling the incoming request.
     * This function should result in data being output.
     * @return Response The response that was sent.
    public function start()

        // Begin output buffering and begin building the HTTP response
        $this->isBuffering = true;

        $this->response = new Response();

        try {
            // Dispatch the request to the router
            if (!$this->filters->trigger(Filters::BEFORE_ROUTE, $this->context)) {
                return $this->response;

            $routingResult = $this->router->route($this->request);

            if ($routingResult != null) {

                $returnValue = $this->dispatch($routingResult);

                // If a Response object was returned by the target code, use that object from now on
                if ($returnValue instanceof Response) {
                    if ($this->isBuffering) {

                    $this->response = $returnValue;
            } else {
                $anyOptionsAvailable = $this->router->getOptions($this->request);

                if (!$anyOptionsAvailable) {
                    // No options at all for this route, this is a true 404
                } else if ($this->request->getMethod() == RequestMethod::OPTIONS) {
                    // Options available, no custom OPTIONS handler, generate an OPTIONS ("Allow") response.
                } else {
                    // There are options, but no match, this is a 405

            $this->filters->trigger(Filters::AFTER_ROUTE, $this->context);
        } catch (\Exception $ex) {
        } finally {

        return $this->response;

     * Cleans the output buffer and builds a default HTTP 200 OK "Allow" response to an OPTIONS request.
    private function prepareOptionsResponse()

        // Determine which options have been set up for this route based on the registered routes
        $optionsForRoute = $this->router->getOptions($this->request);
        $methodsAllowed = [RequestMethod::OPTIONS];

        foreach ($optionsForRoute as $route) {
            // Extend the set of acceptable methods with the ones set up for this route
            $acceptableMethods = $route->getAcceptableMethods();
            $methodsAllowed = array_merge_recursive($methodsAllowed, $acceptableMethods);


        $this->response = new Response();
        $this->response->setHeader('Allow', implode(',', $methodsAllowed));



     * Cleans the output buffer and builds a default HTTP 500 error page.
     * Invokes the appropriate filter if one is registered; otherwise falls back to a default message.
     * @param \Exception $ex The exception we are handling.
     * @throws \Exception If unhandled by filters, the original exception will be rethrown.
    private function prepareErrorResponse(\Exception $ex)

        $this->response = new Response();


        $rethrow = false;

        $this->filters->trigger(Filters::ON_EXCEPTION, $this->context);

        if (!$this->filters->anyHandlersForEvent(Filters::ON_EXCEPTION)) {
            // If this exception was completely unhandled, rethrow it so it appears as any old php exception
            $rethrow = true;


        if (empty($this->response->getBody())) {
            // If nothing was output, then at least present a default message to the user.

        if ($rethrow) {
            throw $ex;

     * Triggers any "not found" filters and prepares an appropriate 404 error response.
    private function prepareNotFoundResponse()

        $this->response = new Response();


        $this->filters->trigger(Filters::NO_ROUTE_FOUND, $this->context);


        if (empty($this->response->getBody())) {
            // If nothing was output, then at least present a default message to the user.
            if ($this->router->isEmpty()) {
            } else {

     * Triggers any "not allowed" filters and prepares an appropriate 404 error response.
    private function prepareNotAllowedResponse()

        $this->response = new Response();


        $this->filters->trigger(Filters::METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED, $this->context);


        if (empty($this->response->getBody())) {

     * Attempts to serve a internal framework static HTML file to the request.
     * @param string $templateFile The name of the HTML file in the "static" subdirectory of the framework.
    private function serveStaticPage($templateFile)
        $staticFilePath = $this->installDirectory . '/static/' . $templateFile . '.html';

        if (file_exists($staticFilePath)) {

     * Cleans the output buffer if it is active, moves its contents to the response, and stops output buffering.
    private function finalizeOutputBuffer()
        // Clean out the output buffer to the response, and send the built-up response to the client
        if ($this->isBuffering) {
            $this->isBuffering = false;


     * Moves the output buffer to the response, and send the built-up response to the client.
    private function sendResponse()


     * Dispatches a Route.
     * @param Route $route
     * @return mixed Dispatched route return value, if any
    public function dispatch(Route $route)

        return $this->router->dispatch($route, $this->request);

     * Internal function to register a new route.
     * Will bootstrap the router if necessary.
     * @param string $pattern The regex pattern to match requests against (supports dynamic variables).
     * @param mixed|string $target The target function or path for the route.
     * @param array $requestMethods A list of acceptable request methods, leave empty to disable constraint.
     * @return Route The generated route.
    private function registerRoute($pattern, $target, array $requestMethods = [])

        $route = new Route($pattern, $target);

        if (!empty($requestMethods)) {


        return $route;

     * Registers a route for all request methods.
     * @param string $pattern The regex pattern to match requests against (supports dynamic variables).
     * @param mixed|string $target The target function or path for the route.
     * @return Route The generated route.
    public function route($pattern, $target)
        return $this->registerRoute($pattern, $target);

     * Registers a route for the GET and linked HEAD request methods.
     * @param string $pattern The regex pattern to match requests against (supports dynamic variables).
     * @param mixed|string $target The target function or path for the route.
     * @return Route The generated route.
    public function get($pattern, $target)
        return $this->registerRoute($pattern, $target, [RequestMethod::GET, RequestMethod::HEAD]);

     * Registers a route for the POST request method.
     * @param string $pattern The regex pattern to match requests against (supports dynamic variables).
     * @param mixed|string $target The target function or path for the route.
     * @return Route The generated route.
    public function post($pattern, $target)
        return $this->registerRoute($pattern, $target, [RequestMethod::POST]);

     * Registers a route for the PUT request method.
     * @param string $pattern The regex pattern to match requests against (supports dynamic variables).
     * @param mixed|string $target The target function or path for the route.
     * @return Route The generated route.
    public function put($pattern, $target)
        return $this->registerRoute($pattern, $target, [RequestMethod::PUT]);

     * Registers a route for the PATCH request method.
     * @param string $pattern The regex pattern to match requests against (supports dynamic variables).
     * @param mixed|string $target The target function or path for the route.
     * @return Route The generated route.
    public function patch($pattern, $target)
        return $this->registerRoute($pattern, $target, [RequestMethod::PATCH]);

     * Registers a route for the OPTIONS request method.
     * @param string $pattern The regex pattern to match requests against (supports dynamic variables).
     * @param mixed|string $target The target function or path for the route.
     * @return Route The generated route.
    public function options($pattern, $target)
        return $this->registerRoute($pattern, $target, [RequestMethod::OPTIONS]);

     * Registers a route for the DELETE request method.
     * @param string $pattern The regex pattern to match requests against (supports dynamic variables).
     * @param mixed|string $target The target function or path for the route.
     * @return Route The generated route.
    public function delete($pattern, $target)
        return $this->registerRoute($pattern, $target, [RequestMethod::DELETE]);

     * Registers a new redirection route.
     * @param string $from The route mask to match against. Can optionally contain variable components, but they are used for matching only.
     * @param string $to The static URL to redirect the user to.
     * @param bool $permanent If true, a HTTP 301 permanent redirect is used. Otherwise, a HTTP 302 temporary redirect is used (default).
     * @return Route The generated route.
    public function redirect($from, $to, $permanent = false)
        return $this->router->createRedirect($from, $to, $permanent);

     * Marks the application as being in a subdirectory. This affects how routes are matched.
     * For example, if you set "/projects/one" as your subdirectory, the router will assume that all routes begin with
     * that value. A route for "/test.html" will then match against requests for "/projects/one/test.html".
     * NB: You should not use a trailing slash in your subdirectory names.
     * @param string $subdirectory
     * @return $this
    public function setSubdirectory($subdirectory)
        return $this;

     * Registers a filter function to be executed after application routing and execution completes, but before the response is sent.
     * @param callable $filter Callable filter function.
     * @return $this
    public function after(callable $filter)
        $this->filters->register(Filters::AFTER_ROUTE, $filter);
        return $this;

     * Registers a filter function to be executed before application routing logic begins.
     * @param callable $filter Callable filter function.
     * @return $this
    public function before(callable $filter)
        $this->filters->register(Filters::BEFORE_ROUTE, $filter);
        return $this;

     * Registers a filter function to be executed when an uncaught exception occurs during execution.
     * @param callable $filter Callable filter function.
     * @return $this
    public function onException(callable $filter)
        $this->filters->register(Filters::ON_EXCEPTION, $filter);
        return $this;

     * Registers a filter function that is called when routing fails (404 error).
     * @param callable $filter
     * @return $this
    public function notFound(callable $filter)
        $this->filters->register(Filters::NO_ROUTE_FOUND, $filter);
        return $this;