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# IFTO - If (Lambda) Timeout
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### TypeScript Doc: [https://rpgeeganage.github.io/ifto/doc/](https://rpgeeganage.github.io/ifto/doc/)

The purpose of this module is to work as a debugging tool during a timeout. It is hard to debug when a lambda exit exists with ```Task timed out after 2.00 seconds```.

* One solution is to increase the ```Timeout``` value. Although this fixed the problem (sometimes), there is no guarantee that, a timeout may not occur again until proper debugging has done.

* Another solution is to a use a module like [```Debug```](https://www.npmjs.com/package/debug) and enable logging. The problem is this, will create log entries irrespective of the ```timeout```.

## How is this module work?
This package [calculates](https://github.com/rpgeeganage/ifto#ifto_flush_when) possible ```timeout``` errors using ```getRemainingTimeInMillis()``` provided in the [```Context```](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/nodejs-prog-model-context.html) object. [```Context```](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/nodejs-prog-model-context.html) is passed during the executing of the lambda as mentioned below.

async handler(event: SQSEvent, context: Context) {

## Configuration

###### (Environment variables)

* **ifto_start** or **IFTO_START**

Please set the ```ifto_start``` as ```true``` in environment variables to allow the monitoring. (Monitoring will not start without setting the value as mentioned.)

* **ifto_flush_when** or **IFTO_FLUSH_WHEN**

This indicates the ```minimum``` number of ```milliseconds``` remaining in ```context.getRemainingTimeInMillis()```, before flushing the logs to the output. (default setting is to write using ```console.log```). See the below.

   (Default value is ***50***)
if context.getRemainingTimeInMillis() <= ifto_flush_when then
  flush the logs to standard output
end if

## How to use it?
Assume that you lambda is structured as follows.


##### modifications in ```index.ts```

 * Just import the Ifto module.
 * This will, create a Ifto in the "global" name space.
 * So other files can use Ifto module without creating a object
import 'Ifto';
import { Context, SQSEvent } from 'aws-lambda';
import { handler } from './lib/handler';

export async function myLambda(event: SQSEvent, context: Context) {
    .addLambdaContext(context) // Add the context module
    .init(process.env); // Add the process.env inorder to read the required configurations.

  // Use Ifto.log() to add log entry
    .log('My lambda execution started.');

  // Use Ifto.monitor() function to start monitoring, if configured properly.
  return Ifto.monitor(
    // Pass the handler function

##### modifications in ``lib/handler.ts``

 * below import statement will required, only if you write individual unit tests for this file
import 'Ifto';
import { SQSEvent } from 'aws-lambda';

 * You don't have to pass the context object here
export async function handler(event: SQSEvent) {
  Ifto.log('log entry 1');

  Ifto.log('log entry 2');

  Ifto.log('log entry 3');


## Methods
* **Ifto.addLambdaContext(```context```);**

set ```Context``` object passed to the lambda function.
* **Ifto.init(```process.env```);**

Pass the ```process.env``` to read the environment variables defined.
* **Ifto. log(```logMessage```);**

  Adds the log message, so in the case of ```timeout```, this message will be flushed to the standard output.
* **Ifto.monitor(```Promise```);**

Accepts the handler function to in order to monitoring. (This won't change the ```return values``` or ```errors thrown``` buy the handler function).

## Final output - (in case of ```Timeout error```)
2019-01-20T11:27:26.578Z    ccbc1d49-3336-47c2-9d49-c1d47ffc23de
Expecting a possible lambda timeout.
Only 50 milliseconds remaining.
(If this is a false positive error, change value by setting up environment variable "ifto_flush_when").
Current log:
2019-0-0T11:27:24.629 0: My lambda execution started.
2019-0-0T11:27:24.919 1: log entry 1
2019-0-0T11:27:24.956 2: log entry 2
2019-0-0T11:27:25.236 3: log entry 3

## Spy modules :alien:
These modules are used to spy on operations which can take more execution time.
***(More modules will be added in the future :rocket: :rocket:).***
### HTTP / HTTPS spy module :cop:
This module keeps track **(most recent 10)** and outputs the ```URL``` of an ```HTTP``` or ```HTTPS``` request which is not complete at the time of flushing the logs.

### Output with spy modules :point_right:
START RequestId: 55ca052e-45ae-49c5-89ef-bd1e5bfb0abf Version: $LATEST
2019-02-10T16:24:45.737Z    55ca052e-45ae-49c5-89ef-bd1e5bfb0abf
Expecting a possible lambda timeout.
Only 50 milliseconds remaining.
(If this is a false positive error change the value by setting up the environment variable "ifto_flush_when").
Current log:
2019-02-10T17:24:43.41 0: Handler entry
2019-02-10T17:24:43.53 1: Start operation 1
2019-02-10T17:24:43.54 2: Start operation 2
2019-02-10T17:24:45.35 3: Run HTTP requests

Spied module logs:


Possible unfinished HTTP requests
2019-02-10T17:24:45.53 https://ifto-spy-testing.free.beeceptor.com/a-request-which-takes-long-time-to-process-004
2019-02-10T17:24:45.41 https://ifto-spy-testing.free.beeceptor.com/a-request-which-takes-long-time-to-process-003
2019-02-10T17:24:45.40 https://ifto-spy-testing.free.beeceptor.com/a-request-which-takes-long-time-to-process-002
2019-02-10T17:24:45.38 https://ifto-spy-testing.free.beeceptor.com/a-request-which-takes-long-time-to-process-001

END RequestId: 55ca052e-45ae-49c5-89ef-bd1e5bfb0abf
REPORT RequestId: 55ca052e-45ae-49c5-89ef-bd1e5bfb0abf    Duration: 3003.15 ms    Billed Duration: 3000 ms     Memory Size: 512 MB    Max Memory Used: 226 MB
2019-02-10T16:24:45.789Z 55ca052e-45ae-49c5-89ef-bd1e5bfb0abf Task timed out after 3.00 seconds

## Important note
:bulb: The default of ```ifto_flush_when``` is ``50`` and it was decided by running couple of lambdas and printing ```context.getRemainingTimeInMillis()``` value. In case of ```false positive``` change this value.

:bulb: I haven't run any analysis on ``memory usage``.

:bulb: I would thankfull to hear ``thoughts`` and ``bugs``.