Nimiq Swift Client
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[![Carthage compatible](](
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> Swift implementation of the Nimiq RPC client specs.
## Usage
Send requests to a Nimiq node with `NimiqClient` object.
let config = Config(
scheme: "http",
host: "",
port: 8648,
user: "luna",
password: "moon"
let client = NimiqClient(config: config)
Once the client have been set up, we can call the methodes with the appropiate arguments to make requests to the Nimiq node.
When no `config` object is passed in the initialization it will use defaults for the Nimiq node.
let client = NimiqClient()
// make rpc call to get the block number
let blockNumber = client.blockNumber()
print(blockNumber) // displays the block number, for example 748883
## API
The complete [API documentation](docs) is available in the `/docs` folder.
Check out the [Nimiq RPC specs]( for behind the scene RPC calls.
## Installation
### Swift Package Manager
The recommended way to install Nimiq Swift Client is via Swift Package Manager (SPM). SPM is a dependency management tool built-in in Xcode that
allows you to add Swift packages as dependencies directly from the IDE.
From your project or workspace on Xcode Go to **File > Swift Packages > Add Package Dependency**. If it's a workspace select the project to include de package dependency in. Then enter this package's repository URL (like this Select a version number from thos available for the pacakge and click next. Then select the product target to include the dependency in.
### CocoaPods
Alternatively, you can install Nimiq Swift Client using CocoaPods. CocoaPods is a command line interface dependency management tool for Xcode projects.
Install CocoaPods if you haven't done so:
$ sudo gem install cocoapods
To enable CocoaPods in your project, close Xcode and in your project directory run:
$ pod init
Then you can add Nimiq Swift Client as a dependency modifying the created `Podfile`. To open the file for editing run `open -a Xcode Podfile` from the command line and the edit the file like so:
target "MyApp" do
pod 'NimiqClient'
Finally install all the dependencies using CocoaPods from the command line:
$ pod install
You can find out more on how to install CocoaPods and how to configure your Xcode project for installing dependencies at [](
### Carthage
Another option is to use Carthage. Carthage is another comandline interface dependency management tool for Xcode projects.
Install Carthage via the .pkg installer [available on their repository]( or via Homebrew:
$ brew install carthage
Create the file `Cartfile` in the project root directory:
$ touch Cartfile
Add the NimiqClient dependency to `Cartfile`:
github "rraallvv/NimiqClientSwift"
Install the dependencies using `carthage` command line interface:
$ carthage update --platform <your target platform>
After a few minutes when the operation is competed, open your project on Xcode and add `NimiqClient.framework` from the directory `Carthage/Build/<your target platform>/` onto your project's **Frameworks and Libraries** list of dependencies.
## Contributions
This implementation was originally contributed by [rraallvv](
Please send your contributions as pull requests.
Refer to the [issue tracker]( for ideas.
### Develop
After cloning the repository, open the workspace file in NimiqClient/NimiqClient.xcworkspace instead of the project file.
All done, happy coding!
### Testing
Tests are stored in the `/Tests` folder and can be run from Xcode.
### Documentation
The documentation is generated automatically running Jazzy from the repository root directory. To install Jazzy run:
$ gem install jazzy
To generate the documentation run:
$ jazzy
## License