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Test Coverage
package minesweeper

import (


type eventType uint8
type blocks [][]Block

const consecutiveRandomLimit = 3

const easyMultiplier = 0.1
const mediumMultiplier = 0.2
const hardMultiplier = 0.5

type board struct {
    difficultyMultiplier float32

type game struct {

var singleton Minesweeper

func (game *game) SetGrid(width, height int) error {
    if game.Grid != nil {
        return new(GameAlreadyStartedError)
    game.Grid = &Grid{width, height}
    return nil

func (game *game) Flag(x, y int) {
    blockPtr := &game.blocks[x][y]
    if !blockPtr.visited {
        blockPtr.flagged = !blockPtr.flagged

func (game *game) Visit(x, y int) ([]Block, error) {

    defer game.Unlock()

    block := &game.blocks[x][y]
    if block.Node == Number && block.visited {
        countedFlaggedBlock := 0
        resultedBlocks := make([]Block, 0)
        blocksToBeVisited := make([]*Block, 0)

        game.traverseAdjacentCells(x, y, func(cell *Block) {
            if cell.flagged {
            } else {
                blocksToBeVisited = append(blocksToBeVisited, cell)

        if countedFlaggedBlock == block.Value {
            for _, block := range blocksToBeVisited {
                blocks, err := game.visit(block.X(), block.Y())
                if err != nil {
                    return blocks, err
                resultedBlocks = append(resultedBlocks, blocks...)
        return resultedBlocks, nil
    return game.visit(x, y)

func (game *game) visit(x, y int) ([]Block, error) {
    block := &game.blocks[x][y]

    if !block.flagged && !block.visited {
        block.visited = true
        defer func() {
            go game.validateSolution()
        switch block.Node {
        case Number:
            defer game.add(visited.Record{
                Position: *block, Action: visited.Number})
            return []Block{*block}, nil
        case Bomb:
            defer game.add(visited.Record{
                Position: *block, Action: visited.Bomb})

            bombLocations := make([]Block, 0, game.totalBombs()-1)

            for _, bombLocation := range game.BombLocations() {
                if bombLocation != *block {
                    bombLocations = append(bombLocations, bombLocation.(Block))

            bombLocations = append([]Block{*block}, bombLocations...)

            return bombLocations, &ExplodedError{x: x, y: y}
        case Unknown:
            defer game.add(visited.Record{
                Position: *block, Action: visited.Unknown})
            block.visited = false //to avoid infinite recursion, first is to set the base case

            visitedList := list.New()
            autoRevealUnmarkedBlock(game, visitedList, x, y)

            visitedBlocks := make([]Block, visitedList.Len())

            var counter int
            for e := visitedList.Front(); e != nil; e = e.Next() {
                visitedBlocks[counter] = e.Value.(Block)

            return visitedBlocks, nil
    return nil, nil

func (game *game) SetDifficulty(difficulty Difficulty) error {
    if game.Mutex != nil {
        return new(GameAlreadyStartedError)

    game.Difficulty = difficulty
    switch difficulty {
    case Easy:
        game.difficultyMultiplier = easyMultiplier
    case Medium:
        game.difficultyMultiplier = mediumMultiplier
    case Hard:
        game.difficultyMultiplier = hardMultiplier

    return nil

func (game *game) Play() error {
    if game.Difficulty == notSet {
        return new(UnspecifiedDifficultyError)
    if game.Grid == nil {
        return new(UnspecifiedGridError)

    if game.Mutex != nil {
        return new(GameAlreadyStartedError)
    game.Mutex = new(sync.Mutex)

    return nil

// X returns the X coordinate of the block in the minesweeper grid
func (block Block) X() int {
    return block.location.x

// Y returns the Y coordinate of the block in the minesweeper grid
func (block Block) Y() int {
    return block.location.y

// Shifts to the right
func shiftPosition(grid *Grid, x, y int) (_x, _y int) {
    width := grid.Width
    height := grid.Height
    if x+1 >= width {
        if y+1 >= height {
            _x, _y = 0, 0
        } else {
            _x, _y = 0, y+1
    } else {
        _x, _y = x+1, y

func createBombs(game *game) {
    area := int(game.Width * game.Height)
    for i := 0; i < int(float32(area)*game.difficultyMultiplier); i++ {
        for {
            randomPos := randomNumber(area)

            x, y := randomPos%game.Width, randomPos/game.Width

            countLimit := 0
            for game.board.blocks[x][y].Node != Unknown {
                x, y = shiftPosition(game.Grid, x, y)

            if countLimit <= consecutiveRandomLimit {
                game.blocks[x][y].Node = Bomb

func tallyHints(game *game) {
    game.iterateBlocksWhen(Bomb, func(block *Block) {
        game.traverseAdjacentCells(block.X(), block.Y(), func(cell *Block) {
            if cell.Node != Bomb {
                cell.Node = Number

func createBoard(game *game) {
    game.blocks = make([][]Block, game.Width)
    for x := range game.blocks {
        game.blocks[x] = make([]Block, game.Height)
    for x, row := range game.blocks {
        for y := range row {
            block := &game.blocks[x][y]
            block.Value = 0
            block.Node = Unknown
            block.location = struct{ x, y int }{x: x, y: y}

func autoRevealUnmarkedBlock(game *game, visitedBlocks *list.List, x, y int) {
    blocks := game.blocks

    game.withinBounds(x, y, func() {
        if blocks[x][y].visited {
        switch blocks[x][y].Node {
        case Unknown:
            blocks[x][y].visited = true


            game.traverseAdjacentCells(x, y, func(cell *Block) {
                autoRevealUnmarkedBlock(game, visitedBlocks, cell.X(), cell.Y())
        case Number:
            blocks[x][y].visited = true


func (game *game) validateSolution() {
    defer skipIterate()

    var visitTally int
    game.iterateVisitedBlocks(func(block *Block) {
        switch block.Node {
        case Bomb:
            game.Event <- Lose
    if visitTally == game.totalNonBombs() {
        game.Event <- Win

func (game *game) validateGameEnvironment() {
    if game.Grid == nil {
    if game.Difficulty == notSet {

func (game *game) traverseAdjacentCells(x, y int, do func(*Block)) {
    game.recursivelyTraverseAdjacentCells(x-1, y-1, do)
    game.recursivelyTraverseAdjacentCells(x, y-1, do)
    game.recursivelyTraverseAdjacentCells(x+1, y-1, do)
    game.recursivelyTraverseAdjacentCells(x-1, y, do)
    game.recursivelyTraverseAdjacentCells(x+1, y, do)
    game.recursivelyTraverseAdjacentCells(x-1, y+1, do)
    game.recursivelyTraverseAdjacentCells(x, y+1, do)
    game.recursivelyTraverseAdjacentCells(x+1, y+1, do)

func (game *game) recursivelyTraverseAdjacentCells(x, y int, do func(*Block)) {
    game.withinBounds(x, y, func() {

func (game *game) withinBounds(x, y int, do func()) {
    width := game.Width
    height := game.Height
    if x >= 0 && y >= 0 && x < width && y < height {

func (game *game) iterateBlocks(do func(*Block) bool) bool {
    defer skipIterate()

    for x := 0; x < game.Width; x++ {
        for y := 0; y < game.Height; y++ {
    return true

func (game *game) iterateBlocksWhen(condition Node, do func(*Block)) bool {
    return game.iterateBlocks(func(block *Block) bool {
        defer skipIterate()

        if block.Node&condition == condition {
        return true

func (game *game) iterateVisitedBlocks(do func(*Block)) bool {
    return game.iterateBlocks(func(block *Block) bool {
        defer skipIterate()

        if block.visited {
        return true

func skipIterate() bool {
    return false

func (game *game) area() int {
    return len(game.blocks) * len(game.blocks[0])

func (game *game) areaInFloat() float32 {
    return float32(game.area())

func (game *game) totalBombs() int {
    return int(game.areaInFloat() * game.difficultyMultiplier)

func (game *game) totalNonBombs() int {
    return game.area() - game.totalBombs()

// Visited responds if a cell is visited or not
func (block *Block) Visited() bool {
    return block.visited

// Flagged responds if a cell is visited or not
func (block *Block) Flagged() bool {
    return block.flagged

func (block Block) String() string {
    var nodeType string
    switch block.Node {
    case Unknown:
        nodeType = "blank"
    case Number:
        nodeType = "number"
    case Bomb:
        nodeType = "bomb"

    var value string
    if block.Value > 0 {
        value = string(block.Value)

    return fmt.Sprintf("\n\nBlock: \n\tValue\t :\t%v\n\tLocation :\tx:%v y:%v\n\tType\t :\t%v\n\tVisited? :\t%v\n\tFlagged? :\t%v\n\n",
        value, block.location.x, block.location.y, nodeType, block.visited, block.flagged)

func randomNumber(max int) int {
    var number uint16
    binary.Read(rand.Reader, binary.LittleEndian, &number)
    return int(number) % max