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    <h3 class="reference-title">

    <h3>Classes</h3><ul><li id="Agenda-nav"><a href="Agenda.html">Agenda</a><ul class='methods'><li data-type="method" id="Agenda-cancel-nav"><a href="Agenda.html#cancel">cancel</a></li><li data-type="method" id="Agenda-create-nav"><a href="Agenda.html#create">create</a></li><li data-type="method" id="Agenda-database-nav"><a href="Agenda.html#database">database</a></li><li data-type="method" id="Agenda-dbInit-nav"><a href="Agenda.html#dbInit">dbInit</a></li><li data-type="method" id="Agenda-defaultConcurrency-nav"><a href="Agenda.html#defaultConcurrency">defaultConcurrency</a></li><li data-type="method" id="Agenda-defaultLockLifetime-nav"><a href="Agenda.html#defaultLockLifetime">defaultLockLifetime</a></li><li data-type="method" id="Agenda-defaultLockLimit-nav"><a href="Agenda.html#defaultLockLimit">defaultLockLimit</a></li><li data-type="method" id="Agenda-define-nav"><a href="Agenda.html#define">define</a></li><li data-type="method" id="Agenda-every-nav"><a href="Agenda.html#every">every</a></li><li data-type="method" id="Agenda-findAndLockNextJob-nav"><a href="Agenda.html#findAndLockNextJob">findAndLockNextJob</a></li><li data-type="method" id="Agenda-jobs-nav"><a href="Agenda.html#jobs">jobs</a></li><li data-type="method" id="Agenda-locklimit-nav"><a href="Agenda.html#locklimit">locklimit</a></li><li data-type="method" id="Agenda-maxConcurrency-nav"><a href="Agenda.html#maxConcurrency">maxConcurrency</a></li><li data-type="method" id="Agenda-mongo-nav"><a href="Agenda.html#mongo">mongo</a></li><li data-type="method" id="Agenda-name-nav"><a href="Agenda.html#name">name</a></li><li data-type="method" id="Agenda-now-nav"><a href="Agenda.html#now">now</a></li><li data-type="method" id="Agenda-processEvery-nav"><a href="Agenda.html#processEvery">processEvery</a></li><li data-type="method" id="Agenda-purge-nav"><a href="Agenda.html#purge">purge</a></li><li data-type="method" id="Agenda-saveJob-nav"><a href="Agenda.html#saveJob">saveJob</a></li><li data-type="method" id="Agenda-schedule-nav"><a href="Agenda.html#schedule">schedule</a></li><li data-type="method" id="Agenda-sort-nav"><a href="Agenda.html#sort">sort</a></li><li data-type="method" id="Agenda-start-nav"><a href="Agenda.html#start">start</a></li><li data-type="method" id="Agenda-stop-nav"><a href="Agenda.html#stop">stop</a></li></ul></li><li id="Job-nav"><a href="Job.html">Job</a><ul class='methods'><li data-type="method" id="Job-computeNextRunAt-nav"><a href="Job.html#computeNextRunAt">computeNextRunAt</a></li><li data-type="method" id="Job-disable-nav"><a href="Job.html#disable">disable</a></li><li data-type="method" id="Job-enable-nav"><a href="Job.html#enable">enable</a></li><li data-type="method" id="Job-fail-nav"><a href="Job.html#fail">fail</a></li><li data-type="method" id="Job-isRunning-nav"><a href="Job.html#isRunning">isRunning</a></li><li data-type="method" id="Job-priority-nav"><a href="Job.html#priority">priority</a></li><li data-type="method" id="Job-remove-nav"><a href="Job.html#remove">remove</a></li><li data-type="method" id="Job-repeatAt-nav"><a href="Job.html#repeatAt">repeatAt</a></li><li data-type="method" id="Job-repeatEvery-nav"><a href="Job.html#repeatEvery">repeatEvery</a></li><li data-type="method" id="Job-run-nav"><a href="Job.html#run">run</a></li><li data-type="method" id="Job-schedule-nav"><a href="Job.html#schedule">schedule</a></li><li data-type="method" id="Job-toJSON-nav"><a href="Job.html#toJSON">toJSON</a></li><li data-type="method" id="Job-touch-nav"><a href="Job.html#touch">touch</a></li><li data-type="method" id="Job-unique-nav"><a href="Job.html#unique">unique</a></li></ul></li></ul><h3 id="global-nav">Global</h3><ul><li><a href="global.html#parsePriority">parsePriority</a></li></ul>

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      <h1 class="page-title">

    <pre class="prettyprint source linenums"><code>'use strict';
// @TODO: What should we use for internal util functions?
//        Maybe we should use agenda:util:processJobs which would move agenda:* to agenda:agenda;*
const debug = require('debug')('agenda:internal:processJobs');
const createJob = require('./create-job');

 * Process methods for jobs
 * @param {Job} extraJob job to run immediately
 * @returns {undefined}
module.exports = function(extraJob) {
  debug('starting to process jobs');
  // Make sure an interval has actually been set
  // Prevents race condition with 'Agenda.stop' and already scheduled run
  if (!this._processInterval) {
    debug('no _processInterval set when calling processJobs, returning');

  const self = this;
  const definitions = this._definitions;
  const jobQueue = this._jobQueue;
  let jobName;

  // Determine whether or not we have a direct process call!
  if (!extraJob) {
    // Go through each jobName set in 'Agenda.process' and fill the queue with the next jobs
    for (jobName in definitions) {
      if ({}, jobName)) {
        debug('queuing up job to process: [%s]', jobName);
  } else if (definitions[]) {
    // Add the job to list of jobs to lock and then lock it immediately!
    debug('job [%s] was passed directly to processJobs(), locking and running immediately',;

   * Returns true if a job of the specified name can be locked.
   * Considers maximum locked jobs at any time if self._lockLimit is > 0
   * Considers maximum locked jobs of the specified name at any time if jobDefinition.lockLimit is > 0
   * @param {String} name name of job to check if we should lock or not
   * @returns {boolean} whether or not you should lock job
  function shouldLock(name) {
    const jobDefinition = definitions[name];
    let shouldLock = true;
    if (self._lockLimit &amp;&amp; self._lockLimit &lt;= self._lockedJobs.length) {
      shouldLock = false;
    if (jobDefinition.lockLimit &amp;&amp; jobDefinition.lockLimit &lt;= jobDefinition.locked) {
      shouldLock = false;
    debug('job [%s] lock status: shouldLock = %s', name, shouldLock);
    return shouldLock;

   * Internal method that adds jobs to be processed to the local queue
   * @param {*} jobs Jobs to queue
   * @param {boolean} inFront puts the job in front of queue if true
   * @returns {undefined}
  function enqueueJobs(jobs, inFront) {
    if (!Array.isArray(jobs)) {
      jobs = [jobs];

    jobs.forEach(job => {
      let jobIndex;
      let start;
      let loopCondition;
      let endCondition;
      let inc;

      if (inFront) {
        start = jobQueue.length ? jobQueue.length - 1 : 0;
        inc = -1;
        loopCondition = function() {
          return jobIndex >= 0;
        endCondition = function(queuedJob) {
          return !queuedJob || queuedJob.attrs.priority &lt; job.attrs.priority;
      } else {
        start = 0;
        inc = 1;
        loopCondition = function() {
          return jobIndex &lt; jobQueue.length;
        endCondition = function(queuedJob) {
          return queuedJob.attrs.priority >= job.attrs.priority;

      for (jobIndex = start; loopCondition(); jobIndex += inc) {
        if (endCondition(jobQueue[jobIndex])) {

      // Insert the job to the queue at its prioritized position for processing
      jobQueue.splice(jobIndex, 0, job);

   * Internal method that will lock a job and store it on MongoDB
   * This method is called when we immediately start to process a job without using the process interval
   * We do this because sometimes jobs are scheduled but will be run before the next process time
   * @returns {undefined}
  function lockOnTheFly() {
    // Already running this? Return
    if (self._isLockingOnTheFly) {
      debug('lockOnTheFly() already running, returning');

    // Don't have any jobs to run? Return
    if (self._jobsToLock.length === 0) {
      debug('no jobs to current lock on the fly, returning');
      self._isLockingOnTheFly = false;

    // Set that we are running this
    self._isLockingOnTheFly = true;

    // Grab a job that needs to be locked
    const now = new Date();
    const job = self._jobsToLock.pop();

    // If locking limits have been hit, stop locking on the fly.
    // Jobs that were waiting to be locked will be picked up during a
    // future locking interval.
    if (!shouldLock( {
      debug('lock limit hit for: [%s]',;
      self._jobsToLock = [];
      self._isLockingOnTheFly = false;

    // Query to run against collection to see if we need to lock it
    const criteria = {
      _id: job.attrs._id,
      lockedAt: null,
      nextRunAt: job.attrs.nextRunAt,
      disabled: {$ne: true}

    // Update / options for the MongoDB query
    const update = {$set: {lockedAt: now}};
    const options = {returnDocument: 'after'};

    // Lock the job in MongoDB!
    self._collection.findOneAndUpdate(criteria, update, options, (err, resp) => {
      if (err) {
        throw err;
      // Did the "job" get locked? Create a job object and run
      if (resp.value) {
        const job = createJob(self, resp.value);
        debug('found job [%s] that can be locked on the fly',;

      // Mark lock on fly is done for now
      self._isLockingOnTheFly = false;

      // Re-run in case anything is in the queue

   * Internal method used to fill a queue with jobs that can be run
   * @param {String} name fill a queue with specific job name
   * @returns {undefined}
  function jobQueueFilling(name) {
    // Don't lock because of a limit we have set (lockLimit, etc)
    if (!shouldLock(name)) {
      debug('lock limit reached in queue filling for [%s]', name);

    // Set the date of the next time we are going to run _processEvery function
    const now = new Date();
    self._nextScanAt = new Date(now.valueOf() + self._processEvery);

    // For this job name, find the next job to run and lock it!
    self._findAndLockNextJob(name, definitions[name], (err, job) => {
      if (err) {
        debug('[%s] job lock failed while filling queue', name);
        throw err;

      // Still have the job?
      // 1. Add it to lock list
      // 2. Add count of locked jobs
      // 3. Queue the job to actually be run now that it is locked
      // 4. Recursively run this same method we are in to check for more available jobs of same type!
      if (job) {
        debug('[%s:%s] job locked while filling queue', name, job.attrs._id);

   * Internal method that processes any jobs in the local queue (array)
   * @returns {undefined}
  function jobProcessing() {
    // Ensure we have jobs
    if (jobQueue.length === 0) {

    // Store for all sorts of things
    const now = new Date();

    // Get the next job that is not blocked by concurrency
    let next;
    for (next = jobQueue.length - 1; next > 0; next -= 1) {
      const def = definitions[jobQueue[next]];
      if (def.concurrency > def.running) {

    // We now have the job we are going to process and its definition
    const job = jobQueue.splice(next, 1)[0];
    const jobDefinition = definitions[];

    debug('[%s:%s] about to process job',, job.attrs._id);

    // If the 'nextRunAt' time is older than the current time, run the job
    // Otherwise, setTimeout that gets called at the time of 'nextRunAt'
    if (job.attrs.nextRunAt &lt; now) {
      debug('[%s:%s] nextRunAt is in the past, run the job immediately',, job.attrs._id);
    } else {
      const runIn = job.attrs.nextRunAt - now;
      debug('[%s:%s] nextRunAt is in the future, calling setTimeout(%d)',, job.attrs._id, runIn);
      setTimeout(runOrRetry, runIn);

     * Internal method that tries to run a job and if it fails, retries again!
     * @returns {undefined}
    function runOrRetry() {
      if (self._processInterval) {
        if (jobDefinition.concurrency > jobDefinition.running &amp;&amp; self._runningJobs.length &lt; self._maxConcurrency) {
          // Get the deadline of when the job is not supposed to go past for locking
          const lockDeadline = new Date( - jobDefinition.lockLifetime);

          // This means a job has "expired", as in it has not been "touched" within the lockoutTime
          // Remove from local lock
          // NOTE: Shouldn't we update the 'lockedAt' value in MongoDB so it can be picked up on restart?
          if (job.attrs.lockedAt &lt; lockDeadline) {
            debug('[%s:%s] job lock has expired, freeing it up',, job.attrs._id);
            self._lockedJobs.splice(self._lockedJobs.indexOf(job), 1);

          // Add to local "running" queue

          debug('[%s:%s] processing job',, job.attrs._id);

            .catch(err => [err, job])
            .then(job => processJobResult(...Array.isArray(job) ? job : [null, job]));

          // Re-run the loop to check for more jobs to process (locally)
        } else {
          // Run the job immediately by putting it on the top of the queue
          debug('[%s:%s] concurrency preventing immediate run, pushing job to top of queue',, job.attrs._id);
          enqueueJobs(job, true);

   * Internal method used to run the job definition
   * @param {Error} err thrown if can't process job
   * @param {module.Job} job job to process
   * @returns {undefined}
  function processJobResult(err, job) {
    if (err) {
      return job.agenda.emit('error', err);
    const name =;

    // Job isn't in running jobs so throw an error
    if (self._runningJobs.indexOf(job) === -1) {
      debug('[%s] callback was called, job must have been marked as complete already', job.attrs._id);
      throw new Error('callback already called - job ' + name + ' already marked complete');

    // Remove the job from the running queue
    self._runningJobs.splice(self._runningJobs.indexOf(job), 1);
    if (definitions[name].running > 0) {

    // Remove the job from the locked queue
    self._lockedJobs.splice(self._lockedJobs.indexOf(job), 1);
    if (definitions[name].locked > 0) {

    // Re-process jobs now that one has finished


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