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hapi.js helpers

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Some helper functions for [hapi.js]( to write less boilerplate code.

Currently it only simplifies the routes definitions.
Feature requests welcome via [issues](#issues).

It has no dependencies - only some devDependencies (it uses
[istanbul]( and
for testing and test coverage,
and [Travis]( for continuous integration,
see: [](

You can write:
    get('/a/{id}', getA),
    del('/a/{id}', delA),
    route('get put post delete', '/b', handleB)
Instead of:
        method: 'GET',
        path: '/a/{id}',
        handler: getA
        method: 'DELETE',
        path: '/a/{id}',
        handler: delA
        method: ['GET', 'PUT', 'POST', 'DELETE'],
        path: '/b',
        handler: handleB

Install to use in your project, updating the dependencies in package.json:
npm install hapi-helpers --save

To use `hh.get()`, `` etc:
var hh = require('hapi-helpers');
To use just `get()`, `post()` etc:
var hh = require('hapi-helpers'),
    get = hh.get, post =; // ...
Or using [the ES6 destructuring assignment](
var {get, post} = require('hapi-helpers');

To simplify the definition of routes in hapi.js you can use:

### `hh.route(method, path, handler, config)`

where `config` is optional
and `method` can be a string or a list of strings e.g.:

* `'GET'`
* `'get'`
* `['get', 'post']`
* `'get post'`

You can use either `'del'` or `'delete'` for the DELETE method.

For example: `hh.route('get post', path, handler, config)`

It is a shortcut for:

    method: ['GET', 'POST'],
    path: path,
    handler: handler,
    config: config

### `hh.get(path, handler, config)`
(`config` is optional) is a shortcut for:
    method: 'GET',
    path: path,
    handler: handler,
    config: config
### `, handler, config)`
(`config` is optional) is a shortcut for:
    method: 'POST',
    path: path,
    handler: handler,
    config: config
### `hh.put(path, handler, config)`
(`config` is optional) is a shortcut for:
    method: 'PUT',
    path: path,
    handler: handler,
    config: config
### `hh.patch(path, handler, config)`
(`config` is optional) is a shortcut for:
    method: 'PATCH',
    path: path,
    handler: handler,
    config: config
### `hh.del(path, handler, config)`
(`config` is optional) is a shortcut for:
    method: 'DELETE',
    path: path,
    handler: handler,
    config: config
**Note:** it is `.del()` and not `.delete()`
because `delete` is a reserved word in JavaScript.
### `hh.options(path, handler, config)`
(`config` is optional) is a shortcut for:
    method: 'OPTIONS',
    path: path,
    handler: handler,
    config: config
### `hh.all(path, handler, config)`
(`config` is optional) is a shortcut for:
    method: '*',
    path: path,
    handler: handler,
    config: config

### Real world example

Here is real world example,
a route from [hapi-example](
by [Wyatt Preul](

var Types = require('hapi').types;

module.exports = [{
    method: 'GET',
    path: '/products',
    config: {
        handler: getProducts,
        validate: {
            query: {
                name: Types.String()
}, {
    method: 'GET',
    path: '/products/{id}',
    config: {
        handler: getProduct
}, {
    method: 'POST',
    path: '/products',
    config: {
        handler: addProduct,
        payload: 'parse',
        validate: {
            payload: {
                name: Types.String().required().min(3)
Here is the same using hapi-helpers,
available on [hapi-helpers-example](
var Types = require('hapi').types,
    hh = require('hapi-helpers'),
    get = hh.get,
    post =;

module.exports = [
    get('/products', getProducts, {
        validate: {
            query: {
                name: Types.String()
    get('/products/{id}', getProduct),
    post('/products', addProduct, {
        payload: 'parse',
        validate: {
            payload: {
                name: Types.String().required().min(3)
The biggest difference is for simple routes like `'/products/{id}'`
which is one simple line with hapi-helpers.

This is work in progress - more to come.

For any bug reports or feature requests please
[post an issue on GitHub](

RafaƂ Pocztarski - [](

MIT License (Expat). See []( for details.