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namespace TextTransformer\Model;

 * Class Word
 * This class is representing a word and provides handy functions to manipulate itself.
 * @package TextTransformer\Model
class Word
     * Characters of the word.
     * @var array
    protected $chars = [];

     * Defines if word is numeric or not.
     * @var bool
    protected $isNumeric = false;

     * holds the positions of capitalized characters.
     * @var array
    protected $capitalPositions = [];

     * has 'start' and 'end' key with boolean value in case the word starts or end with punctuation.
     * @var null|array
    protected $punctuations = null;

     * Word constructor.
     * @param string $word
    public function __construct(string $word)

     * @param array $chars
    public function setChars(array $chars)
        $this->chars = $chars;

     * @return array this->chars
    public function getChars(): array
        return $this->chars;

     * Set chars by a given word string.
     * @param string $word
    protected function setCharsByWord(string $word)
        $this->chars = preg_split("//u", $word, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);

     * @return string
    public function getWord(): string
        return implode('', $this->chars);

     * Reverse all characters.
     * @return array
    public function reverse(): array
        $this->chars = array_reverse($this->chars);
        return $this->chars;

     * Lower all characters.
     * @return Word
    public function toLowerCase()
        foreach ($this->chars as &$char) {
            $char = strtolower($char);

     * Check if the word is numeric, including amounts of money for euro's.
     * @return bool
    public function isNumeric(): bool
        $word = $this->getWord();
        if (is_numeric($word) || mb_substr($word, 0, 1) === '€') {
            return $this->isNumeric = true;
        return $this->isNumeric = false;

     * Find all capitals in word.
     * @return array
    public function findCapitalPositions(): array
        foreach ($this->chars as $position => $char) {
            if (ctype_upper($char)) {
                $this->capitalPositions[] = $position;
        return $this->capitalPositions;

     * Set all capitals by capitalPositions
    public function setCapitals()
        foreach ($this->capitalPositions as $capitalPosition) {
            $this->chars[$capitalPosition] = strtoupper($this->chars[$capitalPosition]);

     * @return array|null
    public function getPunctuations()
        return $this->punctuations;

     * Find all punctuation and store them in $this->punctuations for later use.
     * @return array
    public function findPunctuations(): array
        if ($this->punctuations === null) {
            preg_match_all("/(*UTF8)[[:punct:]]/", $this->getWord(), $this->punctuations, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE);
            $this->punctuations[0] = array_reverse($this->punctuations[0]);
        return $this->punctuations;

     * Removes all punctuations from this word.
    public function removePunctuations()
        $word = $this->getWord();
        $strippedWord = preg_replace("/[[:punct:]]/", '', $word);

     * Reset's stripped punctuations on the correct positions.
    public function resetPunctuations()
        if($this->punctuations !== null) {
            foreach ($this->punctuations[0] as $punctuation) {
                $char = $punctuation[0];
                $position = $punctuation[1];

                array_splice($this->chars, $position, 0, $char);

     * Shuffle an array, in this case of characters. This function does not work when all chars are the same, because
     * that would trigger an infinite loop. Sometimes shuffle does not alter the array, so keep shuffling until the
     * output is different from the input.
     * @return array
    public function shuffleChars(): array
        if (count($this->chars) > 1  && count(array_unique($this->chars)) > 1) {
            $shuffledChars = $this->chars;
            while (true) {
                if ($shuffledChars !== $this->chars) {
                    $this->chars = $shuffledChars;
        return $this->chars;

     * Removes last character.
    public function removeLastChar()

     * Removes first character.
    public function removeFirstChar()

     * Add character to the front of the word.
     * @param $char
    public function addCharToFront($char)
        array_unshift($this->chars, $char);

     * Add character to the end of the word.
     * @param $char
    public function addCharToEnd($char)
        array_push($this->chars, $char);