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Ruby Interface to FOAAS ([http://foaas.herokuapp.com/](http://foaas.herokuapp.com/))

## What is FOAAS?

[FOAAS](http://foaas.herokuapp.com/)(Fuck Off As A Service) provides a modern,
RESTful, scalable solution to the common problem of telling people to fuck off.

# Usage

## /off/:name/:from

Fuck::Off.new(name: "You", from: "Me").call

## /you/:name/:from

Fuck::You.new(name: "You", from: "Me").call

## /this/:from

Fuck::This.new(from: "Me").call

## /that/:from

Fuck::That.new(from: "Me").call

## /everything/:from

Fuck::Everything.new(from: "Me").call

## /everyone/:from

Fuck::Everyone.new(from: "Me").call

## /donut/:name/:from

Fuck::Donut.new(name: "You", from: "Me").call

## /shakespeare/:name/:from

Fuck::Shakespeare.new(name: "You", from: "Me").call

## /linus/:name/:from

Fuck::Linus.new(name: "You", from: "Me").call

## /king/:name/:from

Fuck::King.new(name: "You", from: "Me").call

## /pink/:from

Fuck::Pink.new(from: "Me").call

## /life/:from

Fuck::Life.new(from: "Me").call

## /chainsaw/:name/:from

Fuck::Chainsaw.new(name: "You", from: "Me").call

## /:thing/:from

Fuck::Thing.new(thing: "Anything", from: "Me").call

## /thanks/:from

Fuck::Thanks.new(from: "Me").call

## /flying/:from

Fuck::Flying.new(from: "Me").call

## /fascinating/:from

Fuck::Fascinating.new(from: "Me").call

## /outside/:name/:from

Fuck::Outside.new(name: "You", from: "Me").call

# Contributing

FOAAS may add some new, fun features. Taking advantage of those new features may
require updates. Please feel free to contribute. Caveat: tests or 'eff off ;)

1. Fork it
2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`)
3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`)
4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`)
5. Create new Pull Request