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Test Coverage
# bolao2014

## TODO list

(more or less in order of importance)

- [x] page to create question bets by the current user
- [x] page listing all match bets by the current user
- [x] page listing all question bets by the current user
- [x] make user select a winner when submitting match bet in case of draw on round > group phase
- [x] accept bet payment via PagSeguro
- [x] match bet scoring when match is updated
- [x] question bet scoring when question is updated
- [x] list all bets in order of points in overall ranking
- [x] email notification to users when their match bets are scored with points and current rank
- [x] email notification to users when their question bets are scored with points and current rank
- [x] re-calculate full bet score when match_bet changes
- [x] send email notification to users when new matches become available to bet on
- [x] admin interface to edit matches
- [x] admin interface to edit questions
- [x] re-calculate full bet score when question_bet changes
- [x] show match_bets on match page (only of that match)
- [x] show question_bets on question page (only of that match)
- [x] improve `/my_bet/matches` page
- [x] improve `/my_bet/questions` page
- [ ] IN PROGRESS allow current user to change name, avatar, time zone, locale, etc
- [ ] graph all bets' points / rank evolution through time
- [ ] improve `/matches/:id` page layout, with warning and link to bet on if not betted yet
- [ ] improve `/questions/:id` page layout, with warning and link to bet on if not betted yet
- [ ] allow users to comment on matches
- [ ] allow users to comment on questions
- [ ] improve match bet form on mobile browsers
- [ ] improve question bet form on mobile browsers
- [ ] list all bets in order of points in matches only ranking
- [ ] list all bets in order of points in questions only ranking
- [ ] improve `/my_bet` page layout
- [ ] allow users to comment on match bets
- [ ] allow users to comment on question bets
- [ ] send match_bet_reminder and question_bet_reminder email notifications to users with incomplete bets x, y and z hours before lock time on each event (mailer done)
- [ ] create timeline of events on (logged in) home page
- [ ] improve test coverage
- [ ] admin interface to delete user & bet
- [ ] allow admin to restrict new sign-ups
- [ ] allow (optionally, configurable via `.env`) to restrict sign-ups to invites only (and for current users to send out invites)
- [ ] create a less ugly layout
- [ ] create JSON API
- [ ] create english locale